Friday, May 03, 2024

Green Valley Park in Payson | Drone Zone and Helen will visit

This wonderful park is just below our new home in Payson

Helen is coming to visit today. Helen was the range management specialist down at Tonto Basin. Kadizzle often helped Helen with an interesting assignment.  To do research on the range the Forest Service would take a picture from exactly the same spot every five years. The exact spot if we were lucky could be found with a GPS and there would be a stake where the picture was taken from. However, things did not always work as planned and many times we would have to hike around and try to position ourselves to the point where we got the view of the last picture taken. It was a fun sort of puzzle and we had to travel into some rugged back country to do it in a Forest Service jeep. 

Hoopleheads go down in flames.

 A local dinger, and key member of the CAVEmen, Honest Abe Otto is running for mayor. Honest Abe Otto claims the town of Payson has a secret 51 million dollars hidden somewhere. Honest Abe is part of a group called Transparent Payson. What a name for a bunch of liars. Anyway the group brought a bogus lawsuit against the town of Payson. Transparent Payson had a terrible lawyer, and yesterday the hammer came down. Transparent Payson lost big time and will have to pay the legal fees of the town. 

Hopefully this will wake up the local Hooples to Honest Abe Otto's schemes. There has been a lot of good news for the normal people in Payson lately. KMOG radio which is the local right wing version of Fox News is getting some serious blowback from the people they have lied about. A person with deep pockets may go after KMOG for the lying they promote. 

KMOG was nuttier than ever yesterday with strange conspiracy theories. One new favorite of the nutty gang is a secret group of people is running the country.  A delusional Hoople called in to the radio program and told a strange story. According to the Hoople there were suspicious Mexicans at the local Denny's restaurant. They were looking at their cell phones Biden bought them. One Mexican was watching over the group. This all led to speculation by the host on KMOG about the "sleeper groups" all over America ready for the attack on our homes.  Of course the sleeper groups are going to rape and pillage. Tune in today no doubt there will be new urban legends and maybe we can find out more about who is really running the country. 

Thursday, May 02, 2024

The Battleship New Jersey is in dry dock

 A few years back Kadizzle toured the battle ship New Jersey. In the New York Times today there is a good article about the repair of the famous ship. If you ever get the chance take the tour. One thing the tour does is make you respect the people who served on the ship. No one disrespects these people more than the Trump supporters. The men on that ship fought for our freedom, our court system, and our right to know the truth. Those men fought for men, women, and children. Women have rights, Republican want to destroy women's rights just to appeal to the evangelicals so they can get more tax breaks for the rich. 

Kadizzle has been going around in circles with the Hoopleheads on facebook. The amazing thing is the identical mental disease sponsored by Trump is in North Dakota and here in Payson, Arizona. 

Distortions and lies flourish in the Trump crowd. The Trump cult is a religion. The religious do not submit to logic. Religion does not submit to science, neither do the Trumpers. 

One thing interesting is the Trumpers in Payson, Arizona, and the Trumpers in Antler, North Dakota are both unwilling to do any person to person conversation. Here the Trumps run when you confront them, and exclude normal people from cult meetings. The Hoopleheads in North Dakota do the same. The only place you can corner a Trumper is in court, and the lose. 

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

How do you get young people involved?

 There is a disconnect between the young and the old. Maybe the young see the older people in this country as hopeless. It was older people who brought us Trump, wars, and the climate disaster. What do older people have to offer?

Last night some of the Donut gang met to figure out how we can get the young to help vote out the rats. No answers. One younger person showed up and basically said leave us alone we will take care of it. 

Social media has changed it all. Communication is not what it used to be. Fox News destroyed truth, and then you have the cult which truth will not penetrate. 

The cult mentality is exactly like religion. Religion is just a sophisticated cult. People have given up on religion. They have seen through the hypocrisy. How will the Trump cult end?

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

You can run, but you can't hide

Gabe and his gang of liars had to shut it down. They got painted into a corner. It is like Trump in court. When there is no way to escape the truth, you just have to run, and that is what Gabe, Todd, and Annie did. Gabe made sure there would be no more comments. Kadizzle asked Gabe to show his daughter how he lies and distorts thing, and how he would not just simply make a phone call to Kadizzle and get the truth. 

