Steve Otto is a lying little curmudgeon. With the help of the worst elements in Payson, our little town, Steve Otto, and the Hoopleheads have destroyed years of work that would have taken Payson forward. Infected with the Tea Party mentality these Trump like dolts have destroyed Payson's bond rating. No one wants to issue bonds to a town with Steve Otto as mayor. Normal people failed to vote and the rodents put three stooges into the town council. Payson was about to issue 70 million dollars in bonds for improvements to the town, the rodents put an end to it.
Otto and his assistant dolt Charlie Bell must be taken the heat. Both the rodents showed up at town council pleading it wasn't them that ruined the future. Nope, you have chocolate all over your mouth, but you did not eat the candy. Otto is not even in office yet. Still his path of destruction is well underway. If Trump is president and Otto is mayor we have a very dim future to look forward to. This morning Kadizzle found out an old friend committed suicide. He was a Trump supporter and Fox News watcher. That is one way to turn off Fox News.
that ain't nothin'. Just look at what the democrats have done here!
I'd be mad too
Crisis management is a term used by the government to describe the scenario where a crisis situation is created and then the people are presented with solutions, usually three, which they would be reluctant to accept prior to the crisis. The solutions always involve the shoring up of security, which necessarily means the loss of some freedoms. When the situation has reached the crisis stage, it appears as if there is no other alternative. It appears as if the crisis just happened rather than being carefully planned.
Reason enough to be off-grid
I can say whatever I want
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