Lord Kadizzle is one of the harder people to shock, but last night the feat may have been accomplished. Unable to sleep because of congestion his lordship got up at three in the morning and turned on the television. Every ripoff scheme imaginable was being sold on some channel. On one channel four women were helping to promote a male enhancement product. I am trying to think of a polite way to describe the winner, that will not ruin your breakfast. Some older man was promoting pills to give yourself a colonic, as he called it. The gentleman was extolling the virtues of flushing your pipes four times a year. The highlight of the commercial was a couple photos of what he said came out of him. It appeared to be a six foot long black rope that was dripping with what appeared to be crankcase sludge. As if this was not enough, he said a bunch of worms also accompanied the rope. Most amazing was that he said his daughter got similar results. This commercial may give a whole new meaning to me when someone says "your full of it". People who are watching television late at night must be dazed, confused, and gullible. My pills should be here in a week or two. I am hoping the results produce a gold brick and enough worms to fish for a week.
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