 This pattern of behavior is what you find with the local Hoopleheads. When you approach Steve Otto, Michael Heather, or Gary Morris they are just like Gabe, they run. If you confront them about the lies they hide, and make sure you cannot corner them with a comment. Fortunately the local paper lets everyone comment. That is bad news for the Hoopleheads. Another public forum where the Hooples get blasted is at town council meetings. The Hooples can't shut down reality there. 

Trump set a new standard for lying. Say anything is Trump's game. The lying works like grease for the cult. Cult members take an oath to believe Trump's lies. Cult members do not want the truth. A cult member is proud to be ignorant of facts. A cult member will proudly tell you they watch no factual news reports. Look at their heroes, Majorie Taylor Green, Trump, and the whole clown car of people creating chaos. The system is broken. Today in the New York Times the people leaving congress speak to the disfunction. 

The Gabes, and the local Hooples have the minds of five year olds, they can only understand shallow ideas. They love fantasy, being scared, and believing in super idiots like Trump. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Wonderful days

The weather here has been perfect. Clear blue skies. Winky is recovering very well from her hip surgery. We have planted lots of new things in the yard. Grand daughter is thriving, and all is well in the kingdom. As soon as Winky is all healed we will go to New York to see Megan and the little ones. 

Evie's teacher had a great idea. She is having the first graders write to their relatives. Writing back is fun. 

Tomorrow the Democrats will try to recruit some young people. Women are being abused by the Republicans and a lot of progress can be made in Arizona. 

Spring here is nice. Sad to hear the rest of the country is having weather problems. Global warming is real. 

How does justice work.

A basic principle of our court system is you hear both sides of an argument. Kadizzle has had a lot of fun with some North Dakota Hoopleheads. The Hooples make all kinds of unfounded assertions, so Kadizzle told the simple minded Gabe, and Todd to call and simply hear the other side of the story. Of course that would ruin their lies. Now what do you do if you are a lying Hooplehead and you have access to the truth. Of course you don't access the truth. Gabe, and Todd are two North Dakota Hoopleheads that prefer to lie unchecked. Kadizzle has provided the liars with his phone number. Gabe or Todd could call Kadizzle and at least hear the other side of the story. That is how a court hearing works. The jury gets to hear both sides of the story. Gabe, and Todd know that will not work for them. What can they do? You know the answer, make up reasons they cannot call for the truth. 

This is Trump all over again. Trump avoids testifying in court, if he is called to testify he pleads the fifth. That is how Republicans operate, lie and then keep away from the truth. Sadly this lying and denying has worked for the cult. That is why we are in such a sad state, and the courts are dysfunctional. 

Locally Gary Morris will not speak about his lying. Standard procedure is to run. Gary Morris runs at the Tea Party when you ask him to substantiate his lies. Michael Heather another local liar runs when you confront him. Steve Otto just one more Republican liar calls it an assault if you confront him about his lying. Trump showed them the power of the lie, and they use. it. 

You can beat them over the head with logic and facts with no results.

The North Dakota Hooples are identical to our local Tea Party Hooples. No amount of data, logic, or truth will sway them from the cult. Facts just don't matter. Loyalty to the Donald comes first. It is a cancer that may eat what is left of our democracy. A question you can ask anyone you suspect of being an idiot is " are you going to vote for Trump".   A yes means you are dealing with someone that you are wasting your time with. Now, if you want the marginally functional ask if they voted for Trump the first time. Only a complete idiot would smack themself twice. 

How does North Dakota work? North Dakota is small towns. Every small town has a group of people that meet for coffee. If you want to be accepted you have to pledge allegiance to the Republican Party. Next you watch Fox News or listen to some right wing radio program, and then talk about it at the coffee clutch. Now someone in the group will get an insane email from the Russians. They will take it as real, and run with it. The Russians, and now the Chinese know how to stir idiocy in our country. Trump is a godsend for the Russians. Trump's cult will destroy the country. The Russians know that and it is very cheap for Russians in St. Petersburg to have a building full of people feeding nonsense to the Hoopleheads. It works. Agents in this country feed back what the Hooples want to hear. The Hoople believed all the Hunter Biden laptop stuff, and the Hillary Pizza stuff. You can feed the Hooples any crazy story and it will be in the coffee shops of North Dakota in an instant. Space lasers, and even Majorie Taylor Green blaming Democrats for the eclipse. The Hooples love to be scared. Immigrant stories are a favorite and of course guns, and abortion sell. 

