Saturday, August 31, 2019

Taking Little Joey on a Bike Ride

Kadizzles in Boulder, Colorado.  Just had a fantastic bike adventure at the Boulder Bike Park.  What an amazing place.  Miles of every type of trail right in the city.  Some very challanging jumps, curves and so on.  The pros were jumping high in the air off of some jumps that would instantly kill this old man. Moving Little Joey about on trails with jumps over rocks, and some pretty interesting terrain has old Kadizzle worn down a little.

Why do just the people in Boulder have all this nice stuff?  Boulder probably went farther than any town with planning for bikes and green spaces.  The bike paths all over town are amazing, and people use them.  Back to the bike park.  When we buzzed around the bike park Kadizzle kept thinking this is not an expensive thing to make.  It is all just dirt, gravel, rocks.  Why can't our little town have some nice paths.  Kadizzle has had some great rides on the ebike since he purchased it in November of last year.  A few minutes ago Evan gave the ebike a try.  Everyone who tries it loves it.  Get one you will not have any regrets.  So far Kadizzle has gone about sixteen hundred miles on the ebike.  At some point it will save enough gas to pay for itself, but it already has paid for itself in enjoyment.  For getting around a city the ebike is hard to beat. 

Another big party tonight as we work toward the wedding of Jeb on Sunday.  The blasted ticklepinch just insisted Grandpa go downtown to the fribble shops with her.  Sylvie has a plan, Kadizzle knows it will be an attempt to get old Kadizzle to buy the blasted little lady some silly needless item.  Kadizzle will probably succumb.

Friday, August 30, 2019

We will never run out of room

Down through South Dakota, and Wyoming, and into Colorado we sailed in the Tundra.  There is an endless supply of empty land.  The old neighbor up the street once made this trip and came back. He declared we would never run out of space.  This is the same guy who said " Education just confuses people".   The Red Hats just don't get math, data, science, history, or reality.  The world is running out of everything including land that will support humans.  As the forest burn the simple minded have no idea that it is the forest that provide oxygen.  At one time there was no oxygen on the planet.  Oxygen was produced by plant life.  The plants take in CO2 and give off O2.  That is basic science.  When you produce CO2 faster than plants can take it out of the air you have a problem.  How could  you make this problem worse.  That is Trumps approach to everything. How can I make this worse?  You could deregulate methane which is 84 times worse than CO2 for heating the planet.  Yup, Trump wants to make it so we can put more methane into the air. 

The air conditioning is out of order so here we sit at Erin's house, but it is not a serious problem.  Sylvie is growing so fast.  She is just about as tall  as her  mom and her grandma.  That teenage nuclear bomb is approaching quickly. Sylvie is in the fifth grade.  As an only child she is living a good life.  Very little she wants or needs does not come to fruition.  All things considered she is surviving well.  Sylvie got another part in a play. They want to give all the kids a chance, so they did not give Sylvie the lead part. Of course we all know she is the best, but the other kids must be encouraged.  After all we are not Republicans where the winner takes all and the peasants starve.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Blast Off

Slightly after 6 A.M. and the ship is being readied for the trip to Colorado.  The amount of junk filling the pickup truck is a bit astonishing.  Two bikes are in the back and the back seat is jammed.  It will be a biking, hiking, trip.  Winkie has all sorts of stuff from the garden to give to the kids.  Old Jeb is getting married and that will be the main event.  Jeb has what might be considered a dream job. Jeb is a sales rep for a brewery.   Imagine going around suggesting to people they drink beer.

Trump's lying is amazing.  He actually lies about lying.  More amazing are his fans that are incapable of seeing his fraud.  Trump's assault on the environment, health care, education, science and decency just goes on and on.  If you are a worthless lickspittle and scoundrel Trump has a job for you. 

Recently a couple of his old buddies have turned on him.  Back stabbing 101 is a popular course at the White House.  Trump expects loyalty, but does not have an once of it himself.  Trump would push his grandmother down the stairs in a wheelchair if it would get him better poll numbers. 

The good old Hoopleheads are still with the Trumpster.   Recently Trump has turned on Fox News.  Yet most of that gang of idiots is still with him.  Over and over Trump has made it clear the supply of idiots is way higher than anyone ever predicted.

Trump's latest gambit to have the next G7 meeting at his place is beyond belief.  Such a conflict of interest and so blatant.  Of course the good old Hoopleheads just don't notice as Trump milks the public to support his own wallet.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Slow Start

Jeb is going to marry up and the Kadizzles are going to the soirée.  Today we were supposed to leave, but the process of packing is going slowly so the trip has been postponed for a day.  Now fearless leader is proposing one more delay.

