Monday, January 14, 2019

A noted day in History.

Jasper Littlebottom, Winky, Mrs. Kadizzle, The Commander, mother of our children, leader of our nation, director of all things important is having her birthday today.  When March comes on the same day Kadizzle has his birthday the Kadizzles will celebrate 43 years of wedded bliss.  Together we have climbed mountains, sailed the ocean,  explored the nation, raised two wonderful daughters, and enjoyed two terrific grand children.  The saga continues.  It all started way back in the hills of West Virginia at West Virginia University.  Mrs. Kadizzle was a renter in Kadizzles mansion in the southwest corner of Pennsylvania.  One thing lead to another, and soon together we spent two summers on Cains run, the equivalent of Camp David for hillbillies.  With no running water, an outhouse, and no electricity Jasper proved she had the mettle to endure a life with Kadizzle.  As the love blossomed marriage seemed inevitable.  Kadizzle needed a job to support little Jasper and took up his old profession as a coal miner in North Dakota.  Now here we sit having known each other for about 45 years.  Jasper is still full of energy, Kadizzle is old, fat,  lazy and stupid, but somehow it works.  Someday Jesus will surely draw us up to Heaven, just as surely as God will rid us of the curse we have for president, but in the meantime we must enjoy life here in the delusion we call America.  Over there the sun is coming up over the mountains, and it will be another day. 

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