Patty, sister of Kadizzle recommended Kadizzle listen to audio books. Kadizzle has taken up the challenge. If you like thinking, you might try it, if not watch sports. The first book "21 Lessons for the 21st Century" was very good. Warning the first half you have to plow through. The book Kadizzle is now on was written by the same person and is called "Nexus". Both books warn of AI. Secondly both books do a good job of explaining the mess religion made of the world.
Kadizzle never realized how terrible people are. The witch hunts, and things Stalin and the Nazis did were beyond comprehension. It was all based on story telling and manipulating idiots. Now we have Trump who makes the dingers dance. If you wonder how Trump magically gets the idiots to dance to any music he plays read the books. Trump uses the techniques as old as history itself. It is all about story telling. You just tell the Hoopleheads stories. Hoopleheads love stories and the truth just does not matter. The Nexus goes into how you seek truth. Not done with the book yet, but sure as hell Trump does not want anyone seeking truth. Right now Kadizzle is learning about self correcting systems. Republicans have no such system.
The Stalin gang was amazing. Just about everyone who assisted Stalin was killed by someone else assisting Staling. Hooplehead love to turn on other Hoopleheads. That may be what saves us.
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