This is the theme song for Lord Kadizzle and The Commander. I ran across it with some comments form my hero John Prine
Friday, November 30, 2007
The Indians Knew Real Estate
As the old saw goes, location, location, location. If there was a good place, or to be more precise perfect place to build something, it seems the Indians always could find it. Visiting El Moro, we found this to be the case one more time. The Zuni built a pueblo on top of a U-shaped mesa, that surrounded an idyllic box canyon. Everything about the site was perfect. The view from on top was for fifty miles in every direction, there was a year round water supply in the perfect pool, and the site was very defendable. I have tried every thing to get my video on here, but nothing seems to work. If you want a more complete view, go to youtube and search for Down to Patty's.
Arrived at Patty's
The Kadizzles have arrived at Patty's. I have been trying to post a video all day, but there must be a glitch. Check back later.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
It always Happens.
Sari Clark, works in a little art place in the middle of nowhere. Lord Kadizzle and The commander stopped at this place in the middle of no where fifty miles south of Grants New Mexico. In no time we found out Sari went to high school with Lenard and Carylon Garceau.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
If the Lord is willlng and the creek doesn;t rise
If all goes well we will be in Albuquerque New Mexico to night. We may stay at the Wal Mart Temple to American consumerism. If we are ambitious we may go on towards Grants. It seems like the Epizootic has loosened its grip. Megan, Erin, and the Commander all went to Yoga yesterday to get their shakra aligned.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Epizootic on retreat
Gradually after spending hundreds of dollars the epizootic is in retreat. It strikes Lord Kadizzle as unbelievable that a simple dose of the flue can have associated cost of over $250. This is for a person that has insurance. No rational person can believe our health care system is just fine in this country. If you want an eye opener there is a good article in the NY times called Dr. Drug Company. The article is by a doctor that worked or a drug company promoting their drug. His conscience got the best of him and he quit. You do not have to dig very deep to see our health care system is so riddled with special interest that it is hopeless.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Bee Bumble and the Practice Baby
Thursday, November 22, 2007
War of Words breaks out
Ancient Family Mystery Solved
As children we all lived just a short distance from our maternal grandparents. Granny Goodwin often made a desert that she fed to members of the Quinn mob. It was so good many of us long for it to this day. Many times the recipe has been discussed, but it seemed Granny took it with her to the kitchen in the sky. She will not be making it in that kitchen, unless she can get her hands on some bourbon. Today Suzie discovered in The Joy of Cooking the recipe for the sauce, it requires one half cup of bourbon. We must digress for a moment. The desert consist of white rice mixed with whipped cream, but the sauce is the key ingredient that draws it out. Many times I tried some alchemy to make the stuff. My observation was that it contained melted butter, brown sugar, and syrup. As regular as clock work bourbon was consumed at the rate of 1/2 bottler per day at grannies house hold. We always knew bourbon was a key ingredient in the manufacture of the lamps my grandfather made. The bourbon could be purchased in a decrotive bottle that made a nice lamp, when emptied. Emptying the bottles was key to making the lamps. Now we know why some of the bourbon went into the sauce.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Super Hero Appears on Deck
As we sat around and read this morning someone glimpsed up and spotted Evergreen man on the deck. Apparently someone left the lid off the hot tub. Like birds Evergreen man is attracted to water, hot water. We could see him frolicking in the tub. He declared "fear not this snow, Evergreen man is here, I will make it disappear". He left, but the snow didn't. Megan immediately fell in love with Evergreen man and hatched a plan to get him to return. She jumped in the hot tub and yelled "Help, I am drowning". Instantly Evergreen Man appeared and saved her.
