Friday, September 27, 2024

Gabe the on line runner.

 Somehow Kadizzle ran into Gabe online. It was probably on the blog Rob Port has. Kadizzle has written about runners before. Runners lie about you and when you confront them they run. In Payson you have Steve Otto, soon to be mayor. Also you have Michael Heather, and of course the king Gary Morris. These runners make Trump look honest. Of course Trump is there patron saint.

Now let’s get to Gabe. Kadizzle managed to call Gabe in North Dakota. The plan was to confront Gabe about his lying. Nope, Gabe was not going to be showered with the truth. Gabe talked over Kadizzle and refused to hear the rest of the story. Gary Morris had someone call Senator Cramer’s office and claim to be Kadizzle. The Capitol Police investigated this and realized it was a political set up.Gabe knows the truth, yet he continues to lie. The runners are all the same in this regard. Gary Morris had the audacity to lie in court. 

How did these little cowards get this way? Trump, Fox News, and the Republicans have made lying and distortion into a fad among the Hoopleheads. 

One thing all the runners have in common, when you say “Why don’t we talk about your lies? “ The runners are gone. 

Could it get worse? Hell yes. The liars in Payson have their own radio station, KMOG, Nazi radio. The host is just like the runners. If you call KMOG and confront them with their lies the host will hang up claiming you are disruptive. 

No one can beat Trump for lying. “They’re eating the pets in Springfield Ohio”Trump said during the debate. Of course lying on this level was gold to Gabe. Gabe would love to lie like that. Lying is a drug to little cowards. For an instant the little men become big. 

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