Thursday, November 14, 2019

Fat Poor People

Almost every day of this week Kadizzle has had to go to slummers paradise ( Walmart).  Kadizzle is always fascinated looking at the shopping carts of those who one would assume are busted flat.  Usually the cart is full of insane items like cases of bottled water,  snack packs of all kinds of chips, and mountains of poorly chosen food.  Who am I to judge? Don't know, but will judge anyway.  How do you have thousands of dollars worth of tattoos all over you and every orifice is pierced, yet you wonder why you are busted flat. 

On to the next part.  Free food flows like water in the southwest.  Maybe that is an inappropriate way of saying it. Water does not flow that well here.  Anyway without even asking people are often showing up with fresh vegetables, watermelon,  carrots, and so on.  Because the area is fairly close to the place where this stuff is grown it flows freely about.  The food handout joints have more food than they can give to the people who really need it.  The net result is they give it to anyone who shows up.  Marginal people who don't really need free food are in line simply because they are too cheap to buy food.  Back to the slum warriors,  the slummers get free food and with the money they save they buy bottled water, potato chips, and stuffed animals.  Could you sit these people down and give them a little advice about diet and money management?  Kadizzle has no credibility to speak about diet, but when it comes to being frugal, cheap, or whatever, Kadizzle is an expert.

My brother in law is taking care of his aunt who is in her 90's.  She participates in some sort of meals on wheels program.  Food just shows up out of nowhere.  It is a good thing that people care to make sure no one starves, but it seems to be a shotgun approach.  If anyone is hungry in this country they have to be mentally ill.  The food seems to show up by itself. It is estimated one third of all the food in this country goes to waste.   Patty is in there talking to her dogs.  Of course we spend enough feeding dogs to feed two or three poor countries.

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