The Elephant and the Dragon

If Lord Kadizzle enjoys a book a great deal he usually reads it as fast as he can. Since yesterday I have just completed THE ELEPHANT AND THE DRAGON, BY ROBYN MEREDITH. The book should be considered almost mandatory for passengers on this planet. Meredith gives an excellent summary about what is happening as India, and China dominate the world stage. The book is a real wake up call for those snoozing in the American La La land. Some big things are on the horizon and this is a heads up. As anyone who knows me knows, I think Bush is the worst president our country has ever had. It scares me immensely that our country with the encouragement of our president has been sitting on our hands while a snowball is rolling down the mountain at our way of life. After you read this book you will know for sure the world is going to change in a big way in the next ten years, and our life style is going to be shaken up. As our country is dumbing down with religious fundamentalism, THE ELEPHANT AND THE DRAGON are about to stomp on us in a way that even Jesus will not be able to save us from.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
The Eagle has landed
The Kadizzles have landed in Evergreen. Last night we slept in fifty mile per hour winds at the rest stop near Wheatland. Ned, and Megan made it with dog Tony. So here we are ready to bug Erin for a week. The big problem is not getting snowed in here.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Failur to Launch
Since Lord Kadizzle has been suffering form the double epizoodic the wagon train did not leave Friday as scheduled. However, it looks like we will go today. The snow will make it so much more fun. We will be at Erin's for Thanksgiving.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Wagon Heads South Today
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Things I would never have predicted.

Often I think about how I ended up in North Dakota. I never imagined as a young hill billy I would spend most of my life in North Dakota. Now, I find myself the major stockholder in a fashion design company. Megan is going to make a stab at a line of clothing in New York City. So now a man with the fashion sense of a person living under the bridge, is watching Project Runway. Lord Kadizzle is learning, he correctly predicted the loser, and the winner. Since gay men seem to dominate women's fashion, I am not sure about Megan's chance. However, her boyfriend dressed as a gay guy for Halloween, so there may be some hope. This leads to an interesting question: Do gay women design men's clothes? Mine seem to be designed by a chubby elf. Lord Kadizzle may start his own line of mens cloths. A friends wife had a good idea, she put a bell on his zipper so he remembers to pull it up. Lord Kadizzle is thinking of various cloth with food stain patterns that would hide the clues to what was served for dinner. Also a shirt with buttons on the bottom that can be attached to the pants to hold them up is in the works. My big hope is to bring out a line of jump suits for retired guys. When RV's first became popular, every old fart that bought one had a silver jump suit. His fashion statement was "I am retired, and my belly no longer has to fight a belt". It also reflected the NASA era. If Kadizzle fashions can bring this trend back, you will see rolly polly guys poping out the doors of great big road hogs looking like a fat guy just landed on the moon.
Sea Change
If the Lord is willing, and the creeks don't rise the retinue of Lord Kadizzle, and The Commander will head to Colorado tomorrow to see the Snoocher Bear in her mountain lair. As hard core nature lovers, which includes piece and quite, we violated a fundamental principle yesterday and bought portable electricity, a generator. Prior to this purchase we were forced to return to civilization periodically to recharge the batteries. Hopefully this addition will reduce our traveling cost. I am not sure we made the right decision. For years we have done just fine without one of the damn things. On many occasions his Lordship has been ready to kill some inconsiderate person that came into a peaceful place and ran a generator. Hopefully we will be judicial enough not to ruin someone else's experience.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Late Night Television

Lord Kadizzle is one of the harder people to shock, but last night the feat may have been accomplished. Unable to sleep because of congestion his lordship got up at three in the morning and turned on the television. Every ripoff scheme imaginable was being sold on some channel. On one channel four women were helping to promote a male enhancement product. I am trying to think of a polite way to describe the winner, that will not ruin your breakfast. Some older man was promoting pills to give yourself a colonic, as he called it. The gentleman was extolling the virtues of flushing your pipes four times a year. The highlight of the commercial was a couple photos of what he said came out of him. It appeared to be a six foot long black rope that was dripping with what appeared to be crankcase sludge. As if this was not enough, he said a bunch of worms also accompanied the rope. Most amazing was that he said his daughter got similar results. This commercial may give a whole new meaning to me when someone says "your full of it". People who are watching television late at night must be dazed, confused, and gullible. My pills should be here in a week or two. I am hoping the results produce a gold brick and enough worms to fish for a week.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Warren Buffett (second richest man in the U. S) pays less tax than you do
Warren Buffett is challenging Forbes 400 members to fork over more
Warren Buffett has been up on his soapbox recently, railing against the Bush Administration's tax policy. America's second-richest man--whose net worth now exceeds $57 billion--pontificates that the rich have lower tax rates than the middle class. It's not a novel argument for Buffett, but he's finding new ways to showcase it.
