Sunday, September 22, 2024

The runners

There is a special group of Hoopleheads Kadizzle calls the runners. These cult people love to lie. When you confront a runner about their lying that actually run from you. Once they run away the first thing they do is lie. Steve Otto soon to be mayor of Payson is a classic runner. At a town council meeting when Kadizzle confronted him he refused to talk, and then claimed Kadizzle assaulted him. Michael Heather is another classic runner, as are so many in the cult. Gary Morris is the king of the runners. Gary is head of the Republican Party in Gila county. Gary lied in court like it was going out of style. 

The runners know they lie and have no defense when confronted with the truth. If there was a runners convention it would be the Tea Party meeting. Show up there and confront the runners, and they will call the police. The runners show up on social media. Online they are brave souls, but ask them to confront you in person and poof they are gone. These are the guys who hide behind the bushes and throw rocks. These are the guys that tear down signs at night. These are the guys in the grocery store with guns. These are the guys with the MAGA hats. 

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