Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Welcome Payson Trump Cult

 Welcome aboard Trumpers. Apparently the Trump gang has discovered this blog. Great to have them onboard. Nothing could be better than forcing these backward people to read factual information. 

How did this all come about? If you keep up with the blog you will note Kadizzle got a citation for failing to leave Republican Headquarters in Payson in a timely manner. To follow up Gary Morris, whoever he is filed an injunction order against Kadizzle. To get information apparently Gary went through all Kadizzle's facebook post and even researched the Kadizzle blog. Gary cited the Kadizzle blog in his injunction complaint. 

Anyone who follows Kadizzle knows there is a lot sarcasm going on. Of course the Hoopleheads so not understand sarcasm or illusion and a lot of other things about the written word. 

The most amusing thing the Trumpers found was a post on facebook some time ago. Kadizzle posted a picture of himself with a Trump " Make America Great Again" hat on.  The caption read " Putting on my Trump hat today I felt a sense of stupidity come over me. I turned on Fox News and believed everything they said. Next I had some racist thoughts as I loaded my handgun. The hat is magic. Stupid people came up to me and we shared conspiracy theories. It is like going into a different world. I think I will take the hat off it is just making things worse, and it is no fun advertising how stupid I am".

The real bueaty of this is the Trump Cult people are circulating this information with a label that says " Beware of this man".

Gary Morris the perpetrator of this sillyness assumes based on the facebook post Kadizzle has a handgun. Don't have one, never did, and never will. The cult members have no sense of humor. 

Kadizzle took great pleasure in knowing Gary had to read through hundreds of post insulting Republicans to find one he could use that portrayed Kadizzle as a threat. 

Hopefully the Republicans now follow the blog to check for more insane information about Kadizzle. In the past it was suspect the Russians might be following the blog. That is what the blog statistics indicated. To have both the Russians, and the Trumpers keeping tabs on Kadizzle is a great honor. Strange about the relationship between the Russians and the Republicans. How about a little paranoia? Maybe the Russians tipped of the Republicans. 

The level of insanity among the right wing cultist is alarming. Kadizzle had a long conversation with one yesterday. The man alleged slaves were treated well and many of the became millionaires after the Civil War with the help of their old buddies the plantation owners. 

Hopefully Kadizzle has learned these people are hopeless. 

The Trump Cult has cooked up this movie "2000 mules".  The movies alleges of course Trump won because the ballot boxes were stuffed. To prove this nonsense the movie manipulates phone records in a bizarre way. The Cult members are eating up this nonsense. Nothing spins a Trumpers head faster than a good conspiracy theory. 

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