Another town hall meeting with the Hoopleheads vs the Normal people. Kadizzle ended up sitting right behind Inga. Inga is the mascot of the Hoopleheads. When Inga calls into the propaganda station in Payson, KMOG they let her talk as long as she wants. Somehow she is the mother Mary of the Hoopleheads. When some conniving liar like Wendy Rodgers is on KMOG you can bet Inga will call in and tell everyone Wendy Rodgers is almost a Jesus as Trump.
Kadizzle had a great conversation with Inga. At one time Kadizzle must have called Inga a snake. Inga took the insult to heart and rented a snake costume for one of the Tea Party affairs. Inga said she won the contest thanks to Kadizzle. She is a snake in the grass. Strangely another guy, Charlie Seraphin portrays himself as a rattlesnake. After making his usual innuendos and attacks on town council Charlie took a rattle out of his pocket and shook it.
The Hooplehead clown show was fun. The Normal people hit the stooges hard. Potato Bag Otto was forced to recuse himself from the executive meeting. That was a major victory.
Back to Inga. Inga is the loud mouth for the MAGA gang in Payson. Here is what got her fired from KMOG. “Please suggest to Jennifer Martinez to shave her widows peak. She looks like Snow Whites evil queen stepmother, also, the name of the slain of the Salt River officer killed by distracted driver is ‘ClayTon’ not ‘Clay-on,’” Chouinard wrote. “Shes a reporter, should now (sic) proper English. I learned to speak English at age 12 and I can pronounce the name properly. Shameful. Other than that, she’s OK. She’s no Kari Lake, (Kari is such a class act) but Jennifer is Ok.”
After Kadizzle spoke at the town council Inga got up an lied about Kadizzle in typica MAGA fashion. The MAGA gang always makes vague accusations about Kadizzle being disruptive. Never any facts. Disruptive to the MAGA gang is hitting them with facts or reality. When you spoil their fantasy you are thrown out.
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