Wednesday, January 15, 2025

When the rodents win

A Call to Action for Payson

Change doesn't happen overnight—just look at history. Germany didn't become the nightmare of the Hitler regime in a single day. It was a slow erosion, one slice at a time. The same kind of insidious decay is threatening Payson, the town we call home.

The rats are gnawing away. The MAGA brain trust—the self-proclaimed champions of "freedom"—are plotting the demise of our local and national institutions. As a friend aptly describes it: “death by a thousand cuts.” Republicans are undermining our schools, corrupting our courts, distorting our elections, and warping the truth. They’re attacking the very foundation of democracy with a single-minded goal: no taxes, no progress—just more cheese for their greedy rodent colony.

Who are these rats? They are the Tea Party, MAGA, Donald Trump, Steve Otto, and their entire gang of inept, self-serving operatives. Their favorite food? Lies. They gorge on distortions, conspiracy theories, and outright falsehoods, spreading them like a toxic plague through our community.

And now, the head rat, Steve Otto, is making his move. At 4 P.M. today, at Town Hall, he’ll try to install his loyal puppet, Charlie Seraphin, into a position of power. If successful, Seraphin will serve as yet another tool to erode the values and integrity of Payson.

Will it happen? That depends on us. If you don’t want to see this town handed over to those who seek to destroy it, now is the time to act. Show up. Speak up. Stand up for Payson. Let them know we will not tolerate their lies, their manipulation, and their attempts to drag our community into the mire of corruption.

If we remain silent, we’ll have only ourselves to blame when we wake up to a town that no longer resembles the place we love. Don’t let it come to that. Be there today. Speak up so you don’t have to throw up.

The future of Payson is worth fighting for. Let’s not let the rats win.

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