Confining your thoughts to reality is not much fun. That is why religion was invented. The reality of just dropping dead some day is no fun, so make up something you like, and get some friends to believe the same nonsense. Why not do it with Donald Trump? What can be better than self delusion. I am smart, I am beautiful, and I am just plain wonderful. Now all I have to do is convince myself it is true. Of course it is true if someone else will just tell me it is true. That is how cults get going, that is how religion gets to clean people's pockets. So here we go, were going to try mass delusion brought to us by the Trumpster.
OK folks that was Kadizzle's version of today's Post, now Kadizzle will have AI rewrite the post and here it is.
Ok, you've tossed your brain out the window.
You've been diagnosed schizophrenic, right?
Hey krapfizzle did you celebrate Christmas orever except a Christmas bonus? If you did you are a hypocrite justlime moat of your party. Kevin
Kevin, please make an inbtelligent comment
and this concludes your whipsnichet for the day
You don’t believe in God or religion so don’t celebrate his holidays you hypocrite. Kevin
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