Friday, November 29, 2019

The Sad News Came

A wonderful friend went to the great beyond.  We got the word tonight.  It was not unexpected.  The same cancer that has taken so many took another good one.  Kadizzle has known some wonderful people and seeing them taken away too early is always painful.  You meet a few remarkable people in your life.  They are remarkable because they are kind, because they will always help you, and because they enjoy life the way you do.  This time we lost the one of the best adventure and traveling friends we ever had.  There is something special when you say to a friend do you want to,  and no matter what you say, they say sure.  That was the case so many times.  Do you want to go down the Grand Canyon, sure.  Do you want to go out and sail in a gail? Sure.  You don't get to have many friends like that, so you better treasure them all.  So many places we explored together.  Life was different because every adventure was different.  Let's give it a try.  The worst we can do is fail, and even if we failed we enjoyed every minute of it.  Once we hiked one of the most dangerous nasty hikes you could do.  At the end of the trail Kadizzle said " Well what do you think'.  The answer was "It was great, but I will never do it again".  You don't need to. You just need the courage to do it once, and that is what made our time together something we will always cherish.

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