Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mind Boggling Stupidity

This morning I ordered medicine from Canada. Speaking to the Canadian lady during the order we discussed Canadian health care and how misinformed Americans are about Canada's system. The lady talks to a lot of Americans about the Canadian system. She told me how Americans believe the lies Fox News spreads about Canadian health care. She told me there is no way in hell she would change for our system. It is a simple test. Call up a Canadian and ask them how they like their health care. I bet one hundred dollars that if you you make a random call to Canada and ask a Canadian if they would switch to the American disaster you will get a resounding no. The Canadian woman told me " If our system was so bad, wouldn't we be fighting it?". Makes sense to me. Americans have become so ignorant and obsessed with right wing lying it is hopeless. As Americans we pay three times what any other civilized country does for health care and get worse results. Sure our system is great if you are rich, but God have mercy upon you if you are not. How can we be so stupid?

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