Mrs. Kadizzle plans to hike from one side of the Grand Canyon to the other with some friends.  Kadizzle is supposed to drive to the North Side and pick them up.  Kadizzle will have to entertain himself while they do the hike.  The plan is to explore with the electric bike.

Kadizzle was shocked when he figured the milage for this gambit.  Should we take the car of the truck?  The car will get about 22 mpg and the truck 16.  Neither is very good, but on that distance six miles per gallon makes a big difference.  Well the hell with it just add some more CO2 to the air, no one cares, besides it is getting cold and we could use some warmth.

If you want to be depressed watch the video posted below.  Hard times come again no more.  As Kadizzle watched he could not help but think of the one percent pissing away money while so many suffer.  Of course it is all just a matter of degree.  The most disturbing thing in the video is a picture of a buzzard sitting before a starving child waiting for the child to die so the buzzard can eat the remains.  With this picture in your head think about Trump golfing. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Hard Times, Come Again No More - Thomas Hampson

Gravity attacks

Gravity is a constant danger.  Remember it is gravity that brings you to the ground with a thud.  Also it is gravity that racks up those numbers on the bathroom scale.  Good cooks are part of gravities gang.  Yesterday Honest Omar and Mrs Honest prepared a great meal for the Kadizzles.  So today Kadizzle must fight back against gravity and resist the sideways pull of gravity.  Most people think gravity only pull one toward the center of the Earth.  There are other forms of gravity that pull people towards refrigerators, comfortable chairs, and even beds.

Kadizzle took a test in the New York Times today about climate change and did not do that well on ranking the biggest problems.  Try taking the test.  Our planet is in big trouble.  Humans are trying to cure a planet of fire with thoughts and prayers.  Just like the gun battle, thoughts and prayers will not save the planet.  As if that were not bad enough we have a president who is doing the work of Satan, the Russians, and doing his best to destroy any reasonable approach to the climate problem.  The mother of all rats, The Donald skipped the G7 meeting on climate.  Trump golfs while the Amazon burns, and the oceans rise. 

We might squeak out the door before the planet is toast, but not our children.  Republicans don't care about the next generation.  Money, money, money is all Republicans care about.  Try breathing money, try eating money, try patching your cancer with money. 

Look at the people with money who are in prison, abusing little children, and doing what Republicans do.  How much do the rich need before they will allow the rest of the human beings to live a decent life?

Monday, August 26, 2019

Dusty Springfield - Think it's going to rain today Kadizzle wants you to listen, you will like it.

Shaniki the railroad man

Shanik will be driving railroad crews around.  Old Shanik is addicted to driving, so it may be a perfect fit. When the trains stop someone has to go out and switch the crews. Maybe he will make his first run today.  Part of the job is being on hot standby waiting for a call.  The job is like Uber for the railroad.

Kadizzle has accidentally worked himself into the position of curtain repair man.  Now when the strings in the curtains break at home or the neighbors Kadizzle has to rethread and fix the damn things. The moral of the store is stay incompetent.

Fall is fast approaching.  Winkie has decided to hike the Grand Canyon rim to rim with some friends. Kadizzle has been down an back twice, but does not need to go from one side to the other.  It will be about a three day venture.  Kadizzle will be the Uber driver and pick up the gang on the other side.  This adventure should start next week.  Off to Denver then on to the Grand Canyon.

How about some politics?  Kadizzle will take a hit and a recession if it means getting rid of the idiot in chief.  Since Trump is known in legal circles as Individual 1 when he is child molesting or using prostitutes Kadizzle will need to name a friend Individual 2. 

Individual 2 is a good friend of Kadizzle.  Kadizzle tried his best to save Individual 2 from his misguided vote for Trump.  More than likely it all came down to abortion.  Now Individual 2 is amazed at what a hopeless childish mess Individual 1 is.  In fact Individual 2 was telling Kadizzle how Trump was bringing us fascism.  Individual 2 has seen the light but has such a hard time changing.  Years ago Kadizzle told Individual 2 that Toyotas were very reliable and good cars.  Individual 2 explained he could not buy a Toyota because his father would never buy a Japanese car.  Then one day Kadizzle walked down the street and saw a Toyota Camray parked in Individual 2's drivway.  It had an out of state license.  Kadizzle guessed it was the Dad who would not buy Japanese.  Then the Dad bought another Toyota.  Dad had changed, could Individual 2 change?  A few years went by and Individual 2 finally bought one Toyota, then another.  Now Individual 2 is happy with his cars.   Can Individual 2 break out of the Republican rut.  How many people vote Republican because Dad did.  Dad might be dead.  Did Dad ever know how bad Republicans could get.  If Dad was alive would he vote for an idiot like Trump. It would be an insult to think your Dad is or was that stupid.  So honor your Dad and show him you can change.  Your dad changed.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Old Men take third place

As the boat was tossed about Stroupini struggled to help Jan take off the ripped mainsail and replace it.  Changing a mainsail with the boat healed over at 35 degrees in a strong wind is not do da, but our crew managed.  It was like changing a flat tire without stopping the car, but we did it.  Jan,  Stoupini, and Kadizzle were racing Xanadu.  That was the first big boat Kadizzle owned.  Now the boat belonged to Jan.  A forty year old sail was bound to become toilet paper in a big wind.