A few weeks ago he told Tom Brokaw of NBC News that he pays less tax, as a percentage of his taxable income, than the folks who work in Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE:BRK-A - News)'s home office. That's because much of his income is taxed at the lower dividends and capital gains rate. To prove his claim, the Oracle (NasdaqGS:ORCL - News) of Omaha produced a memo showing that he had $46.9 million in taxable income in 2006 and paid just 18% to the Feds. The average federal tax paid by Berkshire employees was nearly double Buffett's rate, at 33%. Their salaries range from $60,000 to $750,000.
Buffett wants to take the argument further. He says he will bet any Forbes 400 member $1 million (proceeds to charity) that the average federal tax rate (income and payroll) paid by The Forbes 400 is less than the average rate of their secretaries and receptionists. "So far only three close friends, all 400 members, have made the calculation for me," he tells forbes in an e-mail exchange. "They all came up with results similar to mine but have no interest in being identified."
While we couldn't pin down many other Forbes 400 members to a real million-dollar wager, some did speak their minds.
Phillip Ruffin $2.1 billion Casinos
"I think Buffett is (getting) carried away with all of the media hype he gets. He is forgetting about the 55% estate tax at death that goes along with making the money. Maybe he is getting senile? [I have] no interest in his challenge, but I will play him (in) a game of poker, any stakes he wants."
Mark Cuban $2.6 billion, Dallas Mavericks
"I agree with him. I put a lot of money in tax-free instruments. So, yes, I do pay less as a percentage of income than those that work for me, and I have no problem admitting it. Conceptually I have zero problem with paying more taxes. Unfortunately, far too much money is wasted by our politicians."
John Catsimatidis $2.1 billion Oil, real estate
"The numbers can fool you. If I make $20 million, I'm not going to pay 35% on it because I have a complex business. I own real estate, stocks and bonds, and so I have depreciation and writeoffs. But I do pay a lot in taxes. My secretary is going to pay it straight, because her only income is her salary, and her assets are essentially her home. Death is where the government really gets the rich."
George Kaiser $11 billion Oil, banking
"I agree wholeheartedly that our tax system is insufficiently progressive. I also agree that the estate tax at levels above $10 million should be retained. Higher tax rates for higher levels of income [up to at least 50%, maybe higher] not only are socially responsible but also would encourage more charitable giving."
Kenneth Fisher $1.8 billion Investments, FORBES Columnist
"He should stick to his area of expertise. It's a little late to be trying to learn and teach social policy. The fact is that most rich people have an impossible time avoiding high taxes, even if they are purely invested in instruments that are solely subject to capital gains. Rich people are still subject to alternative minimum tax on the federal level and still have to pay state income taxes. "
RANDAL J. KIRK $1.6 billion Pharmaceuticals
"While I admire Mr. Buffett greatly, his thesis here seems grossly simplistic. There are good reasons why investment returns are not taxed at the 'ordinary' income tax rate. If investment returns in the U.S. are reduced through the imposition of additional taxes, people will 'buy' less investment (because the price would have gone up)."
B. Thomas Golisano $2 billion Paychex (NasdaqGS:PAYX - News)
"There are some facts I'd like to remind Mr. Buffett of. The top 1% of earners in this country pay 30% of the income taxes, and the top 5% pay 50% of the income taxes. Other than that, I don't think he's crazy."
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Warren Buffett has been up on his soapbox recently, railing against the Bush Administration's tax policy. America's second-richest man--whose net worth now exceeds $57 billion--pontificates that the rich have lower tax rates than the middle class. It's not a novel argument for Buffett, but he's finding new ways to showcase it.
A few weeks ago he told Tom Brokaw of NBC News that he pays less tax, as a percentage of his taxable income, than the folks who work in Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE:BRK-A - News)'s home office. That's because much of his income is taxed at the lower dividends and capital gains rate. To prove his claim, the Oracle (NasdaqGS:ORCL - News) of Omaha produced a memo showing that he had $46.9 million in taxable income in 2006 and paid just 18% to the Feds. The average federal tax paid by Berkshire employees was nearly double Buffett's rate, at 33%. Their salaries range from $60,000 to $750,000.
