Friday, March 08, 2019

Rattlesnakes are out

As we drove up to Oak Flat to put up some trail signs the trail crew encountered the first rattlesnake of the season.  This signals spring or some other change of season.  The Trail Crew works in the brush a lot.  With the snakes active it means you have to be on the lookout.  The grass makes it hard to see a snake.  Fortunately the snakes don't have any desire to strike people.  Strikes are mistakes by both the snake and the hiker. Both are scared and the result can be bad.

How about a little political rant for lack of anything better?  Socialism will be the new buzz word. As usual your typical dinger has no idea exactly what socialism is.  Republicans know socialism might mean the rich have to pay taxes.  Republicans will do everything in their power to demonize socialism. The classic trick will be to compare socialism with dictatorships.  This brings us to Democratic Socialism.  This is a term that really leaves the dingers clueless.  The dingers rely on Fox News to interpret words.  The principles of Democratic Socialism can be written down and spelled out, but that will not happen.  Instead the will be scary talk and deliberate confusion hosted by the right wing nut crowd.

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