Saturday, May 04, 2024

The rich don't pay taxes, that is something just for poor people

If you want to be a Hooplehead you need to get lost in the fog. In the fog you cannot see that virtually every problem relates to one problem, the rich refuse to be taxed. The rich buy the politicians and the politicians make sure the rich are not taxed. You can read about it today in the NYT. 

Nobody notices or seems to care because of the fog. The fog is Donald Trump, abortion, guns, and endless diversions that make sure the Hooples never see the real problem. For the grand finale the rich have convinced every Hoople with $20 he is rich and the government is after his $20.

Nothing works better for the fog and the Hooples than the lottery. Every Hoople is going to win the lottery and in a week or two that Hoople will be a billionaire, so naturally the Hoople does not want the rich, which he will soon be to be taxed. 

Hooples are great for just plain not noticing. Every day the Hooples are at the casino getting robbed, they just can't figure it out. 

Back in the good old days when the rich paid taxes we could have roads, schools, and all the amenities of life, but the rich moved out and left us with trailer homes, a dog, and a few junked cars. Love the Hoopleheads. 

 Talk to a Hoople and try to explain this to them.  You will hear this from the Hoople for sure " It's their money, they earned it".  No it is there money they stole it.  Don't worry, the Hooples will never get any smarter. 

Friday, May 03, 2024

Green Valley Park in Payson | Drone Zone and Helen will visit

This wonderful park is just below our new home in Payson

Helen is coming to visit today. Helen was the range management specialist down at Tonto Basin. Kadizzle often helped Helen with an interesting assignment.  To do research on the range the Forest Service would take a picture from exactly the same spot every five years. The exact spot if we were lucky could be found with a GPS and there would be a stake where the picture was taken from. However, things did not always work as planned and many times we would have to hike around and try to position ourselves to the point where we got the view of the last picture taken. It was a fun sort of puzzle and we had to travel into some rugged back country to do it in a Forest Service jeep. 

Hoopleheads go down in flames.

 A local dinger, and key member of the CAVEmen, Honest Abe Otto is running for mayor. Honest Abe Otto claims the town of Payson has a secret 51 million dollars hidden somewhere. Honest Abe is part of a group called Transparent Payson. What a name for a bunch of liars. Anyway the group brought a bogus lawsuit against the town of Payson. Transparent Payson had a terrible lawyer, and yesterday the hammer came down. Transparent Payson lost big time and will have to pay the legal fees of the town. 

Hopefully this will wake up the local Hooples to Honest Abe Otto's schemes. There has been a lot of good news for the normal people in Payson lately. KMOG radio which is the local right wing version of Fox News is getting some serious blowback from the people they have lied about. A person with deep pockets may go after KMOG for the lying they promote. 

KMOG was nuttier than ever yesterday with strange conspiracy theories. One new favorite of the nutty gang is a secret group of people is running the country.  A delusional Hoople called in to the radio program and told a strange story. According to the Hoople there were suspicious Mexicans at the local Denny's restaurant. They were looking at their cell phones Biden bought them. One Mexican was watching over the group. This all led to speculation by the host on KMOG about the "sleeper groups" all over America ready for the attack on our homes.  Of course the sleeper groups are going to rape and pillage. Tune in today no doubt there will be new urban legends and maybe we can find out more about who is really running the country. 

Thursday, May 02, 2024

The Battleship New Jersey is in dry dock

 A few years back Kadizzle toured the battle ship New Jersey. In the New York Times today there is a good article about the repair of the famous ship. If you ever get the chance take the tour. One thing the tour does is make you respect the people who served on the ship. No one disrespects these people more than the Trump supporters. The men on that ship fought for our freedom, our court system, and our right to know the truth. Those men fought for men, women, and children. Women have rights, Republican want to destroy women's rights just to appeal to the evangelicals so they can get more tax breaks for the rich. 

Kadizzle has been going around in circles with the Hoopleheads on facebook. The amazing thing is the identical mental disease sponsored by Trump is in North Dakota and here in Payson, Arizona. 

Distortions and lies flourish in the Trump crowd. The Trump cult is a religion. The religious do not submit to logic. Religion does not submit to science, neither do the Trumpers. 

One thing interesting is the Trumpers in Payson, Arizona, and the Trumpers in Antler, North Dakota are both unwilling to do any person to person conversation. Here the Trumps run when you confront them, and exclude normal people from cult meetings. The Hoopleheads in North Dakota do the same. The only place you can corner a Trumper is in court, and the lose. 

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

How do you get young people involved?

 There is a disconnect between the young and the old. Maybe the young see the older people in this country as hopeless. It was older people who brought us Trump, wars, and the climate disaster. What do older people have to offer?

Last night some of the Donut gang met to figure out how we can get the young to help vote out the rats. No answers. One younger person showed up and basically said leave us alone we will take care of it. 

Social media has changed it all. Communication is not what it used to be. Fox News destroyed truth, and then you have the cult which truth will not penetrate. 

The cult mentality is exactly like religion. Religion is just a sophisticated cult. People have given up on religion. They have seen through the hypocrisy. How will the Trump cult end?

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

You can run, but you can't hide

Gabe and his gang of liars had to shut it down. They got painted into a corner. It is like Trump in court. When there is no way to escape the truth, you just have to run, and that is what Gabe, Todd, and Annie did. Gabe made sure there would be no more comments. Kadizzle asked Gabe to show his daughter how he lies and distorts thing, and how he would not just simply make a phone call to Kadizzle and get the truth. 

 This pattern of behavior is what you find with the local Hoopleheads. When you approach Steve Otto, Michael Heather, or Gary Morris they are just like Gabe, they run. If you confront them about the lies they hide, and make sure you cannot corner them with a comment. Fortunately the local paper lets everyone comment. That is bad news for the Hoopleheads. Another public forum where the Hooples get blasted is at town council meetings. The Hooples can't shut down reality there. 

Trump set a new standard for lying. Say anything is Trump's game. The lying works like grease for the cult. Cult members take an oath to believe Trump's lies. Cult members do not want the truth. A cult member is proud to be ignorant of facts. A cult member will proudly tell you they watch no factual news reports. Look at their heroes, Majorie Taylor Green, Trump, and the whole clown car of people creating chaos. The system is broken. Today in the New York Times the people leaving congress speak to the disfunction. 

The Gabes, and the local Hooples have the minds of five year olds, they can only understand shallow ideas. They love fantasy, being scared, and believing in super idiots like Trump. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Wonderful days

The weather here has been perfect. Clear blue skies. Winky is recovering very well from her hip surgery. We have planted lots of new things in the yard. Grand daughter is thriving, and all is well in the kingdom. As soon as Winky is all healed we will go to New York to see Megan and the little ones. 

Evie's teacher had a great idea. She is having the first graders write to their relatives. Writing back is fun. 

Tomorrow the Democrats will try to recruit some young people. Women are being abused by the Republicans and a lot of progress can be made in Arizona. 

Spring here is nice. Sad to hear the rest of the country is having weather problems. Global warming is real. 

How does justice work.

A basic principle of our court system is you hear both sides of an argument. Kadizzle has had a lot of fun with some North Dakota Hoopleheads. The Hooples make all kinds of unfounded assertions, so Kadizzle told the simple minded Gabe, and Todd to call and simply hear the other side of the story. Of course that would ruin their lies. Now what do you do if you are a lying Hooplehead and you have access to the truth. Of course you don't access the truth. Gabe, and Todd are two North Dakota Hoopleheads that prefer to lie unchecked. Kadizzle has provided the liars with his phone number. Gabe or Todd could call Kadizzle and at least hear the other side of the story. That is how a court hearing works. The jury gets to hear both sides of the story. Gabe, and Todd know that will not work for them. What can they do? You know the answer, make up reasons they cannot call for the truth. 

This is Trump all over again. Trump avoids testifying in court, if he is called to testify he pleads the fifth. That is how Republicans operate, lie and then keep away from the truth. Sadly this lying and denying has worked for the cult. That is why we are in such a sad state, and the courts are dysfunctional. 

