Sunday, February 18, 2018

What is it you need?

Many days Kadizzle searches for that special item that will make his life so much easier.  It never seems to appear.  Would a bigger boat be the answer?  Not really, bigger boats are bigger headaches.  Would a fancy car be the answer?  Doubt it who cares?  What about a bigger fancier home?  Just more problems.

Now Kadizzle is not a rich man, but he is rich by the old standard.  A man is rich according to what he can do without.  Now why do the people with a hundred million,  a billion, or fifty billion need more?  Studies about happiness have shown that peoples joy in life does not increase much after they make about $70,000 per year.  Yet people are willing to make life miserable for the poor so the rich can have more.  Time to bring out the trickle down argument.  Let's not even waste time on that nonsense.  It simply doesn't work except in cows.  When you give a cow feed it trickles to the bottom of the cow and feeds the calf.  The good thing is humans steal the milk for themselves.  Now that is the Republican plan.  Even if the food trickles to the bottom of the cow,  how can the rich still steal the milk?  There are hundreds of ways to dupe the ignorant.  Scare them and sell them guns.  Scare them and tell them they need to buy aircraft carriers.  Get them in church and tell them god needs there money.  Start a fake university like Trump did.  Sell them something for 19.95.

The best trick of all is a Republican favorite.  The government is after your money to give it to poor lazy people who do not work. What about the Republicans who are after your money to give it to rich lazy people who do not work?  They earned it. Oh yea, they earned it.  Most of them inherited it or had such a head start they were bound to win. 

Somehow we are to believe the head o Walmart actually earns his $8,000 per hour.  Of course he does selling stuffed animals from China to those lazy poor people.  The CEO gets 133 dollars a minute.  That means for a ten minute bowl release he gets paid one thousand three hundred and thirty dollars.  Taking a shit he earns more than the greeter at the door of his Wallmart does in a week.  That is how trickle down works.  CEO trickles down in the toilet and earns enough to buy something.  Now some poor person in China making stuffed animals has a job.  Exactly how Jesus wants the work

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