Saturday, January 11, 2025

They always run

Moments ago as we drove down main street in Payson Winky got the notion to stop at a new art gallery that is about to open. We talked art and met the owner. Things were going fine until the subject of photo artist came up. Kadizzle mentioned the name of a fine local guy who happens to be a Democrat. Art man said he could not stand the man I mentioned because he is a liberal. Next art man asked Kadizzle about his Donut hat and Kadizzle confessed he was a liberal. Next a discussion ensued. When art man got confronted with facts and reality we were asked to leave. Talking politics was forbidden if you did not agree with the MAGA line. Nope, we are not going to talk if you use facts. It always ends up this way. If you confront a MAGA with reality you are asked to leave. Art man asked if we watched MSNBC, CNN, or any real news. It is forbidden, and none of it agrees with the MAGA party line, so don't watch it. It is impossible for anything that disagrees with Trump to be true.  

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