Wednesday, June 23, 2021


Up ahead the lights were flashing. Maybe some poor bastard was pulled over for speeding. Nope, we are being stopped and told to turn around because a forest fire has closed the road from Srpingerville to Payson.  On our way to inspect the home we are having built in Payson the trip was canceled. The only way to get to Payson would be to go through Globe, a mere three hour drive of 213 miles. It would add over one hundred miles to the journey.  Arizona is on fire, and people seem to accept it as part of life.  All the people who just moved here from California must have steam coming from their ears. They jumped from one frying pan to the next.  The Kadizzles feel a bit like dolts with a move to Arizona. You cannot escape rednecks in North Dakota or Arizona, but North Dakota burns differently. Prairie fires are easier to control. You cannot just plow a forest. Humans are amazing in their ability to ignore. Reality and science have gone down the tube.  How many cigars can you smoke in one room before you choke? Don't try to calculate. Instead keep adding cigar smokers until one drops over dead. That is Republican science and climate change. There is no climate change, and if there is it is God's will. God is a strange character, he chose Trump, and now God doesn't want everyone voting.  God sure is strange.  You have to ask God to do the right thing. God will not make it rain, or put out forest fires unless enough people pray.  It is like an election. If enough people pray God will end starvation, forest fires, and war. On the other hand if God does not get enough Christian prayers he will be pissed off and all hell will break lose.  Judging from the town of Springerville there are about twenty flavors of Christian prayers.  Think of all the off brand prayers flooding heaven. It is like bamboo ballots in Arizona. God has to figure out which prayers are real and which are fake news.  What a mess, it is any wonder we have forest fires. 

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