Locally Gary Morris will not speak about his lying. Standard procedure is to run. Gary Morris runs at the Tea Party when you ask him to substantiate his lies. Michael Heather another local liar runs when you confront him. Steve Otto just one more Republican liar calls it an assault if you confront him about his lying. Trump showed them the power of the lie, and they use. it. 

You can beat them over the head with logic and facts with no results.

The North Dakota Hooples are identical to our local Tea Party Hooples. No amount of data, logic, or truth will sway them from the cult. Facts just don't matter. Loyalty to the Donald comes first. It is a cancer that may eat what is left of our democracy. A question you can ask anyone you suspect of being an idiot is " are you going to vote for Trump".   A yes means you are dealing with someone that you are wasting your time with. Now, if you want the marginally functional ask if they voted for Trump the first time. Only a complete idiot would smack themself twice. 

How does North Dakota work? North Dakota is small towns. Every small town has a group of people that meet for coffee. If you want to be accepted you have to pledge allegiance to the Republican Party. Next you watch Fox News or listen to some right wing radio program, and then talk about it at the coffee clutch. Now someone in the group will get an insane email from the Russians. They will take it as real, and run with it. The Russians, and now the Chinese know how to stir idiocy in our country. Trump is a godsend for the Russians. Trump's cult will destroy the country. The Russians know that and it is very cheap for Russians in St. Petersburg to have a building full of people feeding nonsense to the Hoopleheads. It works. Agents in this country feed back what the Hooples want to hear. The Hoople believed all the Hunter Biden laptop stuff, and the Hillary Pizza stuff. You can feed the Hooples any crazy story and it will be in the coffee shops of North Dakota in an instant. Space lasers, and even Majorie Taylor Green blaming Democrats for the eclipse. The Hooples love to be scared. Immigrant stories are a favorite and of course guns, and abortion sell. 

Welcome, welcome, welcome

Trump's Hoopleheads are his treasure. The term useful idiots suits them to a T.  Well Gabe and his gang of Hooples have been introduced to the wisdom and insight of the Kadizzle blog. Of course they are confused. The world is a confusing place and when you are a low IQ horsepower person it is even worse. Exploiting the ignorant has been the history of ages. Everyone remembers the snake oil salesman in the old westerns. That guy is alive and operates out of Florida now. 

As the rich rob the Hooples blind they complain about the poor. The poor take 2% of the pie. The top ten percent take 40% of the pie. The poor make up about 20% of the population. The Hooples just cannot figure this out. Hooples are pretty good with numbers up to 100, but after that they are lost. That is why Trump tries to keep the price of his Bible under a hundred. 

Trump has at least taught the Hooples the value of lying and misleading. Now you got amateur idiots like Marjorie Taylor Green imitating the master snake oil guy. The more Trump lies, the more he cheats, the better they like him. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Gabe and the Hoopleheads.

Somehow Kadizzle ran into Gabe. Perhaps it was through Rob Port. Gabe is the classic cult member. Kadizzle has been going back and forth with Gabe about reality. Like a lot of cult members Gabe will not confront Kadizzle directly. Gabe and his buddies have researched Kadizzle on the net and posted a lot of one sided articles. These articles span a long complicated history of Kadizzle confronting the Hooples, and the Republicans. Gabe and his buddies will not speak to Kadizzle on the phone to hear the entire story. Like Fox News they only portray one side of the story. 

Most amazing is the fact that they will not leave the cult bubble. When you are in the cult bubble you do not watch MSNBC, NBC, CBS, NPR or any reliable news source. In the cult you stick to what supports your fantasy. Gabe could call up Kadizzle and get the truth, the whole story, but he prefers like Trump just to lie, and stick with the fantasy. 

It is fascinating to probe the mind of the Trump cult people. They cannot come to grips with the lying and deceit. None of them have the actual courage to speak directly to the Truth. Like the local Tea Party they are bent on hearing only one side. How did these people get this way?

The Donut is rolling

Got to give he General credit, the Democrats and Donuts has been great success. Each Saturday morning at ten we meet and everyone has their say. New people show up all the time. The meeting is at Democratic headquaters on Bonita Street.

Contrast the Democrats with the Republicans. Republicans gather at the Tea Party and listen to one person lie, then maybe someone in the audience makes a fawning speech for the liar. Remember Republican meetings have a guard at the door so no one outside the cult can enter and question the liar. 

At the Donuts meeting the moderator announce a few things then hands the microphone to the first person in a large circle. That person gets to speak about whatever they want. Anyone can question the person or make their own comment. This is free speech in action. 

No offense to the Hoopleheads at the Tea Party, but the Democrats are a much more educated bunch well read, well spoken, and well informed. On the other hand the Tea Party gang is thirsty for conspiracy theories, frightening stories about migrants, and attacks on the local town council. 

Democrats are strong for women's rights. Of course in the Republican world women are subservient to evangelical men. Democrats stand up for living breathing women. Republicans will protect a deformed fetus, but will not fight to feed a young child in school.  

Last, but no least some good Republicans of the old fashioned kind attend the Donuts meeting and are welcome. Nope, that doesn't happen at a Hooplehead rally. Try going to a Tea Party meeting and suggesting the truth, you will be escorted to the door. How do cults operate? Attend a Tea Party meeting and find out. One rule is you believe, you don't question. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Inga the Monkey Woman

If you can imagine the worst of the worst it would be Inga the Monkey Woman. Kadizzle was near the Trump store. Some old fart who was a Cult member was looking in the window. He remarked " She looks like a monkey".  Kadizzle was amazed that one of her own cult would say such a thing, but it is the perfect description. Inga is small and has the distinct look of a little monkey. 

The cult loves Inga. The classic is Inga calling in to KMOG radio. KMOG will allow Inga to praise the worst people on Earth endlessly. Inga would praise Hitler if he was a cult member. When a good liar is being hosted on KMOG's lie fest Inga calls in a grovels. Wendy Rodgers, Eli Crane, Steve Slaton, Steve Otto, or any of the rats get on KMOG and lie. Inga calls in and rants about what good liars they are. 

One thing about the cult members is they shield themselves from questions and criticism. Inga does not allow comments on her space, and KMOG does not allow anyone to call in and challenge Inga. Inga is our local Margerie Taylor Green, a clueless little toy monkey that is the face of the cult. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

What a day.

All before noon KMOG acted rational, let everyone talk, and apologized to Dave. Dave is hispanic and has a strong accent. About a week ago they called him and animal, an illegal and made fun of his accent. Today like a bolt of integrity struck the station they apologized, and did a pretty nice job of it. During the talk show they allowed non cult members to talk, including Kadizzle. On the show was the classic election denier. Kadizzle has been pushing businesses to have a talk with KMOG. It seems to be working. 

Next miracle of the day. Two Arizona Supreme Court justices held a little forum at the courthouse. Kadizzle got to bring up with them the cheating scoundrel Gary Morris. It was a great day and the Earth rotated the other way for a few moments. 

General Donut taught Kadizzle a lesson

 On the nightstand by the bed is a voice recorder, and a video recorder. General Donut learned long ago when you talk to a Republican in Payson, AZ you better have your recording equipment. Lying comes to Gary Morris, Steve Otto, and the rest of them like breathing. Kadizzle video recorded his encounter with Gary Morris. In court Gary Morris claimed Kadizzle spit on him. The video clearly show that was a lie. Strangely the judge would not view the video. What actually happens, and what the guys like Steve Otto say happened are two different things. Kadizzle approached Steve Otto the guy running as an idiot for mayor at the town council meeting. In the presence of twenty people Kadizzle asked Otto to speak about his lies. Otto claimed this was an assault. In a room full of people Otto made this false claim. If you want lying go to a Tea Party meeting. General Donut has on tape many instances of the Tea Party lying. How about KMOG radio? Again, the General has recordings of them lying. Trump has shown the power of the lie, and Republicans use lies as their nuclear weapon. 

KMOG radio, an electronic Trump lying machine

KMOG radio is the voice of deceit, and the fodder for the Hooplheads. If you are a right wing dinger like Trump, Kari Lake, or a host of others you can buy an hour of propaganda for $200. The host will prompt you to lie and suck up to the idiots in town. 

Yesterday Kadizzle had a sit down with the head of the local hospital to speak to him about sponsoring the KMOG volcano of lies. It was a good conversation and hopefully as a major sponsor something will happen. 

