Thursday, March 06, 2025

The simplest intelligence test of all time.

You are driving with someone. Looking far down the road you see a traffic light is red. An intelligent person will let up on the throttle and never have to stop for the red light. A typical idiot will speed toward the red light and slam on the brakes. 

Looking ahead is an art. Once Kadizzle asked someone why they got paid so much more than Kadizzle did. The answer was revealing. The person explained that some people have to make decidions about what is going to happen in the next hour, others the next day, and others yet farther out. The farther ahead you have to think the more you get paid. It makes sense. Now look at our country the dolts don't look down the road at all. Trump has no clue of the long term effect of his insanity. Climate change is the perfect example. If it is not happening today, then it is not a problem. Hopefully this will help you spot a dolt or a Hooplehead. A very easy way to spot dolts and Hoopleheads is more like bird watching. They wear red MAGA hats.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope your motorcycle that you brag about riding is electric your vehicle is electric and you don’t use anything made from petroleum products or you are part of the problem then. Kevin