Sunday, November 03, 2019

Earth Module Lands on warm planet.

The Earth Module has landed in it's old spot at Roosevelt Lake.  Anyone who wants to visit this planet is welcome.  Ken and Rita won the people of the month award.  They brought us pizza as we set up the module.  Deserts are strange.  Everything is overgrown here and it has more of a jungle motiff than desert.  The ability to just walk out the door into warm air is why migration takes place.  The fire damage from the big fires last fall is already being overtaken by new growth.  Hope the rattlers are going to bed.  Steve shot a big one over by his unit.

We have a new leader here.   So far we have not met her, but the story is she is about thirty an ex hot shot fire fighter and the mother of two little twin girls.  She will be our fearless leader.  As Rita pointed out she has no idea what we do, so we will have a great chance to shape policy.   Of course there is always a mini soap opera that goes on among the settlers here.  One useless host has finally been pried out of his nest.  Another two have paired up in a strange coupling.

The big fire forced the range cattle down here to the campground.  This was a blessing in disguise.  Last year Kadizzle made a new trail on the old canal.  According to Dave the cattle have worn the trail in and made it just the way Kadizzle wanted it.

Nothing opens up your eyes to American consumerism like a drive on route 40.  There is a tractor trailer truck train going east and west.  It is just a continual line of trucks.  Who is using all this crap?  Then turn your head to the trains.  Constant train traffic moving at 60 mph.  As we came through Grants, New Mexico there seemed to be a train traffic jam.  How does the Earth support us?

How quickly do we consume a hundred cars of goods from China?  How quickly do we burn a hundred railroad cars of coal?  There goes and oil train.   Again how quickly do we burn it up?  The oceans are being covered with plastic and air quality has gone down hill as Trump's gang of thieves remove all regulations.

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