We are a nation of idiots. Trump has proven preying on stupid people is a sure fire money maker. Science has become flexible. Religion has become flexible. Just make it up is the new method for answering any question. Who ever makes up the best answer wins. Lying makes no difference people don't remember that yesterday you were against electric cars and today your bought one. Dolts, Hoopleheads, and dingers are proud to be stupid. Now you proudly announce to your friends you are an idiot with a MAGA hat. Elections are about who is the best liar, and is willing to promise the biggest piece of pie.
A lie will cover anything. Ukraine started the war with Russia. Kadizzle got into a back and forth with a Trump dinger about who started the war. The dinger ended up claiming the United States started the war. The flexibility of being stupid is a real asset. As Trump robs people of their social security he tells them they have to endure some pain to get rich. Of course the Hoopleheads eat up that explanation. The modern day church is the Church of the Latter Day idiots. My old neighbor famously said " Education just confuses people". Stay away from science, facts, and reality, they only create confusion.
I enjoy this guy sometimes. I mean seriously who wouldn't enjoy a person that talked $#!+ about kamala harris and refused to support her then two days after they announced her run this guy was on the street corner supporting her. Or imagine being so brainwashed that instead of being happy for the team finding wasteful spending you attack the people uncovering it.
Or when he was five years old he got locked in a closet and figured out that God was a lie instantly.
Or better yet watching this guy dress up as a Hindu Prince and claim to be more enlightened than everyone else. I have to admit it's hilarious reading your crap.
I will add you still have yet to post anything of value or context and still continue opinion based statements. I'm curious do you even know the difference?
I like how krapfizzle talks about global warming yet he rides his gas powered motorcycle all over plus takes trips in fuel powered planes. What a delusional hypocrite. Kevin
This guy has had people kiss his ass in court for years. That power got to his head! He knows no difference, I have seen his demeanor in public and when he is on video in a public he can make some good points. But in a one on one he will not address anything of substance. He always resorts to main stream news distortions that never discuss the entire topic. He will never look at anything that is a disruption to his world view.
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