Thursday, November 12, 2020

The defeat of stupidity

Yesterday was ride the motorcycle up the mountain day.  Winky warned Kadizzle not to try to go clear to the top.  The day was perfect and the ride was a nice outing.  When Kadizzle got close to the top he dismounted the cycle and took a little walk up the last terrible part of the road.  If he could make it to the peak the view would be rewarding, but he might make it he might not.  About fifty percent of the time there is a crash.  Fortunately the brain worked.  It was not a good idea to crash alone in the mountains. Maybe some other rider would show up at the campground and we could go back and crash together.  It is so nice to have someone help when you crash.  The brain won, Kadizzle turned around.  After the mountain Kadizzle decided to ride up towards Peter Bigfoots.   Sand is the problem on that ride.  Motorcycles do not like dry loose sand.  The cycle begged Kadizzle to crash in the sand, but he made it up the wash until he came to a side road he liked.  Up the side road was a nice ride to a very productive spring.  To see that spring still putting out water in this amazingly dry period was a pleasant site. 

If you would like to donate Kadizzle is collecting money to hire twenty U-Haul trucks to park in front of the White House. 

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