Thursday, March 13, 2025

Buster Scruggs comes to town hall

 Gary Morris used to be the head of the Republican Party here in Gila County—until he resigned, right after Kadizzle got to call him a liar about fifty times in court. Gary lost that case, but true to form, he just can’t stop lying. Recently, he wrote to the paper, peddling the same lie that got him caught red-handed in court.

Fast forward to the latest town council meeting. In walks Gary, dressed like he just stepped out of The Ballad of Buster Scruggs—a pint-sized cowboy in a white hat with nothing under it. To complete the look, Buster Morris even had on a pair of sunglasses, because apparently, reality is just too bright for him.

Now, there is a god, because the only open seat left in the room was right next to Kadizzle. That meant Kadizzle had the perfect opportunity to ask Gary, face to face, when exactly he planned to stop lying. Even better, we were surrounded by his loyal Hooplehead fan club, so every word landed with an audience. Kadizzle didn’t waste the chance—calling out Gary’s lies right in the midst of his admirers. Unsurprisingly, Gary had no response.

This is what makes town council meetings entertaining. Sitting among the willfully uninformed, dropping inconvenient facts about Trump, and watching their gears grind to a halt. Case in point: Kadizzle casually mentioned that Trump—who loves to bash electric cars—actually went out and bought one himself. The Hooples, of course, had no recollection of this, because remembering what Trump said yesterday is a skill they simply do not possess.

And so, there sat Buster Morris, white cowboy hat and all, surrounded by his crew, basking in the glow of willful ignorance. Some things never change

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