Sunday, January 02, 2011

Our Country is a ticking time bomb

The facts are stunning. Now, the top one percent of the population has as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent. The data is overwhelming. Young people are going to be in a mess few of us can imagine if the country continues on the path Rush Limbaugh and the Republicans are carving out. The most amazing thing is how people are so oblivious to the mess. People escape reality in sports, religion, or some other mindless opiate. Our society is falling apart at the foundation because those at the top have simply bought the government. When you have an outfit like Fox that lies all day and passes itself off as news, it is pretty scary to think how many Americans actually believe the spin. At face value is hard to believe the people who represent us just decided to borrow 700 billion and give it to the rich, while promising to destroy health care for ordinary people. It is hard to believe we live in a country where anyone could get away with such a blatant robbery, but everyone is caught up in their diversion and no one will care until the bridge actually collapses. Our country is falling behind by every measure and we are listening to the band on the Titanic. How did we get to this point?

Now, we are going to go through a round of stimulus spending that will enable everyone to make one more trip to Wal Mart. When the dust settles all the money will go to China, and the right wing thieves at the top of the pile will still be there.

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