Sunday, November 10, 2024

OK, what about life

Strangers don't scare Kadizzle. However, Winky has trepidation. Yesterday Kadizzle drove down main street. It was obvious a trail hiker was walking down the street. Since we work on the Arizona Trail Kadizzle likes to encounter and spot trail hikers. The Arizona Trail goes from Mexico to Utah. Kadizzle offered the trail hiker a ride to town. The Trail hiker goes by the name Angel. He came to the Donuts meeting, had a donut, and charged his electronics while the meeting went on. 

Kadizzle offered to let Angel come home with him, take a shower, wash his clothes and sleep in the back yard. Kadizzle comes from a family of nine children and strangers are part of life. As a child Kadizzle was. used to waking up Saturday morning and finding someone he did not know sleeping on the couch. Our home was a refuge for everyone. On the other hand Winky gets nervous having and unknown in the house. Angel had problems with his air mattress so Kadizzle told him to just sleep on the pull out couch. Winky does not like the idea of having and axe murderer in the house, but it has worked out fine. 


truckbuddy said...

this proves Trump is Hitler

truckbuddy said...

or maybe your Kamala infatuation is over

truckbuddy said...

how could this happen to Female Jesus?

truckbuddy said...

so it begins - free tickets home