Thursday, September 12, 2019

Shanika the railroad man

Old Shanika has taken a job hauling railroad crews.  Somewhere out there in the dark of night he is dropping off a train crew in the middle of nowhere.  He does this so we can have all the coal we need, along with all the stuffed animals shipped here by the trainload to Walmart.

Today Kadizzle may take another ride on the ebike in Denver.  May make it clear to downtown from Stapleton.  Along the bike path yesterday were some nice homes built by the homeless.  One deluxe home made from tarps and pallets had multiple rooms with a view of the creek.  One industrious bum seemed to be pulling a train of junk with a bike.  Shopping carts are the preferred SUVs for bums.  Along the path there seemed to be a couple of shopping carts loaded with bumites.  Bumites are the treasures bums find in the world. 

Now back to the world that is in the middle of the territory claimed by the bums.  The bums get the creek beds, but the good guys get to live in the sprawling new area of Stapleton. Kadizzle is always amazed about the manicured neighborhoods with landscaping, winding paths, and totally free of any sign of poverty.  The world seems the same everywhere.  Trump golfs while people die from a storm, and here we sit living the life of ease while so many in the world struggle to make it to the end of the day.  Well as the Republicans say " If they would just work hard like I did, they would not be in that mess".  Working hard is great but having a rich uncle is better.

The blasted snoochel (Sylvie) gave Kadizzle the seal of approval this morning.  She complains about all the old man smells a 70 year old grandpa has.  Kadizzle jumped in the shower, brushed his teeth, put on some deodorant, and was welcomed by the snoochel.  She sniffed Kadizzle, even his breath and said " Very impressive Grandpa".  Hugging and kissing the blasted snoochel is one of the things that keep Grandpa alive.

Maybe it has not been announced here, but Cheech is going to produce a little boy.  Kadizzle has been inundated by girls and it is about time someone popped out a boy.  Now old Kadizzle has to live long enough to enjoy his new playmate.

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