Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Getting Organized.

The trail crew assembled and worked on all the paperwork for the Forest Service.  Because of bureaucratic nonsense our crew could not start full bore today.  We did manage to all get in the truck and go up to Peter Bigfoots to check out the Campaign Trail.  The damage done by the huge forest fires months back was not as bad as one would have thought.  It is very strange how spotty the fire was.  Our crew was trying to determine how much damage the fire did to the trail.  In addition to the fire there was a huge storm that caused extreme washouts and flooding.

Five of the crew took the bypass around Peter Bigfoots, but Kadizzle wanted to check on Bigfoot and see if he heard from Alex the guy Kadizzle rescued a couple years ago.   Bigfoot was working on one of his strange Yupees as he calls them.  A yurpee is like a teepee with about four feet in the ground. Kadizzle ended up helping Bigfoot fix a stove used to heat the yurpee.  If you search for Bigfoot on the internet you can find out the whole deal.

Later in the day Kadizzle ran across a young foreign couple biking through the area.  They had a child that appeared to be younger than one year old.  It seemed like quite an undertaking.  Kadizzle invited them to spend the night at our campsite, but they decided to bike on down the road. Tomorrow they will have a big surprise when they see the hill they will have to climb.  It is about five or seven miles long.  See you in the morning.

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