Sylvie's performance was a raging success, and Kadizzle was glad he got to see his wonderful giant perform. Sylvie is now taller than her grandpa.
Back in the land of the Hooples the three stooges are still doing their best to disrupt Payson with their lies and attacks on the town staff. Sadly many of the good employees of the town have quit. The Hooples want to get everything on the cheap. The town has been struggling to get a new swimming pool for years. The old pool was closed for safety reasons, and the Hooples want to put duct tape on it and reopen.
The problem in Payson is there are a lot of busted flat simple minded Hooples living near the edge in dilapidated homes. The Hooples are busted for a reason, they were just not too bright. Even now they are pissing away their social security checks investing at the casino. Normal people failed to vote in the last election, and three dolts that represent the Hooples won. The dolts have been dying to have a witch hunt and find how they can blame everything on the last town council. It is not working. The three stooges that got elected don't seem to be able to get anything done. The town is now without a police chief, a town manager, and a couple of other important positions. No respectable person wants to work with the Hooples. You get what you pay for. The Hooples don't like paying modern salaries.
One stunt the Hooples tried was putting Charlie Seraphin in as town manager. He is just a right wing radio guy that has no experience managing a town, but he would be the Hooples lickspittle. So on the battle goes to try to get the town on track.
1 comment:
You have all this money why don’t you donate a pool? Kevin
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