This is not the planet Kadizzle was born on. The old planet Earth seemed to have a little bit of logic, and it was somewhat understandable. Yesterday was typical. Kadizzle talked to his friend the neurosurgeon. Doctor with a big smile said how he was looking forward to the mess Donald Trump will create. Imagine looking forward to the Civil War or the holocaust.
This seems so much like a crowd at a hanging, or gathering to watch a building demolished with explosives. Trump is rubbing his hands as he picks the worst imaginable people to destroy the country. The late night comedians all had fun talking about how Trump made RFK eat McDonalds crap food. Trump loves to make his followers look like idiots. When Trump stands on a stage and talks about Arnold Palmer's penis his crowd just stands there. Normal people would walk out saying to themselves " Trump is bug fucking crazy". Nope, they love being cut down and demeaned. Trump famously said " I love the uneducated".
Pick up the New York Times today and read how Putin and Russia are gleefully waiting for Trump to destroy the United States. What have we come to? Nothing can shake the cult from the fog of insanity surrounding Trump.
Locally Kadizzle has been in court fighting the little lying rat Gary Morris. Mind boggling is the courts readily acceptance of the pathological liar. Kadizzle provided a detective agency affidavit to the Payson Justice Court proving Gary Morris has lied on multiple occasions. No problem, Gary can lie at will. The court pointed out that Kadizzle must prove Gary has lied three times in the past year. All the other lying and deceit has been forgiven.
Now a little taste of the court system. Gary Morris approached Kadizzle on the Beeline highway with two or three gunmen beside him carrying holstered weapons. This would seem to an ordinary person harassment. Gary Morris told Kadizzle he had to leave the public sidewalk. The judge said the gunmen were there under their own vallation, and Gary Morris had no control over them. This seemed insane. It was very much like the time Trump sent his gunmen to the Capital. They went on their own, Trump had nothing to do with it.
The court system in our country is toast. The supreme court has proven what Republicans can do to justice. Now if you don't get it just think about Trump appointing Matt Gatz attorney general. Gatz had sex with a 17 year old girl and was observed by witnesses. As stated before nothing will shake the mind of a cult member into consciousness.
I know, same old shiat
Yes Batman, insanity
Hey Kadizzle, can you relate?
Hey krapfizzle was Gaetz convicted of that?
Ah, you know how they are - hate Trump hate Trump hate Trump
they'll ignore anything that doesn't come from MSNBC and MSM (Mainstream Media). Biden has OK'd long range missiles fired into Russia even to the point of nuclear war and WWIII but don't expect Kadizzle to know anything about it.
yes American missiles fired into Russia. Trump says please ignore this we don't want war. Biden has given the OK to start WWIII.
Six American missiles were fired into Russia today. That is an act of war in anybody's book.
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