Thursday, October 17, 2019

The spring came out.

As a kid Kadizzle used to take things apart. It was a learning experience.  More than once taking a clock apart the spring would come loose and fly apart as it unwound. Yesterday it seemed like our government came unwound.  Trump was clearly off the rails.  Anyone who actually pays attention to what the deranged man says knows that Trump has lost it.  A side note.  One of his fellow psychopaths, Kelly Armstrong, from North Dakota condemned his nonsense.  Of course this is something his puppy Kevin Cramer will never do.

The Earth Module is over in Beulah.  The mechanics are going through the undercarriage.  The idea is to make it safely to Arizona.  The new normal is $100 an hour to have anything worked on.  It used to be only doctors and dentist could rip you off like that. Kadizzle could do the work himself, but we have too many things to do before blast off and Jasper Littlebottom thinks Kadizzle is a dolt.

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