Welcome, welcome, welcome

Trump's Hoopleheads are his treasure. The term useful idiots suits them to a T.  Well Gabe and his gang of Hooples have been introduced to the wisdom and insight of the Kadizzle blog. Of course they are confused. The world is a confusing place and when you are a low IQ horsepower person it is even worse. Exploiting the ignorant has been the history of ages. Everyone remembers the snake oil salesman in the old westerns. That guy is alive and operates out of Florida now. 

As the rich rob the Hooples blind they complain about the poor. The poor take 2% of the pie. The top ten percent take 40% of the pie. The poor make up about 20% of the population. The Hooples just cannot figure this out. Hooples are pretty good with numbers up to 100, but after that they are lost. That is why Trump tries to keep the price of his Bible under a hundred. 

Trump has at least taught the Hooples the value of lying and misleading. Now you got amateur idiots like Marjorie Taylor Green imitating the master snake oil guy. The more Trump lies, the more he cheats, the better they like him. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Gabe and the Hoopleheads.

Somehow Kadizzle ran into Gabe. Perhaps it was through Rob Port. Gabe is the classic cult member. Kadizzle has been going back and forth with Gabe about reality. Like a lot of cult members Gabe will not confront Kadizzle directly. Gabe and his buddies have researched Kadizzle on the net and posted a lot of one sided articles. These articles span a long complicated history of Kadizzle confronting the Hooples, and the Republicans. Gabe and his buddies will not speak to Kadizzle on the phone to hear the entire story. Like Fox News they only portray one side of the story. 

Most amazing is the fact that they will not leave the cult bubble. When you are in the cult bubble you do not watch MSNBC, NBC, CBS, NPR or any reliable news source. In the cult you stick to what supports your fantasy. Gabe could call up Kadizzle and get the truth, the whole story, but he prefers like Trump just to lie, and stick with the fantasy. 

It is fascinating to probe the mind of the Trump cult people. They cannot come to grips with the lying and deceit. None of them have the actual courage to speak directly to the Truth. Like the local Tea Party they are bent on hearing only one side. How did these people get this way?

The Donut is rolling

Got to give he General credit, the Democrats and Donuts has been great success. Each Saturday morning at ten we meet and everyone has their say. New people show up all the time. The meeting is at Democratic headquaters on Bonita Street.

Contrast the Democrats with the Republicans. Republicans gather at the Tea Party and listen to one person lie, then maybe someone in the audience makes a fawning speech for the liar. Remember Republican meetings have a guard at the door so no one outside the cult can enter and question the liar. 

At the Donuts meeting the moderator announce a few things then hands the microphone to the first person in a large circle. That person gets to speak about whatever they want. Anyone can question the person or make their own comment. This is free speech in action. 

No offense to the Hoopleheads at the Tea Party, but the Democrats are a much more educated bunch well read, well spoken, and well informed. On the other hand the Tea Party gang is thirsty for conspiracy theories, frightening stories about migrants, and attacks on the local town council. 

Democrats are strong for women's rights. Of course in the Republican world women are subservient to evangelical men. Democrats stand up for living breathing women. Republicans will protect a deformed fetus, but will not fight to feed a young child in school.  

Last, but no least some good Republicans of the old fashioned kind attend the Donuts meeting and are welcome. Nope, that doesn't happen at a Hooplehead rally. Try going to a Tea Party meeting and suggesting the truth, you will be escorted to the door. How do cults operate? Attend a Tea Party meeting and find out. One rule is you believe, you don't question. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Inga the Monkey Woman

If you can imagine the worst of the worst it would be Inga the Monkey Woman. Kadizzle was near the Trump store. Some old fart who was a Cult member was looking in the window. He remarked " She looks like a monkey".  Kadizzle was amazed that one of her own cult would say such a thing, but it is the perfect description. Inga is small and has the distinct look of a little monkey. 

The cult loves Inga. The classic is Inga calling in to KMOG radio. KMOG will allow Inga to praise the worst people on Earth endlessly. Inga would praise Hitler if he was a cult member. When a good liar is being hosted on KMOG's lie fest Inga calls in a grovels. Wendy Rodgers, Eli Crane, Steve Slaton, Steve Otto, or any of the rats get on KMOG and lie. Inga calls in and rants about what good liars they are. 

One thing about the cult members is they shield themselves from questions and criticism. Inga does not allow comments on her space, and KMOG does not allow anyone to call in and challenge Inga. Inga is our local Margerie Taylor Green, a clueless little toy monkey that is the face of the cult.