Twice yesterday when the liars were challenged the phone went dead. Steve Otto is running for mayor. Steve twist reality and has been attacking the town council for some time. Kadizzle called Honest Abe Otto and asked him why he called questioning him an assault. After a littler stuttering the host hung up the phone on Kadizzle. At a town council meeting Kadizzle approached Honest Abe Otto and asked to speak about his lying. Otto claimed that was an assault. At the meeting Kadizzle gave Otto a paper outlining his lies, that was an assault. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

How many people are on the edge?

 Payson is a strange town. Houses run from multi million to run down chain link fence messes. The trees and terrain make a lot of the bum shunkle stuff invisible, but the sheer amount of the social security survival crowd is astounding. Social Security is a form of welfare. Someone will shout no, but the reality is without social security a lot of people would fall off the edge. Republicans want to end social security. It would be a disaster. The people living mostly on social security were incapable of managing money. Social security does it for them. Social security is doled out monthly. If you gave a person on the edge a yearly social security check they would blow it on lottery tickets and the casino in a week. 

When you travel the United States you see the results of income inequality. The rich moved into exclusive compounds and left the riff raff to the trailer courts. Our economy is a wage slave economy where the intelligent exploit the ignorant. Trump is the god of the stupid. As Trump sells them Bibles they cheer. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Scientists Examined 50 Years Of Tax Cuts For The Rich - Their Shocking C...

Women are humans

 Anyone following the news knows Arizona adopted and 1854 law to completely outlaw abortion. Is it an abortion issue or simply a human rights issue? If you do not have complete dominion over your body like men do then you have been deprived of a right. 

Friday one of the judges that instituted the ancient law in Arizona will speak at the local court house. Women will show up to demand their rights. As a society we will never have equality until women have equality. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Right color, wrong language

Kadizzle thought he would be politically correct, and it blew up in his face. Two men were working on a nearby housel. Kadizzle assumed they were of Mexican descent. Wrong. Kadizzle said buenos dias. The fellow said " I don't understand a word you said" Right color, wrong language".  Then he explained they were Navajo. So much for that. 

Part two. Kadizzle told the Navajos they needed to vote Democratic. Nope, they don't get involved. And people wonder why the Republicans get a free ride to robe them.  

Wife of the Rat

 A good read about rats is the article Maureen Dowd writes today in the New York Times. Trump's wife is as much an immoral money grabber as the Donald himself. 

You need a strong unbreakable buble to stay in the Trump cult. The people in the cult must not be exposed to any reality whatsoever. 

Friday, April 19, 2024

AN UNFINISHABLE TRAIL!? | Thru Hiking The Arizona Trail | Day 19-22


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Why is Kadizzle so Fat?

Cooks, good cooks, are always nearby. Yesterday Erin cooked up a dinger. It was her second great meal since she has been her. Her mom is a great cook. Winky's mom was a great cook. Both son in laws are excellent grillers, and cooks. Megan is a great cook. So why is Kadizzle a lard ass? 

After Erin's great meal washed down with almost an entire bottle of good wine Kadizzle was blasted into nirvana. 

The Hoopleheads bitch about inflation and lack of money. When you see skinny poor people you will know we really have a problem. In a country where most of us wobble around it is hard to make a case for a bad economy. One third of our food is wasted, rotted, or thrown out. Meanwhile other people on our planet starve. 

Look at our so called poor, their yards are filled with junk. Old cars and every sort of crap is in the yard. A friend recently cleaned out a trailer in the trailer park he owns. Inside the trailer was over a thousand beer cans. Beer cost money. Then you have dogs and cats. Sure animals bring comfort, but if you are busted flat maybe the dog has to go. 

 Now for the grand finally go to the grocery store and see the poverty stricken buying water and lottery tickets. Poverty is wonderful in our country compared to the rest of the world. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

We love Jesus, and unborn babies, but we don't like taxes to help anyone

Free Bumper Sticker.

If you want your free Bumper Sticker, get hold of Kadizzle. 

Glorious Day

Everyone slept well. Winky and Kadizzle sit at the table enjoying coffee. Erin is still trying to get some more sleep. The sun has come over the mountain and the day looks like it will be just one more perfect day. The view of the mountains in the morning is what we paid dearly for.  With her new hip Winky is wobbling around. Than ya Jesus, Erin showed up to help. 

Thursday Erin returns to Denver and Kadizzle will be the head nurse. We live in a new development and the street is being populated with new homes. 

Kadizzle had a chat with General Donut. Kadizzle knew the General would be very happy that the good people dominated the opinion page of The Payson Roundup. Let's face it liberals are better educated and better writers than the Hoopleheads. Should be interesting next week to see the Hoopleheads fire back.k 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

General Donut should be happy.

General Donut loves it when the Democrats dominate the editorial page of the Payson Roundup. Today the Dems owned it. About four dems had letters on abortion, and old Kadizzle got a letter in on the CAVEmen. The Payson Roundup is a fair outlet for opinion, unlike KKKMOG RADIO.  

We are into day four of recovery for Winky. She seems to be doing well, and having Erin here to help is a great blessing. At last we are getting paid back for raising children. Winky is wobbling around in a walker practicing for the years to come too soon. Hard to imagine the way they rebuild old people now. Both Winky and Kadizzle watched Youtube videos of the hip replacement surgery. It is more like carpentry than surgery. A drill, hammer, and screws put old Winky back together. She is truly screw up now.  

Monday, April 15, 2024

Should we be concerned?

Daughter Erin is her taking care of her mother. Erin is telling tales of crime in the nice area where she lives in Denver. Erin says Denver is falling apart. Here in Payson all our neighbors are armed. What has the country come to? All hell will break loose if Trump is elected. The United States will officially become a third world country. 

The root cause of all this is income inequality. The rich have robbed the country and there is no money left for police both here in Payson, and in Denver. Of course we have Hoopleheads who cannot figure out when we stopped taxing the rich things went to hell. There is no money to run the government.  

The simple dingers think the poor are the problem. The bottom 20% of the income groups only use up 2% of the GDP. They are more efficient than an electric car. On the other hand the rich consume way more than their share. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Winky in the healing process

 Mrs. Kadizzle, AKA Winky is healing from hip surgery. Jones E. Bear our oldest daughter is here to help with care. The nature of the universe changes with mom disables. Using a walker she navigates the house until she is back in service. 

Sent an email to the local KKKMOG radio station asking them to quit promoting liars. We had a great Donuts with Democrats meeting. Seem to be picking up momentum. The Arizona abortion issue is going to help Democrats immensely. Women are not happy with Arizona pulling an 1864 law out of the closet. 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Fun with the Snollygoster

Kadizzle had a bumper sticker made that read " Stop the Snollygoster", it featured a picture of Trump. Bored senseless waiting for Winky to have her surgery Kadizzle needed some entertainment. At the surgery center waiting room Kadizzle put the bumper sticker on the sink of the men's room. After about an hour it disappeared. Kadizzle figured a Hooplehead threw it in the wastebasket. Sure enough that was the case. Kadizzle retrieved it and once more put it on the sink. Once more the Hoople threw  it away.  The third time the Hoople did not put it in the restroom waste basket, but it was found by the coffee machine. Kadizzle saw the enemy Hoople there. So after a day of fun Kadizzle figured out who the Hoople was.  

The surgery took about six hours, so there was a lot of time to waste. Scottsdale has a massive medical complex. The amount of money that goes into repairing old people in this country is horrendous. Everyone who stays alive gets new hips and knees. Nothing can be done about the mental illness that gets Trump elected. 

Winky getting new hip today

 Winky is in surgery at this moment. Hopefully she will be able to recover quickly. Erin is here to help. About twenty minutes more. Getting the cripple home may be difficult. In and out same day 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Wheeling the Friendly City

This picture is Wheeling, West Virginia where Kadizzle grew up. In the middle of the Ohio River is Wheeling Island. Grandfather grew up there and then became mayor of Wheeling in 1947. On the south side of the island you can see the stadium where Kadizzle played football. The Ohio River is amazing. As a kid the river was muddy and dirty, you could not see one foot into the water. Now with a cleaner society you can see the bottom through ten feet of crystal clear water. 