Buffett wants to take the argument further. He says he will bet any Forbes 400 member $1 million (proceeds to charity) that the average federal tax rate (income and payroll) paid by The Forbes 400 is less than the average rate of their secretaries and receptionists. "So far only three close friends, all 400 members, have made the calculation for me," he tells forbes in an e-mail exchange. "They all came up with results similar to mine but have no interest in being identified."
While we couldn't pin down many other Forbes 400 members to a real million-dollar wager, some did speak their minds.
Phillip Ruffin $2.1 billion Casinos
"I think Buffett is (getting) carried away with all of the media hype he gets. He is forgetting about the 55% estate tax at death that goes along with making the money. Maybe he is getting senile? [I have] no interest in his challenge, but I will play him (in) a game of poker, any stakes he wants."
Mark Cuban $2.6 billion, Dallas Mavericks
"I agree with him. I put a lot of money in tax-free instruments. So, yes, I do pay less as a percentage of income than those that work for me, and I have no problem admitting it. Conceptually I have zero problem with paying more taxes. Unfortunately, far too much money is wasted by our politicians."
John Catsimatidis $2.1 billion Oil, real estate
"The numbers can fool you. If I make $20 million, I'm not going to pay 35% on it because I have a complex business. I own real estate, stocks and bonds, and so I have depreciation and writeoffs. But I do pay a lot in taxes. My secretary is going to pay it straight, because her only income is her salary, and her assets are essentially her home. Death is where the government really gets the rich."
George Kaiser $11 billion Oil, banking
"I agree wholeheartedly that our tax system is insufficiently progressive. I also agree that the estate tax at levels above $10 million should be retained. Higher tax rates for higher levels of income [up to at least 50%, maybe higher] not only are socially responsible but also would encourage more charitable giving."
Kenneth Fisher $1.8 billion Investments, FORBES Columnist
"He should stick to his area of expertise. It's a little late to be trying to learn and teach social policy. The fact is that most rich people have an impossible time avoiding high taxes, even if they are purely invested in instruments that are solely subject to capital gains. Rich people are still subject to alternative minimum tax on the federal level and still have to pay state income taxes. "
RANDAL J. KIRK $1.6 billion Pharmaceuticals
"While I admire Mr. Buffett greatly, his thesis here seems grossly simplistic. There are good reasons why investment returns are not taxed at the 'ordinary' income tax rate. If investment returns in the U.S. are reduced through the imposition of additional taxes, people will 'buy' less investment (because the price would have gone up)."
B. Thomas Golisano $2 billion Paychex (NasdaqGS:PAYX - News)
"There are some facts I'd like to remind Mr. Buffett of. The top 1% of earners in this country pay 30% of the income taxes, and the top 5% pay 50% of the income taxes. Other than that, I don't think he's crazy."
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Monday, November 12, 2007
The Great Hunt
Well, we completed the mission. His Lordship is happy to report Table Meat Jr. did just great. Lord Kadizzle often wondered if his old gun Table Meat could ever be replaced, but Jr. seems to be filling the role. Lord Kadizzle is a gentle man by nature and does not like to see any living creature forfit its life, however one must remember Pheasants are not from here. They were imported from China. Lord Kadizzle could not be elected to the legislature in North Dakota because the Republicans said "He is not from here". So Lord Kadizzle has come to understand that everything that "is not from here" must be subdued, that is why we kill pheasants. It is the right thing to do in North Dakota. Six ended up in the basket. There were two poor fellows that were shot, but escaped. Back to Table Meat, he made some long shots, some quick shots, and missed very few. The Commander did not have as many shots and wanted to hunt until she got her share. His Lordship told her to walk a couple of choice places, but she did not listen. His Lordship did the walking and got the birds.
