Sunday, November 29, 2020

Back at the Earth Module

 Here we sit back in the Earth Module.  The regular wake up, maybe a trip to the executive suite, to sit on a cold throne.  The moon was spectacular last night, so clear you could see astronauts walking around.  The heaters are running to take the chill off.  The fake fireplace is putting out lots of fake heat.  The Colorado gang made it back to Denver early enough to get Danny, their new dog.  They all are in love with the dog.  He is a Wheaten Terrier, or as Kadizzle says a Wolly Brumpus. 

What to do on a nice sunny day? Perhaps a spin on the ebike.  Brother in law Ned built himself two ebikes.  He made them from regular mountain bikes and they turned out well.  Sister Patty bought hers and the two of them are now full blooded ebike fans.  Ned mentioned to Kadizzle that age has transformed him into an ebike man from a motorcycle man.  Ned loves to tinker with motorcycles in his garage. 

The ebike trend will probably take over the country and Kadizzle's nephew may go into that business.  The Nephews, son in laws, and other young relatives are now wanting to move to the country and take jobs where they can be outside.  Kadizzle could never have made it in an office job.  Kadizzle has been very lucky and never had to work in an office all day.  Kadizzle considers himself very fortunate since he was his own boss most of his life.  Although Kadizzle worked for coal and power companies he generally made up his own schedule and did what he wanted when he wanted.  It was a good life. Coal mining was the best.  Most of the year Kadizzle could make the daily schedule whatever he wanted.  Driving around the 10,000 acre mine took up as much of the day as you wanted.  Kadizzle often took wildlife tours with the mine superintendent while we checked the mining activities out.  As a safety person Kadizzle's work very much involved watching other people work.  Not a bad way to spend a day.  Kadizzle wandered around watching people.  It was sort of like a policeman, but the criminals were easy to deal with. 

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