Wheeling was famous for two things, prostitution, and WWVA radio which had a jamboree. The country music show was every Saturday night and attracted busloads of people from Canada. Guess the prostitution was friendly getting out of hand. Another asset to Wheeling was the illegal gambling which flourished and brought some first class criminals to town. Al Capone used to visit the racetrack on the Island. Kadizzle grew up with a kid whose dad ran the gambling. A local gang related guy gave the kid and Kadizzle a boat ride on the Ohio River. A couple weeks later the same guy had his legs blown off by dynamite. Such was life in Wheeling. 

For a long time the only liquor you could get in Wheeling in a bar was 3.2 beer.  However, every bar served hard liquor under the counter. The custom was to pay off the police by giving them free drinks. The net result was when you called a policeman you usually got a drunk. 

Tuesday, April 09, 2024

The Earth Module has returned

The Earth Module has landed back beside the garage. Lake Roosevelt is a different planet. Planet Lake is quieter, warmer, and dryer. Today looks like the sun had a brief rest yesterday, and now the sun is shining brightly on Trumperville. Payson is made up of various neighborhoods. Over to the Northeast there is some acute prosperity. In other places pockets of nice homes populate the town. On the other hand there are chainlink bumshunkle establishments scattered around. Mainstreet is a mess the town is trying to get cleaned up. Unlike so many towns mainstreet does not have old brick buildings. All of Payson looks like it was planned by putting monopoly buildings in a blender. The signage is a complete mess. Contrast Payson to the neighbor to the south, Scottsdale. That town has lots of money and does not tolerate the bumshunkle lifestyle. If you don't have a pocket full of money in Scottsdale they ase you to leave. Payson accommodates the bums. Perhaps it is the other way around in Payson. Maybe those with the case moved in on the bums. Because of the climate and the location the monied will move to Payson. Maybe the cash heavy will buy up the chainlink communities and fix them up. It will be a long process. 

Monday, April 08, 2024


My neighbor likes a snort of vodka to keep him running. Today I asked him if he saw the eclipse. He said he thought it was tomorrow night. Now think about that.  

Sunday, April 07, 2024

Sun over the moutains

 The sun is blasting over the mountains in the East. trThe sun rises over the crazy, the poor, and those reeking with cash. The sun doesn't care. The same sun comes streaming in the windows. We live at five thousand feet so there is less atmosphere between us and the warmth. Sitting in the warmth is a real pleasure. Since it is so dry here the combination of low humidity, and sunshine dry everything quickly. Throw in a breeze and you don't need a dryer. 

Today the migration starts. Winky and Kadizzle will go down to Lake Roosevelt to haul the Earth module home. For the summer the Earth module will sit beside the house. The trail crew has disassembled and who knows if next winter all the old goats will do another season of brushing trails. 

The Dead South - In Hell I'll Be In Good Company [Official Music Video]

In Hell I will be in good company, except for Trump

Saturday, April 06, 2024

Church Lady

Church Lady is full of energy and she takes no sh*t from the priest. Today at the Donuts for Democrats Church Lady will give her report. When the Catholic priest tries to shoot some right wing BS up the congregations chute Church Lady shuts him down. Go Church Lady. At the meeting today Church Lady will give her report on keeping the Catholics in line. Back in North Dakota our own Peggy was the church lady. Peggy played the piano in church. The right wing priest would say " Now Peggy will play the next hym".  Peggy would first give the Democratic version of the sermon, then play the hym. 

Kadizzle is not Catholic, he is orthodox agnostic. So did you get your Trump Bible. The lying bastard Trump claims the cover of his Bible is genuine leather, nope it is fake leather. Trump cannot help himself when it comes to lying. 

Friday, April 05, 2024

Kadizze has hypnagogia

For the past couple weeks Kadizzle has had  strange feelings. The feelings are impossible to describe. Using the Google to figure out what it is Kadizzle has concluded it is a combination of hypnagogia and dissociation.  

Although the symptoms cannot be described, Kadizzle will give it a try. Episodes occur unprovoked and unpredictable. What is an episode. Now this is the hard part, for perhaps one half second it is a feeling. The feeling is not good, bad, or uncomfortable. The feeling has a deja vu aura. The feeling is a combination of mood and emotion. The feeling feels like it is the repeat of a sensation in the past. So  the feeling feels like it is part of something experienced in a dream. 

As one ages the mind falls apart. Is this part of the aging process. If anyone has a clue or has had similar feelings please report. If you are curious look up hypnagogia. Kadizzle has always had very vivid dreams and some verified psychic experiences. Somehow this seems to be connected with dreams. The term dream leakage was in one of the articles. Perhaps for half a second Kadizzle is in a dream. Keep in mind these fleeting things only last for less than a second. 

Donald Trump sells a Bible

Can anyone be that simple minded

Jim Jones killed his cult with Kool Aid. Yesterday someone said the only difference between Jim Jones and Donald Trump is that Trump will charge for the Kool Aid for his cult. How stupid can any human be? Trump claims he has ten billion dollars, but wait Trump wants to sell you a Bible for $60.  Is there an idiot that cannot find something strange in a billionaire selling Biblers. Yes, the world is full of idiots. 

How does the mind of an idiot work? It doesn't. Think about the peope who advertise on right wing radio, Mr. Pillow, companies selling gold, and every other rip off. Now if buying gold was a good investment, why would anyone who already had the gold sell it? The dingers cannot figure out this simple logic. Mr. Pillow sold the dingers pillows for $100.  What could you put in a pillow worth anywhere near $100? Well the dingers bought in.  Toying with the stupid people is Trumps forte. The dingers are like little children, they like to believe. The Hoopleheads believe they will win the lottery, Trump is for them, and on it goes. The problem is the abundance of Hoopleheads. 

Thursday, April 04, 2024

Make some money out of this mess

Kadizzle decided to try an experiment. Kadizzle is going to let them put adds on this blog. Now wait, it may not all be bad. You might know we do have a charity called " Finley".  Finley is a one year old son of a drug addicted mother. Kate is trying to adopt Finley and give Finley a better life. If we make any money out of ads on this blog we will give it to help Finley. On the other hand if you don't like the ad say so in the comments and maybe we can get them off. Even Kadizzle does not know what it might look like or how much of a nuisance. Doubt it will amount to much, and that may be reason enough to remove them. 

Winky awakens

Winky woke up about 3:30 A.M. and wanted to cackle. So here Kadizzle sits at five pecking away on the computer. The sun is trying to get up over the mountains. Kadizzle blasted the song One Day at a Time by Willie Nelson on the music box.  So here we go another day. Of course we have to read the NYT, Fargo Forum, and CNN. Get up to date. The world is a mess. Now a song is playing Once in a While. I only hope I made you smile, maybe more than once in awhile. 

Yesterday Kadizzle took a very nice motorcycle ride with his new UPS pilot friend. Johan is a French guy who flys cargo for UPS. Johan is on his first motorcycle. He has really mastered it for his little experience. We took some terrible roads and he made it just fine. On our last ride Johan tried to take a little jump and crashed. Yesterday he was sore from the original crash. 

The life of a pilot is not one Kadizzle would want. Johan has to commute to work. One problem he lives in Scottsdale, and his job is in Kentucky. Johan said the airline gives him 600 dollars to get to work. He works for a week at a time. The airlines are like the railroad. You bid on the flight. The guy with the most seniority gets the best flights. 

Looking back Kadizzle had a great job. No boss, worked outside when he wanted, good company, early retirement. 

Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Can they figure it out

Do you know what an anteater looks like? Do you know what an elephant looks like? They both have a long nose, but it is not hard to tell them apart. Now what does a crook look like? One man holds up a Bible and gold tennis shoes, the other is just an ordinary president. Which one is a crook? One man has 91 indictments, the other none. One man has been sued successfully for half a billion dollars, the other man no penalties ast all.  You can figure it out, Kadizzle can figure it out, but 71 million dolts can't.  This is America 2024. Do we have a problem?

