Monday, November 04, 2019

Morning routine

Here we sit.  The sun is streaming through the windows and Kadizzle and Winky are getting up to date. Here is how it works.  Winky gets out of bed and gets the coffee going.  She might turn on the electric heat.  When it is safe for Kadizzle to get out of bed without a chill his lumbering lard meanders to the the easy chair for coffee.  With NPR in the background and coffee on the table the update begins.  The Bismarck Tribune has to be checked, the NYT,  CNN,  and of course facebook has to be checked for the battles against the emperor.  Winky is pointing out some of the new crooked stuff Trump has been caught in.  Kadizzle just played a video of Kelly Ann Conway spewing her insanity.  Poor Kelly is incapable of answering s simple question.

Today we go to Globe for a truckload of groceries, and other life necessities. Yesterday Kadizzle appropriated a huge cooler from the government.  He put four five gallon buckets of ice in the cooler and it was still half empty.  The cooler is our outside extra refrigerator.  It holds some beer, and other cold drinks along with some extra food at times.  Kadizzle has cleansed our private restrooms and now they are spotless and ready for action.  Yesterday we set up camp, scrubbed the road dirt off the Earth Module and got the joint in shape for the winter. 

Matt the area recreation manager stopped by for a nice conversation. Matt updated us on the big fire last fall.  Fires are real money makers for Forest Service employees.  They work 16 hours a day and rake in the overtime.  In the course of the discussion Kadizzle asked Matt how he found his current girlfriend.  Like Corey last year Matt went on line and cooked up a girlfriend.  As an old fart from back in the sixties it is strange to think that the current mating system involves the internet.  Just seems a little weird to pick someone out of a lineup and then go meet them, but it works.  Here in the land of RV dwellers a lot of the single old farts are shopping online for company.  Now that seems really strange.  As Kadizzle thinks about it he realizes he knows as many old goats that have internet relationships as he does young bucks.  The world has changed.

That sunshine is spreading everywhere.  Last year Kadizzle fixed the solar light at our restroom.  To his surprise the light still works.  It is amazing you can harvest sunshine, put it in a box called a battery and use it later.  Well here we go another day on the planet with an unknown ending.  Such is live. 

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