Friday, January 05, 2018

Kadizzle in Wonderland

The news is running on NPR in the background.  If someone had predicted a man advocating grabbing women by the private parts would be elected president ten years ago people would have said " No way".   No one would believe we now have a president who plays with nuclear weapons like fireworks.  A man with the mind of child is president.  Most incredibly so many of his own staff call him an idiot a F***king moron, and so on.  We have a political party that has nothing but disdain for the truth, science, and reality.  Income inequality is insane.  The  stock market clearly shows as the train runs down the track headed for the most amazing crash the people on the train are in the bar car enjoying the ride.  The guy on the news right this minute is talking about the U.S. borrowing.  We borrow to finance the stuffed animals we buy from China at Walmart.  While our roads and bridges fall down in front of us we give the richest family in the world, the Waltons, a 52 billion dollar tax break.  In my little town Kadizzle thought the people in charge had some sense. The guy who ran the gas plant went to a Trump rally and then voted for him. The guy who used to be mayor voted for Trump. Have they learned anything, no.  Now they are in the fairyland watching Fox believing Santa will come their lottery ticket is the right one, and Jesus loves greedy bastards like Trump.

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