Lord Kadizzle's wife, The Commander
In nothing but a T-shirt, and a pair of undies, The Commander just marched by on the way to the washing machine, with her hands full of dirty cloths. She announced in her authoritarian voice, "We are going hunting today". To most men this would be a dream come true to have a wife that says "I am taking you fishing today, or I am going to insist you watch football". So The Commander and I will be off soon to fight the communist pheasants into submission. The way we go after these poor fellows you would think they were the Hatfields, or the McCoys. The most amazing thing is that with a brain the size of a golf ball at best, they can defeat us, frustrate us, and cause more havoc, than George Bush with a full sized brain. Once we get to the field the pheasants will sit in the brush and laugh as we decide to use one of our two failing techniques. First is what we call the Audubon Hunt, we make so much noise that the birds hear us a mile away. It is called the Audubon hunt because all we get to do is bird watch. The major failure of the Audubon technique is that we walk side by side. The birds have countless ways to escape. Our next move is the German Panzer attack. This involves each of us starting at opposite ends of a tree row. This two usually fails because it is very difficult for two Germans to surround twenty pheasants. The pheasants have an air force, and we don't. Our only hope is the dumb pheasant that sits still thinking "Those idiots will never find me". The pheasant is correct, but he has missed one rule of the hill billy universe, "Even a blind hog will root". I am not sure what this means, but I think it means even an idiot will stumble on something. So that poor bird will panic when the idiot brigade almost steps on him. Finiease P. Pheasant still has a few things going for him as he flies away. Usually only one idiot is close enough to shoot. That idiot frequently forgets to take the safety off the gun, or fails to have a shell in the chamber. Assuming every thing goes well, the bird gets shot. It is gods plan. Any bird that falls prey to idiots is an idiot. This is how survival of the fittest works. The net result is we are creating smarter pheasants. Now this truly shows what idiots we are.
Door To Door Atheists Bother Mormons
This guy actually dresses as the Mormons do and goes to Salt Lake City to knock on doors. It is wonderful to see someone give them a bit of their own medicine.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
The Great Wall of Hazen

As yesterday drew to a close I ended the day with a great deal of respect for the builders of the Great Wall of China. With the help of the mayor I built the great wall at the pocket park for the third time. The first time I built the wall, The Commander didn't like it. So I tore it down and rebuilt. The second time I built the wall the Mayor didn't like it, so the mayor and I rebuilt it yesterday.The latest version still needs some tweaking, but we had to stop due to frustration late in the day. Piling up stones would seem like a simple matter, but there are many lessons. The temptation to work with the easiest stones first is a big mistake. When you get to the end all you will have left is irregular stones that don't fit, you realize the easy way out doesn't work. Both the mayor, and The Commander wanted to start on both ends and work toward the middle. Neither would listen to me when I said that was a mistake. Try piling up stones, and then go look at what the Indians of the southwest did, look at what the Egyptians did, look at the castle builders, and the Incas, and you will have a new respect. The mayor and Lord Kadizzle had the advantage of modern equipment. We could move the stones hydraulically. From one day of work the skin on my hands is cracked and sore. Moving stones has been one of mans oldest accomplishments, but I don't think I could make it in the stone age.
Read Frank Rich in Today's New York Times
If you have an once of concern about the course our country is taking be sure to read Frank Rich's column in the New York Times today. Remember, you can read it free on the net. If I have any sense of history or knowledge of our past, it is my opinion that we have never had a worse president than George Bush. We have had other presidents that did nothing, but Bush has managed to do nothing positive, while being the best fertilizer ever for the viruses that are eating away our economy, our freedom, and everything we stand for as a nation. Personally I do not think Bush has enough intelligence to even be harmful. In my opinion he is just a useful dolt for people like Karl Rove, and Dick Cheney. Bush is a dupe of the highest order. That Americans go about their business while soldiers die because of his incompetence should be disturbing to everyone, but we all have nice TVs, and our children are not subjected to the draft, and so far we have been able to make it by mortgaging the house and living on credit cards, so why should we care?
Saturday, November 10, 2007
New Golf Game in Stanton, or Drive by Shooting

Once Ray makes up his mind, very little deters him. Frisbee golf is not his cup of tea, so he has come up with Bambi ball. Ray has a nice course West of his house. Each green has a different crop for Bambi. A "Hole in one" has a completely new meaning when you golf with Ray. Lord Kadizzle is anxiously awaiting the picture of Ray with a Buck strapped to the top of his golf cart. Since his surgery Ray painted a blue stripe around his whole farm, so he has handicap parking everywhere, which under his rules means you can shoot from the cart. Back at the club house when they ask, " Howd ya do". Ray will reply " I got a hole in one". What were you using? "Oh, my 306 Winchester".
