Saturday, August 13, 2011

Anyone can hit a rock, it just takes concentration

About a week ago the Kadizzles were pulling out of a bay under sail. Through a series of errors and inattention the good ship hit a rock hard. Luckily the good ship was moving very slowly. Lake Sakakawea has very few places where you can ram a good hard rock while sailing. However, a good captain can do it. This was not the first time the captain discovered new land. The keel had been patched in the magic spot where the rock finder is located last year. The Commander did not look too joyful when the loud bank indicated we had discovered solid ground. For dramatic effect most of the patch from last year floated to the surface. Now, for the fun part. The Commander seemed in a panic, but Kadizzle is not allowed to say that. The Commanders perception was more like we hit an ice berg with the Titanic. Feeling sure we were taking on water The Commander went below and turned on the sump pump. Gushing water was the first thing she heard. The sound of the water made it clear the boat was sinking at an unbelievable rate, so The Commander quickly hailed the other boats in our fleet to stand by for rescue. Kadizzle thought it highly unlikely hitting a rock with the keel would sink the boat. The only real way to know was to pick up the floor board and actually see what was happening. Things are never what the seem. After the floor board was out of the the way it became apparent coincidence had played a bad trick on us. The hose had come off the sump pump. The pump was doing a spectacular job of pumping water in a circle making a noise like a fountain. The boat was in no real danger. Keels were put on sail boats to make them idiot proof. The keel of a boat is like the bumper on a car, when it makes a loud noise the car slows down quickly and that is your indication you did something wrong. Sailboats just don't go that fast, so they are almost completely idiot proof. Of course Kadizzle needs a hobby that is idiot proof.

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