Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Alaska and North Dakota

Two of the biggest welfare states in the country are Alaska and North Dakota. Alaska usually wins, but North Dakota is always right up near the top. It is a wonderful system. As a state you send the federal government one dollar and they send you back two. Now for the strange part, both states love right wing politics and have just elected Republicans. Of course the Republicans are the stand on your own two feet bunch that should be the first to cut off the welfare cheats like North Dakota and Alaska. North Dakota soaks up farm subsides like a sponge. If the Republicans do as they claim and cut everything in sight these handouts should be some of the first to go. It will be fun to see how this plays out. Every old goat loves medicare and social security, but every old goat fears socialism, so how does that work? We have become a nation of crazy people that want to diametrically opposed things. Why can't we have tax breaks for the rich and lots of good safety nets like social security? Ronald Reagan started the fantasy. The gipper said you can cut taxes and you will have more money. It clearly doesn't work, but the delusion goes on.

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