Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Rain in the desert

Rain has been pouring down in the desert around Lake Roosevelt.  With the fire in the fall the streams are full of silt.  A big rain a short time back caused massive damage to the roads and the area is still recovering.  The Apache Trail is closed.  That means everyone and their grandmother cannot make the famous ride.

Kadizzle took a ride on the Yamaha yesterday.  Buzzing down by the boat ramp Kadizzle stopped to chat with an ex soldier from the Phillipines.  Paul had grown up in the United States and was a citizen.  Kadizzle made a crucial mistake thinking the man would be a good Democrat.  Wow, Kadizzle could not have been more wrong.  This ex military was up to his neck in the Rush Limbaugh world. We had a good conversation and there was some usefulness to it.  Kadizzle pointed out many of the good hikes in the area.  On the flip side here was a man who quit reading the New York Time, and the Wall Street Journal because they did not fit the world he wanted to imagine.  It seemed like the classic Trump supporter, just yell " Fake News" if the reality interferes with the cult.

Yesterday was spent with a lot of listening to the impeachment hearings.  The Republican support for the mafia boss is sad.  Our country is in deep trouble.  The bank robber never got the money he asked for so the bank robber charge is not valid.  It is as simple as that.  The robber went in the bank to cash a check. While in there with his gun drawn he asked the teller for all the money.  The alarm went off and the robber left.  Now we hear his lawyer making the case the robber never got the money.  People misunderstood.  The robber asked for all the money from the check.  The people in the room during the robbery misunderstood the intent of the robber.  The people who drove the robber to the bank insist he was just there to cash a check.

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