Monday, April 01, 2024

TRUMP using the fundies

Rotten rats, Donald Trump, Gary Morris, Kari Lake. The New York Times this morning features two of the rats and their dirty tricks. Now Trump is courting the silly fundines who think Trump is Jesus. When Trump smells an easy picking he goes after it. Trump pretending to be a Bible thumper takes the cake. Of course he is selling Bibles. How many stupid people are there? Raping fundies is the easiest stealing you can do. Tell the fundies anything and they fork over the money. The TV preachers perfected it and Trump picked right up. Religion is the curse of universe. Once you start selling fantasy you never run out. More people have been killed an maimed by religion than all the wars combined. Now Trump wants to suck on to the easy pickins. Trump reads his prayer from a teleprompter. Trump has never gone to church. Lying is gold to Trump.  

Sunday, March 31, 2024

The Bible Bunny

Donald Trump, the mother of all grifters. Claiming to be worth 10 Billion the Donald is selling Bibles and tennis shoes. How stupid can the Fundies (Fundamentalist) be? This rip off artist plays them like fools and the silly Jesus gang thinks Trump is the new Jesus. How many stupid people are there? 71 million idiots voted for the Bible Bunny. What next? Why not a Trump six shooter? Sell the fools what they crave. A Trump gun would be perfect for shooting liberals and vice presidents. 

SCARIEST Road in Arizona...Don't Look Down! "Fish Creek Hill"

Maybe you have been on this road, maybe not. The Kadizzles have driven it, hiked it, and biked it. The most scary part of the road has been the victim of a huge rock fall. The last time we were there we rode our electric bikes from the lower end.  We hiked through the boulders clogging the road. Some of the boulders are the size of a house. When the road was open the snowbirds living in Phoenix always had to take their guest on the road. The road is an important tourist attraction, but closed for now. 

How about an insult to the Tea Party?

Yesterday the Donuts with Democrats gang met. It was a well attended good meeting. Kadizzle sat there as the microphone was passed around thinking about the contrast between a donut meeting and a Tea Party meeting. The Donut gang is made up of reading, thinking, well spoken, humorous people. Kadizzle has been to Tea Party meetings. The difference is so different. At a Tea Party meeting a guest liar speaks in falsehoods to the audience. At the Tea Party a bunch of people living in run down trailers with a chain link fence surrounding them sit with their handguns beside them and soak up the combination of religion, patriotism, and lies. You can get arrested and thrown out of a Tea Party meeting for asking the wrong question. Back at Democratic headquarters everyone speaks freely, people are challenged, and the conversation goes where it wants. If you like conspiracy theories and lies try the Tea Party. Try it yourself, go to each meeting and see for yourself. 

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Bill Maher STUNNED by Top Trump Advisor's CONFESSION! You need to watch this. Trump told secretary of defense to shoot AMERICANS.

Bibles, and Young girls. Trump and Epstein.


There is nothing to be learned from the second kick of a mule

 Lets vote for Trump one more time and enjoy the second kick of the mule

Trump the Bible salesman

How sleazy can Trump get? Selling Bibles to the simple minded is an old con man trick. The Hoopleheads never get any smarter. Trump must just laugh once in awhile at how easy it is to con the Hooples. What a combination, Bibles, and tennis shoes. Wearing Trump's gold tennis shoes reading the Bible. Imagine a dolt with a Maga hat holding a Bible while prancing in golden Trump tennis shoes. If you wanted the world to know you were an idiot, Trump can give you the supplies. 

KMOG radio, the grifters broadcaster. Would you like to lie for an hour straight on the radio? KMOG is you radio station. Yesterday Kari Lake was on telling her lies. Kadizzle tried to call in and ask her about Trump's Bible sales. Nope, KMOG hung up the phone and said Kadizzle is not allowed to call. Kadizzle cannot buy an hour of broadcast time for $200 to tell his own lies either. KMOG is the local Fox News.  Marketing to the Hoopleheads is the name of the game. Sometimes people buy the hour of time and it is an hour long advertisement. 

Friday, March 29, 2024

Name this Band

 Someone posted this band on facebook. The names people came up with were hilarious. Kadizzle thought maybe " The Sleaze Dogs".

Have you bought your Trump Bible? Is a Trump Bible fireproof? A fireproof Bible would be just the thing for Hell. Imagine wearing Trump tennis shoes and holding a Trump Bible. 

A good saying also showed up on facebook. " There is nothing to be learned from the second kick of a mule".   That pretty well sums up anyone who would vote for Trump. 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Dead South - In Hell I'll Be In Good Company [Official Music Video]

The Mean Girl

 Ok, had to put this picture of Sylvie up for you. This is my snoochel playing her role as the "Mean Girl" in her most recent musical. Love this kid and cannot say enough good about her. Now she is working on being a track star. She has been an actor since day one. Kadizzle can remember the day she was born. Her dad was in the delivery room and the doctor made him help with the delivery. Grandma, and Grandpa were right in the next room and Fran came out with the little bundle. Watching Sylvie grow up and having her on adventures has provided countless pleasure. Now we got to get this kid through college. 

Doug the paranoid crazy man.

Normally Kadizzle does not tell a person to their face they are insane with crazy ideas, but Doug is an exception. Doug admits Trump is a sleazy crook, but Doug has all kinds of paranoid crazy ideas that he somehow twist to come up with the idea to vote for Trump. If someone voted for Trump once Kadizzle can figure out a way to forgive the mistake, but twice is insane. Yesterday was the day of crazy people. The encounter with Doug was just one of three nut case encounters. At the library there were two catagories of crazy people. First were the Jehovah's Witnesses, and talking to them was another Doug type nut caze. Strangely the male of the Jehovah pair seemed intelligent to the point he said he hated Trump. This was fun because Kadizzle could spout off to him about the evils of Trump while Mr. Crazy stood there and listened. Mr. Crazy was dressed as a character from a western in the early 1800s. Something that drives Kadizzle nuts about the Witness gang is they don't vote. Even though they see the insanity of Trump and the danger he is to their lifestyle, they don't vote. God will take care of everything soon. Ya, sure ya betcha. If God had anything to do beside pick the winners in football games, God would use his best lightening bolt on Trump.  

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Gary Morris the local Trump has mastered lying

Lying is now the American way, and no one has mastered lying like Trump. On the local level we have Gary Morris. Gary admires Trump and has tried to master the lying skills of Trump. Gary has lied on two restraining orders and caused problems for Kadizzle. The first round of lies on a restraining order started a couple years ago. Kadizzle made the fatal mistake of saying what the hell, and did not protest the first round of Gary Morris lying. If Kadizzle could kick himself in the ass he would. Gary Morris as usual claimed Kadizzle came into Republican Headquaters wearing a MAGA hat. This was an insane concoction based on a facebook post Kadizzle made. Kadizzle made a very sarcastic facebook post and wore a MAGA hat. Kadizzle posted a picture of himself with the MAGA hat on facebook. Mrs. Kadizzle threw out the hat a year before lying Gary Morris claimed Kadizzle wore it to MAGA headquarters in Payson. The next lie Gary Morris fabricated from the same facebook post. As a joke Kadizzle said in the facebook post he was cleaning his handgun. From this sarcastic remark Gary Morris produced a lie that Kadizzle had a handgun, simply untrue. On the second round of restraining order Gary Morris kept up the lying. This time Gary Morris claimed Kadizzle spit on him, again a fabrication. Kadizzle has a video of the incident which clearly shows Morris lies. Gary Morris lied in court about this. 

The mother of all lies by Gary Morris is that Kadizzle was arrested in North Dakota twice for assault. Gary Morris was well aware this is a lie but he broadcast this lie twice on KMOG radio. If you read this blog you know KMOG is where the liars go to sell their election fraud stories and other attacks against the city council. The lying never stops. On March 12 Gary told his lie about Kadizzle and assault. On March 13, KMOG thought it best to broadcast a retraction. 

Kadizzle called KMOG radio and confronted Gary Morris about his lying. Gary Morris lied to the police about the call and had Kadizzle arrested and jailed on his bogus restraining order. The power of lying has Morris obsessed.  The court system has failed to hold Gary Morris responsible for what he does.  Kadizzle never thought Morris would so easily lie under oath, but it was no problem for Gary Morris. Gary Morris is the local head of the Republican Party, and if there is one thing Republicans love it is a good MAGA liar. 

