Sunday, November 04, 2007

Sunday Morning

"I woke up Sunday morning, and I couldn't find a way to turn my head that didn't hurt. The beer I had for breakfast was so good that I had one more for desert". That is how Johny Cash said it. I got up at five, read the sorrowful Bismarck Tribune, which takes a whole five minutes, and then went on to the New York Times. Actually I woke up feeling pretty good. Now that the hunters have left, I get up to an empty kitchen, while the Commander steals a few more winks. We now live in a age of an information flood. Tom Friedman is concerned about what will happen when every person in India has a $2,500 car. Maureen Dowd is bitching about Hillary, and there is a good article about the farm bill. What a joke the farm bill is. Now, like the article says the biggest welfare queens are farmers. North Dakota is right in the heart of these hypocrites. Where we just came from hunting there is mean farming son-of-a-bitch who gets over two hundred fifty thousand dollars a year in subsidies. He post all his land and flies over it with his private plane to make sure you don't hunt without paying him. My tax dollars pay this jerk to live like a king, and what does he give back in return? The poor guy who is just getting by has a paved runway on his farm and a plane for himself, and his son. He farms the government.

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