There has been a lot of controversy in North Dakota about canned hunting. South of Hazen we have canned Elk Hunts where you shoot an Elk penned up behind a fence for five thousand dollars. I don't know how Bambi Ball will go over with PETA, but I am sure it will draw a whole new group of sportsman to our area. Go get em Tiger Kerns.
Boulder Wrestling
Yesterday was spent with the Commander wrestling large pieces of granite into positon at the Pocket Park. By noon I had a pretty good wall built on the back of the park, then the Commander showed up and said she did not like the way the rocks were laid out. So in a brief fit of insanity I complied with her wishes and made some changes. Getting a 1500lb rock to move exactly where you want it can be very frustrating. The rocks had to be set on edge, so the task was even worse. By the end of the day we more or less had the job done. If I can get some pictures I will post them later.
Friday, November 09, 2007
My Republican Neighbor
Last night Gerty came over for the regular evening sip of wine. Gerty brought her hard core Republican husband, Pat. Pat is a nice neighbor and has an artistic bent. As far as art goes I told him he is an "Idiot savant". It is unavoidable when Pat and I are together that politics gets discussed. Pat was a former state legislator. Last night the topic of health care came up. According to Pat there is no problem, even though he has to send money to both his children to help pay the cost of health care. Keep in mind the people in our area elected Pat over and over. Now for the sad state of affairs we are in, Pat says Bush is one of the greatest presidents we ever had.
This morning as I reviewed the New York Times I came across Paul Krugman's editorial. Amazingly it was about the typical excuses for the poor quality of American health insurance. Krugman's writing sounded like he had just talked to Pat. One of the scariest prospects I face every day is knowing how many Pats there are wandering around on the end of the leash held by Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove, and the rest of the bunch. At noon Pat takes as nap while he falls asleep listening to Rush Limbaugh. Sweet dreams Pat.
This morning as I reviewed the New York Times I came across Paul Krugman's editorial. Amazingly it was about the typical excuses for the poor quality of American health insurance. Krugman's writing sounded like he had just talked to Pat. One of the scariest prospects I face every day is knowing how many Pats there are wandering around on the end of the leash held by Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove, and the rest of the bunch. At noon Pat takes as nap while he falls asleep listening to Rush Limbaugh. Sweet dreams Pat.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Pat Robertson Endorses Rudy
Make me puke. I never had an once of respect for Pat Robertson, now I have none for Rudy. Is he nuts letting this cheap religious fraud endorse him?
The Big Event

Today the little village of Hazen will have the grand opening of a new Store. This is not an ordinary store, but the small town version of a big box store. So, the first order of the day will be to go to the Grand opening. Now we can have soap, and socks, and all the other things the big city people enjoy. Once the mayor is freed up from the grand opening we can head up to what was once the largest earth filled dam in the world. The dam fellows must have had some concern, because they stockpiled a whole bunch of rocks. Our mission will be to bring a dump truck load of those rocks back to the pocket part to make a wall. That is how it is from our version of Lake Wobegon, where all the people are Republican, and life never goes forward. Where the biggest excitement is at the funeral home, and all the kids leave.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Sunday Morning

"I woke up Sunday morning, and I couldn't find a way to turn my head that didn't hurt. The beer I had for breakfast was so good that I had one more for desert". That is how Johny Cash said it. I got up at five, read the sorrowful Bismarck Tribune, which takes a whole five minutes, and then went on to the New York Times. Actually I woke up feeling pretty good. Now that the hunters have left, I get up to an empty kitchen, while the Commander steals a few more winks. We now live in a age of an information flood. Tom Friedman is concerned about what will happen when every person in India has a $2,500 car. Maureen Dowd is bitching about Hillary, and there is a good article about the farm bill. What a joke the farm bill is. Now, like the article says the biggest welfare queens are farmers. North Dakota is right in the heart of these hypocrites. Where we just came from hunting there is mean farming son-of-a-bitch who gets over two hundred fifty thousand dollars a year in subsidies. He post all his land and flies over it with his private plane to make sure you don't hunt without paying him. My tax dollars pay this jerk to live like a king, and what does he give back in return? The poor guy who is just getting by has a paved runway on his farm and a plane for himself, and his son. He farms the government.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Big Jim, and Little Jim
Friday, November 02, 2007
A Good Time was had by all
Last night at three in the morning Jim, and Sam jumped in his truck and headed back to North Carolina. Roger, and Tom are still here, but will leave around noon. Our house has been thick with a southern accent. Luckily Lord Kadizzle and The Commander have a southern background, so we do not need interpreters. Roger is over at the stove cooking ho cake. God only knows what it is, but it sounds like a giant pancake. Every morning Roger does the cooking. It is nice having a morning cook. Of course each of our guest has a good chaw of tobacco going most of the time. In the morning we level Jim by getting the tabac to run out of each side of his mouth evenly. We have got to taste a lot of good southern wiskey. Tom is a Gentleman Jack man. Jim is a George Dickle fan, and Roger likes B&G 2004 Merlot. I almost forgot to mention that Roger spent ten days in Paris last summer, and now is a changed man. His service station in Ashboro now also features advice on wine, and a little French Cooking. Dennis brings his own homemade hooch. It comes in two flavors, cheery, and plum. Every night after the hunt we had a good meal prepared by The Commander. Last night she made her famous "Under the bridge stew". Served with fresh biscuits it will make you slap your granny.
