Thursday, October 28, 2021

Picked up a stray

Kadizzle gave an Arizona trail hiker a place to stay last night, a beer, and a gin and tonic. The fellow pitched his tent near the Earth Module. Seems like traffic on the AZT has picked up. Hikers have to come down from the mountains for supplies and in this case the guy needed some money. He will have to hitch hike into Globe for money. 

Our trail crew has not yet been put to work. Cliff brought his camper down from the White Mountains. Ken and Rita are back and just bought a little refrigerator to sit outside their camper. Old Bill is pretty well recovered from his surgery. Bill is dragging up as they say. Kadizzle has been scavenging all Bill's old hoarder stuff. Jackie will be a new member on the crew this year. Jackie has a PHD in psychology, and used to be a college instructor. Our crew can use a good mental tune up now and then. 

The coyotes went nuts last night right under our window. Soundly asleep were awakened by the deafening scream of the wild dogs. 

One of the worst parts of establishing a new home has been mail, and money. Transferring banks, and credit cards is a mess, but nothing compares to moving mail. During the past year we have been using three different addresses. If you want a mess try that. The great combination is the credit cards and the mail. The credit cards are tied to your address. We are using a friends address in Bismarck. 

Winky is going to hike in the mountains today with Jackie. Kadizzle will have no adult supervision, yea.  More than likely will continue to help Bill pack up for his move to Arkansas. 

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