This is a complicated story. If you want documentation or more information feel free to contact Kadizzle. 

Monday, March 25, 2024

Mandatory reading. In NYT Trump claims he is modern Al Capone

  A new level of insanity has been reached. Trump is portraying himself as Al Capone. Read the article in the New York Times. Beyond belief. 

The Court System is toast

Today in about an hour Kadizzle will meet with the town prosecutor. We will discuss the lies of the local head of the Republican party. The man is a pathological liar and has used his lying skills to cause Kadizzle problems. 

Donald Trump has shown his mastery of lying and his followers have adopted his skills. Trump has been documented to have lied 30,000 times. The local scoundrel has lied about Kadizzle 12 times. Mr. Republican has been claiming Kadizzle was arrested twice for assault in North Dakota. Mr. Republican knows this is false. On KMOG radio Mr. Republican told his lie. The next day KMOG broadcast a retraction. Kadizzle just typed up 12 of Mr. Republicans lies. Among other lies Mr. Republican made was a claim Kadizzle had a handgun. Kadizzle has never owned a handgun. Mr. Republican lied in court under oath. Mr. Republican claimed Kadizzle spit on him at a Tea Party meeting. Not true. Kadizzle video recorded his encounter with Mr. Republican. The video clearly shows Kadizzle never spit on Mr. Republican. Mr Republican lied about the spit incident in court under oath. 

Republicans have weaponized the court system. The Supreme Court has been packed by Trump and the results are destroying the country. The Supreme Court is delaying everything it can to help Trump avoid jail before the election. Kadizzle was a municipal judge for 2 years. Now with Mr. Republican and his lies Kadizzle is on the other side of the game. Seeing the rot is scary. The fact that a man like Mr. Republican can go to court and lie the way he does should concern everyone. Now he is harassing Kadizzle with the court system. You could be next.  

Snow on the moutain

Moonlight and snow make a great mixture. Late in the season the mountains and everything else are covered with snow. Snow will take awhile to melt and keep the streams flowing. Few things are nicer in nature than a good waterfall, and there will be plenty.  

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Where Kadizzle greq up

 Always enjoy seeing pictures of the homestead. This must have been taken with a drone. The house is once more for sale on Zillo in Wheeling, W.Va.  Someone did an excellent job of restoring the house to original condition. On Zillow you can see all the interior rooms. Growing up with six sisters, and two brothers, it took a big house. My grandfather lived nearby, as did cousins. Wheeling was the richest city in the United States in 1894. On the Ohio River, Wheeling was the original gateway to the west where people loaded up with supplies. The B&O railroad was the first rail line to punch into the west, and that helped a lot. 

Block them if they disagree

 One more time today the Hoopleheads successfully blocked old Kadizzle from bombing them with logic. Let's face it the Hooples are uneducated. Just read and article that confirms uneducated people tend to favor Republicans. Uneducated people cannot defend their views in writing. If you go on social media and go back and forth with a Hoople they mostly respond with cartoons, insults, or short sentence nonsense. What the Hooples do is whine to the moderators of the social media sites to ban anyone who hits them with a good discussion. It works and the Hooples get to stay in the wonderful cult bubble. 

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Invite the dingers

Today is donut day. Today is the day people with functioning brains meet have donuts, and discuss reality. Kadizzle has invited the dingers that spread misinformation, lies, and conspiracy theories to join the normal people. Doubt any dingers will show up, but it should be fun if the truth gets spill on an illusion. 

The Republicans do their best to make sure there is no dissention at their meetings. Republicans have thugs at the door. Republican threaten to call the police if you ask a hard question. Republicans claim anything that disturbs the party line is disruptive. It is invitation only when the Republicans meet. 

 Nope, not at the Democratic headquarters. You walk in and we hand you the microphone. Say what you want. Let freedom ring. Ideas are not toxic unless they come from Trump. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

The Mean Girl

 Sylvie was the mean girl in the musical put on by the local theater. The play was "The Mean Girl".  Nothing could be farther from the truth in reality. My Sylvie is the nicest 14 year old an old Grandpa could have. Grandpa brags about her all the time. As a freshman she tried out for track and made the varsity team long jumping 16ft. The kid is like her mom and aunt Meg, whatever they take on they succeed. Sylvie to top it off is getting excellent grades at the Denver School for the Arts. Her mom is in for the teenage years. Just starting. A minefield to negotiate. 

Act Like Nothing's Wrong, Don't break the Bubble

There is a special breed of people that live in a fantasy world. The bubble they live in is carefully crafted. A critical part of living in the bubble is isolating yourself from the truth. Down at the park the Jehovah's Witnesses show up just about every day asking people to come into their bubble. In their bubble you don't vote. God is against voting. God will take care of everything and you voting is a waste of time. Great bubble that gets them nowhere, but putting everything in god's hands is comforting. Next you have the Trump cult. This is the bubble that will really wreck havoc. In the Trump bubble you just have to remember a few key things. First, they are out to get him. Trump is a fine fellow, and like Jesus he cannot sin. Every problem with Trump can be solved simply by saying " fake news".  

Bubbles are wonderful. Religion is the greatest bubble. Religion invented the idea where you believe one absurd thing, and then you build on it. To make Christianity work you simply say " The Bible is the word of God".  Now, you are free to make up anything you like and use the Bible as proof. It works very much like the Trump nonsense works. Once you make Trump infallible the rest is downhill. 

Sometimes there is a major shakeup. For instance at one point the religious had to admit the Earth revolved around the sun. No problem, just keep going. Trump goes to court is found guilty of stealing from college kids. No problem, just keep going. Act like nothings wrong. 

Ed Maguire was climbing up the corporation ladder
Access to the pension fund made Eddie's wallet that much fatter
Old Maguire was skimming off the top for twenty years
When the FBI caught Ed red-handed he broke down in tears
Eddie said, "I'm sorry I've been stealing for long
Now get my lawyers on the phone and act like nothing's wrong"
Act like nothing's wrong, everything's just fine
Hold your head up high and act like you don't really mind
If you're terrified like me of terrorists and crime
Please take my advice and simply act like nothing's wrong
Henry Ward was drinking every night until he dropped
One by one all of Henry's best and longest friendships stopped
Henry looked around and noticed that he was all alone
No one wrote him letters, no one called him on the telephone
Henry Ward was happy that his whiskey was so strong
Wall-eyed drunk it isn't hard to act like nothing's wrong
Mary Margaret Johnson was a good old-fashioned woman
Her daughter was an angel, she never saw it coming
Mary Margaret Johnson's daughter Sally was on crack
Sally took to turning tricks to keep herself well whacked

Sally disappeared into an old sad junkie's song
Mrs. Johnson knew just what to do: act like nothing's wrong
Act like nothing's wrong, act like nothing's wrong
Stick your chin out, just pretend you're really brave and strong
If you're terrified these days like most folks you will find
Ignorance is bliss, dig this: act like nothing's wrong
Hear and see no evildoers, act like nothing's wrong


Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Please don't confuse me with the truth

Kadizzle has been toying with the insane on a social app called Nextdoor. Bringing up town politics on the site was like a nuclear explosion of lies and misinformation. Hoopleheads have a religion based on Donald Trump. Trump has made lying mainstream. The Hoopleheads see misinformation as just part of the game. The most puzzling thing is do they believe their own lies? To enjoy religion you have to get used to the idea you are going to believe the absurd. Mentally your brain becomes fudge. The logical part of your brain that assesses information shuts down, and the part of your brain that feeds on lies and rumors is fired up. 

At some point people had to come to grips with the fact the Earth revolved around the sun, but keep in mind prior to that time people concocted a system that allowed them to believe something entirely wrong. As a society we have reached that point once more. The Hoopleheads concoct stories that support absurd ideas. One thing the Hooples resist is real information. News organizations like Fox News feed the Hooples and the Hooples are careful not to look at any real news. It is the careful way Hooples avoid reality that fascinates Kadizzle. 

Kadizzle has challenged so many Hooples to look at factual information. The Hooples want no part of it. Trump's endless lying relies on the Hooples appetite for lies. A lady lives very close and buys into the Hoople philosophy. She could very easily meet Kadizzle and see documents and proof about the silly allegation of the Hoopleheads, but know that would spoil everything. 

