On this planet the Untied States just anin't that happy. The recent poll of countries to see who is happy and who is not so happy showed our country ranked 24th. Hmm, what is the problem? It jumps out. Greed, greed, greed. 400 families own half of everything in the U.S. and they want more. Now the dolts have elected a dictator about to shovel more to those with too much. Does that make you happy? Nope.
Who is happy? Well it turns out that countries like Sweden, Norway, and Finland are happy. Why? The government protects people from the rich, it is that simple. When normal people have education, healthcare, and a decent home guess what they are happy.
Here we sit in America with the king of greed dogs as the dictator. Are you happy? My children are having the world destroyed by Elon, and his buddy Mr. Greed. Look at the flaming asshole Trump. He surrounds himself with gold toilets, and look what he has done to the oval office, it is full of gold trophies he won by cheating.
How happy can you be when. you see bum walkers everyday pulling their little carts with all their possessions. Delusion is the coin of the realm.
So when are you moving?🙏🙏🙏. You must like government waste? Kevin
When are you going to becomes a Patriot and support the Blue? Veteran's? Elderly? And KIDS? Apologists like you are finding more and more difficult every day trying to defend Republican behavior. Heil H right?
It begins! Let’s do our part locally
15k showed up for Bernie and AOC in phoenix Thursday!
We were halfway in line and didn’t even get into overflow!!!! It was a great turnout! 💙
Took me 2 hours to drive what is normally a 20-minute drive to that area, and arrived to thousands of people outside - the arena was so full they shut the doors. Sad, I didn't make it in, but so comforted knowing how many people were there in solidarity!
I was there. It was amazing to see so many gathered. People were sitting amongst individuals they didn’t know, but were engaged in friendly conversation. If you saw somebody looking for a seat, people would point out open seats and call people over to them. Others were giving up seats so those who needed to sit could. It was just a very kind, collaborative sense of joining forces and caring about each other as a community. No profanity from the speakers. No talk of violence from them. No wielding of chainsaws or symbolic weapons. This was the second Townhall I attended this week. The camaraderie has been welcome.
Republican Rep. Andy Biggs refused to let Democrats or independents into his town hall this week — and now that we’ve seen the uncovered footage, it’s pretty clear why.
Follow @couriernewsroom for more.
Republican Rep. Andy Biggs refused to let Democrats or independents into his town hall this week — and now that we’ve seen the uncovered footage, it’s pretty clear why.
Follow @couriernewsroom for more.
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