From Rags to Riches
Although there was little opulence at the Bunkhouse, the hunting party lacked none at the Jacobson Mansion. After a day of some good hunting we hunkered down for a nice meal of prime rib. Prior to the meal we sat in the parlor and told the usual round of stories. The meal was excellent and ended with a fresh baked Key Lime Pie.
Life at the Bunk House
The Mousekateers had a club house, but the Phesanteers have a bunk house. In the little town of Marmath in Southwest North Dakota, the old railroad bunkhouse has been converted into a hotel of sorts. For 15 dollars a night you can sleep just like the old brakeman did many years ago. Lord Kadizzle paid the extra ten dollars for a bed warmer, The Commander. Everyone seemed to sleep well in their sparse little room with just an electric light hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room. The bunkhouse had two main attractions. First there was the railroad track that ran right in front of the place. Burlington Northern Santa Fe is very careful to schedule only one train a day that runs in the middle of the night. Lord Kadizzle likes to sleep with the window open. Some time near one in the morning the train came rumbling down the track. The whistle blew and about knocked old Kadizzle right out of bed. Several members of the group claimed the next morning they did not even know a train went by. Although it was similar to an earthquake a couple hunters did not believe it happened. This was a testimonial to the quality of the medication they had taken prior to bed. The next night the engineer was a little more merciful on the horn.
The second attraction at the bunkhouse was Harvey. Harvey was on oil field worker that was residing at the estate. Harvey appeared to be a burnt out, leftover, worked over, hippie from the sixties. The first night Tom engaged Harvey in some conversation and the two of them managed to solve many of the worlds problems. It is questionable if Tom could have communicated with Harvey if he had not been well lubed by his friend Gentleman Jim. Gentleman Jim comes in the industrial size, and the traveling size. Tom brought one of each to cover all bases. When we got up in the morning Harvey was usually sitting there staring off into space looking like he was ready to bite your leg off. One day when we returned from the hunt Harvey was sitting there looking like a coal stove had blown up in his face. He was black from the waste down. According to Harvey his delima was caused by vent oil, whatever that was.
The boys from North Carolina were amazed how the bunkhouse was run. Basically you just walk in take a room and sleep in it. When you leave you put the money you owe under the door of room two. You never see anyone who runs the place. It is a fine system that could only work in North Dakota.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Not a good day to smoke
When we had breakfast before the hunt there seemed to be an ominis warning. A large woman, about two ax handles across the bottom came into the cafe. She proceeded to light up a smoke. The cafe owner told her in no uncertain terms she could not smoke. She yelled at her " You can't smoke in here, take that thing outside". As the smoker ran for the door Lord Kadizzle yelled, " and we don't allow farting either". The poor woman did not even come back.
Later that day as we were driving we saw some smoke in the ditch. As we started to hunt it became evident there was a major fire. On the way back we found the combine that had just done our host field caught fire. Luckily it was not his combine. The next day we found another combine in the field that had also caught fire. The dry conditions seem to be causing problems.
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