There is an element of fun and excitement in believing in the Easter Bunny, and Santa Clause. Nowhere shows human nature better than the casino. The place is full of people being slowly robbed. There is an easy way anyone can find out if they are robbed at the casino. Walk in with $100 in your wallet. When you walk out if you have less you lost. The mathematics guarantee given enough time you will lose. In spite of reality the Hoopleheads think they win. The trick for the Hooplehead is only to remember wins and totally forget losses. It works the Hooples keep coming back and the Indians rob the wagon train the modern way. Playing on basic human psychology works. Enabling people to believe what they want to believe is an old trick. You will no be dead, you will just go somewhere else. Everyone want to believe that, so just sell that idea. Hooples don't want to believe they are idiots and failures so you sell them on the idea they did not lose in life a conspiracy tricked them. The government is out to defeat Hoopleheads, sell that idea. Of course the Hooples want ten pounds of that idea. I am really a smart person, but I appear to be a dud because the government tricked me and stole my money. That is an idea any Hoople will send money to Trump for. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Misusing Words

Steve Otto is a thorn in the side of Payson. Mr. Otto is a premier CAVEman. CAVE stands for Citizens Against Virtually Everything. Otto shows up at just about every town council meeting and concocts some crazy scenario about how the town has millions of hidden dollars. At the most recent council meeting Kadizzle asked Steve Otto to have a conversation about his lying. Mr. Otto refused. Now, Mr. Otto characterizes this as an assault. You ask to speak to a man about the lies he is telling about you and he refuses to discuss his lying, and then claims you assaulted him. 

This is the modern Republican game. Ask a pointed question at a Republican meeting and it will be labeled disruptive. A man in his eighties is running for sheriff. A person in the audience asked if the man was up with current technology. The questioner was asked to leave or the police would be called. This is the modern Republican party. Does it sound like the party of Putin? Trump admires Putin, and all the other dictators. Hmm.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Failed Takeoff

Kadizzle has done a fair amount of jet travel. Today for the first time a takeoff was stopped at about forty or fifty miles per hour. Apparently a warning in the cockpit indicated the brakes were too hot. After going back to the terminal for about an hour it was determined the brakes were cool enough for another try. We made it to Phoenix. 

Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Mean Girl

Last night in a packed theater Sylvie's ten relatives watched as she performed the role of mean girl in the play Mean Girls. Kadizzle calls Sylvie the "Giant" since she is now slender and 5'8" tall. Everything about Sylvie is perfect for the role. The grand daughter is not intimidated by anything and did a wonderful job with the role.  

Recently Sylvie tried out for track as a freshman. With no experience she long jumped and made the varsity track team. The kid is amazing and Grandpa's pride and joy. 

It was wonderful to see all the kids perform in the play. The dancing was spectacular as was the acting. Seeing the young doing such great things brings so much hope for the future. 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Stirring the Hooples

Nextdoor is a popular app in Payson and has created a lot of fun for Kadizzle stirring the Hoopleheads. The Hooples are not good at logic and when you give them a scenario they cannot refute they stutter in print. Hooples are strange. Every good Hoople does not like Biden, yet the Hooples have no idea why they don't like Biden. Disliking Biden is just something you are supposed to do if you are a simple cult member. Hooples follow the Hoople philosophy.  If the head Hoople doesn't like Biden,  a good Hoople should not like Biden. Trump is the God of the Hooples and all Trump has to do is make a declaration. It matters not if Trump's pronouncements make no sense. All the Hooples know is Trump says Biden is bad so it must be so.  

This creates a mess for the Hooples. When you confront them with something they stutter when they reply. Why  don't you like Biden you ask a Hoople. The Hoople looks into space and is clueless.

Trying to get through to the cult members is like a five year old argument on the playground. One thing is always obvious when a Hoople responds in writing, there is no in depth thinking. Usually a Hoople will respond with an insult or some simple picture they copied from a right wing web site. 

The Hoople standard is " If you believe it, then it is true".  The concept of facts, research or logic does not affect the mind of a Trump follower.  Trump is a religion. You just believe and leave thought out of the process. 

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Lying is the mother's milk of the Republican Party

Nuclear lying is what Republicans love the most. The truth just does not matter and sure as hell the typical Hooplehead does not want to confront the truth.  Yesterday Kadizzle tried to talk to a woman Hooplehead. She had heard some of the Republican lies about Kadizzle. Kadizzle offered to show her government documents that would prove the Republicans lie. No way. The Hooplehead was not about to look at anything that would dispel the lying. Steve Otto is running for mayor and he is another case of a man you cannot talk to. In an attempt to confront Steve Otto about his lying he refused to talk about the falsehoods he likes to spread. The ultimate liar is Gary Morris. Gary will lie under oath in court. 

Weaponized lying exist at every level of the Republican Party. Trump has shown the way with 30,000 documented lies. Now the Republicans are attacking Biden with the flood of lies from the Russian agent. Even after they are trapped with the truth the Republicans refuse to quit the lying. In Payson the local radio station KMOG will sponsor a liar for $200 dollars. Since the radio station is run by right wing Tumpers the radio station will host a liar with no problem. The KMOG host will help any Republican liar by feeding into the lies. Wendy Rodgers is the classic. Wendy pumps out all the right wing lies, and the host says " Yep, thats right", " Tell us some more lies".  Now the classic is Steve Slaton.  This guy has a Trump store, so you know where he is coming from.  Slaton claimed on the radio a teacher in Show Low allowed a girl to masturbate a boy in class. When Kadizzle called all the public schools and private schools to check on this lie Slaton would still not admit he lies.  Slaton said the schools were too embarrassed to admit to what happened. How do you beat a lie like that? If you call KMOG radio in support of a Republican liar you will be allowed to talk forever. Call in and question the liar and they will hang up and lie about you.   The Republican party in Payson exist on the fumes of lies. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Quick shot the dog

Kadizzle returned to Payson. The lead story in the paper was about a local gun nut that shot a woman's dog. Apparently the gun nut thought the dog posed a threat. Who knows what happened, but knowing we have gun dingers so ready to shoot is scary. In the grocery stores in Payson the gun crazies can be seen packing their cannons. Anyone who is so paranoid that they need a sidearm has a problem. Who are they afraid of? Kadizzle has asked the Safeway management to ban the gunslingers. Why should shopping be dangerous from deranged gunmen? Of course the gun crazy cook up all kinds of reasons they need to be armed. Kadizzle is 75 and made it 75 years without having a gun strapped to his side. Now what has changed? Right wing Republicans sew stories of danger that does not exist, but the gun dingers buy into it. Mrs. Kadizzle, and Mr. Kadizzle have hiked thousands of miles through the wilderness without a gun, yet we come across the fearful dingers afraid some animal is going to attack them. Fear is a powerful motivator, and Trump gives it out like candy. Is this the kind of society we want?

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Rational People

Last night Kadizzle sat among a room full of rational people. Imagine a room with not one Hooplehead and a hundred people who all know the threat of Donald Trump. We listened to logical people who want to protect democracy. It was refreshing. Can normallacy be restored? Democrats presented some very good candidates. How do we get them elected in a sea of Hoopleheads? Young people are crucial and have the most to gain from a return to a normal government. Is anyone paying attention? The enthusiasm for Biden's speech was a hot topic. A key to saving the country is normal people gently talking to the Hooples they know. Hooples live on fear, and paranoid stories. Gently tell a Hoople the truth. 

Friday, March 08, 2024

Meet the public

Kadizzle just had some interaction with the public while gathering signatures to get people on the ballot. Scary is the first word that comes to mind. The mentally ill and Hoopleheads roaming the streets make up about 40% of the people you will encounter. Of course there are normal people who understand voting, who read real information, and who have normal thoughts. On the other hand you have the Fox News crowd living in the fog of lies. The sheer number of dolts is frightening. Do we really live in this world. These dingers are such easy picking for the crooked preachers, and politicians. A crazy old man wants to be sheriff here. He was on KKKMOG radio telling everyone how he is going to start a possie.  The old west is right here. Get a gun an shoot the troublemakers. The old goat is over 80. Now the old goats party is the MAGA crowd. Kadizzle asked the old Goat how he could be upset with Biden's age, when he thought it was OK for him to be sheriff and old. His answer was he attended a karate class. Yup, if you can do Karate, you can start a possie. This is America. We don't need teachers, we just need one more possie. Yes, there are already four possies in Gila county. The native Americans have been subdued and now they are robbing us at the casino. Of course we are being invaded by people crossing the border. Rapist and terrorist are pouring in. The goofy guy running for sheriff has secret information about the terrorist pouring over the border. Once we have one more posse to protect us we can fight of the border invaders when they get to Payson. KKKMOG is have a sale on fear, lies, and misinformation. For $200 dollars you can lie and stoke the fear factor in Gila county on KKKMOG. Steve Slaton lies about once a week. KKKMOG is a funnel right into the brain of the Hoopleheads. If you hear the lie on KKKMOG you know it is true, even if it isn't. Then you have Inga. Inga is allowed to call in and be the right wing cheerleader for every Hooplehead running for office. Inga is the ass kisser for Wendy Rodgers and anyone that want to promote some silly right wing nonsense. Right after a lying politician tells a whopper Inga will call in and praise the liar. Standard KKKMOG policy. Now what if Dave or some normal person calls in the KKKMOG? Click the host hangs up as soon as possible. Next the liar stutters because they have been confronted with. the truth. Right back to Nazi propaganda stirring up hate for immigrants, Democrats, liberals, and anyone with an education. 

The pride and joy of Kadizzle

My little girl who is now taller than Kadizzle. Grandpa likes bragging about her. Here she is doing the fashion thing. She just made the varsity track team as a freshman. Her cheerful nature always warms my old heart. Sometimes old Grandpa does facetime with the wonder girl as she gets ready for school. What a cheerful way to start the day. She reminds Kadizzle of his youngest daughter. If Megan decided something was going to happen it did. Both these marvelous women just decide they are going to have a new talent and they do. Sylvie's mom, Erin is no slacker. Erin is a top notch journalist and has her art talents also, but Erin is the wordsmith in the family. Grandpa has been truly blessed with offspring, and wonderful husbands for his kids. Time is flying by at a frightening pace. Kadizzle wishes he still had his sailboat to take them all sailing. Sailing through life is something we all strive for. 

Republican Rats get a good pounding from Biden

Greed driven rats thirsting for tax breaks for the wealthy, that is what a Republican is. Kadizzle paid his taxes yesterday. What a bargain. You get to use the interstate highway system. You get an army to defend your country. You get all the research of NASA, and on it goes. If you tried to buy all you get for your taxes you would be broke. The bitchers and complainers need to think what life would be without all the government benefits. Yet the greed dogs with the MAGA hats want the rich to have more. Give Kadizzle a break. 

Biden did a great job shooting up the Hoopleheads, but the rats just sat there and smirked. The rats have no morality, empathy, or care for the common man. Greed drives the rats nuts. The rats use abortion, guns, and immigrants to stir up the Hooples. The Hoopleheads are incapable of thinking, but they live on emotions. Fear is the best seller for the Republicans, and Trump sells it by the truck load. 

Thursday, March 07, 2024

The sign is up.

Five old people, the youngest 74 put up a very large steel information board way out in the middle of nowhere. The sign will provide information to people hiking to the Jug. The Jug is a canyon on the North Side of Lake Roosevelt, not easy to get to, but the gun slingers no doubt will eventually find the sign and shoot it up. That is what the brave gunmen do. Installing the sign probably cost a couple thousand dollars in labor and material. 

 We are living in pre Nazi Germany. Trump has used every trick Hitler invented. Listening to the local Nazi radio station KMOG makes one want to puke. The radio station starts every session of stirring hate and lies with a prayer, then they attack everyone who is honest or just trying to live. Attacking the poor immigrants at the border is their favorite. According to KMOG it is terrorist and rapist crossing the Rio Grande.  It is not some woman with a baby on her back. The same phony Christians hate everyone. KMOG spreads fear like peanut butter. What does that get us? The neighbors are awaiting their concealed carry permit. What do these people fear? Kadizzle has walked the planet for 75 years without a gun. What is wrong with these people? Guns, guns, guns.  This is the west, you gotta be a gun slinger. If you have a problem shoot it. 

Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Jeffrey Martin - Coal Fire | Audiotree Live

Love this song, because I was a coal miner. Love the verse " Hell is on the rise".  Coal mines catch fire underground, and cannot be put out. Reminds Kadizzle so much of the Trump mess. Hell is on the rise. Listen to the words they can be so symbolic. Kadizzle visited a town in southern West Virginia where acrid coal smoke came up through through the cracks in the street. It did look like hell was on the rise. The sulfuric smoke of idiocy is reeking through the cracks of our democracy. 

Down to the Lake

 Today's mission is to make it down to Lake Roosevelt. There Kadizzle will help install an expensive trail sign. The sad part is eventually the vandals, the good old vandals will shoot up the sign. The brave gunmen will kill the sign. It will cost the labor of four people, and a couple thousand dollars to put up the sign, but we must be sure the Hoopleheads have something to shoot at. If your testosterone is low nothing brings it up like a gun. Usually as your testosterone goes up your IQ goes down. Want to be a real tough guy? Abandon your brain and go to a Trump rally. There you can have a hero that attacks women, and educated people. 

Thinking destroys illusions. If you got a good illusion going don't start thinking. If you start thinking you might realize you are not a he man just because you have a hand gun. If you start thinking you might pollute you brain with facts. Fantasy is the way to go. The best way to create fantasy is with a costume. The best costume is a MAGA hat and a handgun. Be apart of something. You get to chose. Be part of the idiot convention, or be part of the solution. Do you want to wave a flag and shoot a gun? Join the Hooples.  Do you want to read something interesting and help people? Join the normal people. 

Trump breaks out of prison (AI generated)

Monday, March 04, 2024


Fog People

If you are awake, you can tell who is sleeping. Walk down the street and most of the people you pass are asleep, mentally asleep. They have no clue about the mess we live in. The planet is burning, dolts run for president, and we are on the brink of nuclear war, but who cares? The drug of choice is tiny little screens or huge screens on the wall. On the wall the fog rolls out. Meaningless bullshit floods into the brains of the Hoopleheads and they lap it up. Kadizzle has a big belly and so do most Americans waddling down the street. Our minds are in the same condition full of fat, and very little meat. 

Republicans are drunk on greed. Republicans would butcher granny for a tax break. Then you have the religious wandering around with Jesus on their shoulder. Nobody seems to notice the two little dirty wars going on, kids starving, and blood soaking the soil. Is it real? Kadizzle sits here with a nice cup of coffee in a warm comfortable home, so everything is fine. Until our house catches fire we are doing great. 

Watched a video on the 737 door blowout. Everything was fine, no one knew four bolts were missing. That is America today the bolts are missing and it will just take a little vibration until the door blows off. 

Sunday, March 03, 2024

Read Maureen Dowd

 Yesterday Kadizzle was collecting signatures for our town council to get re-elected. Of course some Hooples came by. You have to be amazed by Hooples, but one really got Kadizzle. An old shot up Hoople said he would not sign and that Obama was actually controlling the country. The black president scared the hell out of the Hooples and they are still shaking. 

Read Maureen Dowd in the NYT today, excellent. The simple minded don't read anything of substance. Education just confuses them. It is scary how many people are confused, and it is not education that did it to them. 

Saturday, March 02, 2024


Old Man on a Motorcycle

John, a younger and far better motorcyclist showed up in the driveway ready to head into the National Forest. John had 25 miles off rugged stoney, rutted roads plotted for us to conquer. To the amazement of Kadizzle we made it without one wreck. On the last part of the trip we were going up one of the worst bolder strewn roads. What? A totally inappropriate car was coming down. A woman was driving and a man was in the passenger seat as they destroyed their car. What were they thinking? On two motorcycles designed for the worst possible conditions we were struggling and these dingers were going to do it in a SUV ?  We did stop at a couple of old gold mines. No gold. 

In today's crowed world it is nice to know there still is a vast wilderness, and the Forest Service is trying to protect it.