The race course was over to Prairie Dog Island and back.  The wind was from the south and we had to go right into it.  Once around the island it was a downhill slide back to the finish line.  Xanadu had a photo finish with Point B another boat about our size.  Kadizzle  knew from the old days that we could have really made up some time on the last leg by putting up more sail, but Stroupini and Jan were too worn down from the sail replacement to put up more sail.  In the end it was a lot of fun and a great race, but Kadizzle is really feeling his age after being out in a howling wind, and rough seas all day. 

Friday, August 23, 2019


Lumpa-digli- itus:  A condition that results from failure to walk by ice cream, pie, cake, or food in general. Kadizzle has lumpadiglitus.  Symtoms:  pants may feel tight, going up and down steps seems harder,  seats sink lower, bed caves in, food taste so good.

Lumpadiglitus is also known as dunlaps disease.  That is when your belly dun laps over your belt.

There is no known treatment for lumpadiglitus.  People recommend easing they symptoms by staying away from the refrigerator, the cupboards, the wine storage, and the grill.  All of them can cause the infection that make the mid section swell. 

People suffering are often afraid of scales, being seen naked,  and asked to walk up steps.

The lumpadiglitus society recommends a twelve step program.  First take twelve steps away from food, then take twelve steps in any direction, and continue taking twelve steps until you actually get some exercise.

The society has weekly meetings where rotten food is served, and all dishes are meant to be disgusting.  Often we invite a terrible cook to make a meal.  The room is surrounded by mirrors and 25 pound sacks of potatoes so we can figure how many sacks we weigh.

There is a handout for your spouse which has remarks they can make like " That shirt used to fit you" or " Do you want me to buy you a new belt?".

Lumpadiglitus is fatal.  No person with lumpadiglitus has ever lived beyond 110 years old.

Lumpers are what we call each other.  Now if you like to watch birds that is fine, but you can go to Walmart and watch lumpers.  How do you spot a lumper.  First look for the shadow.  A lumper will cast a large shadow.  In fact many lumpers have part time jobs providing shade at weddings.  Next look at the lumpers shopping cart. A good lumper will make a ring of sugar drinks around the top of the cart.  This makes it possible to stack the Cheetos higher.  Most lumpers wear comfortable clothes like pajamas and sweat pants.  A good lumper will drive an electric cart around the store. 

So Kadizzle will sign off with a cup of coffee in front of him.  This is the second or third cup and each cup has some Agave in it.  The agave is like glue for the fat cells that stick to Kadizzle. 

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Didn't notice you were mentally ill.

Stroupini and Kadizzle went to the Subway hall to have lunch.  Sitting there was an old guy famous in Hazen for being a few bubbles off.  The old fellow told us how on their farm they used to bury rocks to provide nitrogen to the soil.  Politely we listened to the nonsense, but we knew the fellow was not running with a full tank. 

This brings us to our president.  Trump is simply mentally ill.  The amazing thing are the people who just don't notice.  Trump often speaks incoherently.  No problem.  Trump thinks he might be sent by God.  Of course.  Trump believes he is the greatest everything.  OK.  The Trumpster is nuts, yet you have adults who just don't notice.  Within minutes Trump will reverse himself and lie like a dog, but his followers and supporters just don't notice.

Fall is coming like a freight train.  Kadizzle has been asked to race his old sailboat Xanadu.  It will be fun to race the boat like we did in the old days.  Now for a little bragging.  If we manage to win it will be the third or fourth time the Kadizzle crew wins the race.  In fact the only time anyone else has won was last year when we did not participate.  The race committee at the last race we were in told us that if we won we would be awarded the second place prize.  This begged the question, what if we came in second would we get first place?  That would be a strange race where you had to come in second to win.  Strangely coming in second in a sailboat race would be very difficult.  Sailboat races are handicapped so you don't actually know how well you are doing until the race is over.  A timed handicap means the winning boat must beat the next boat by a certain amount of time.   On the water . you have no real idea of how much time the boat behind you is.  Now, for a little honesty.  Most of the racers are inexperienced.  Then there is one more factor there are not that many boats.  Very few may show up for the race. In fact it could be down to three, so getting third place will not be hard.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Money trickles uphill

Government has one main function and that is to distribute things.  Government decides how much money goes where.  Does it go to health care or does it got to the military? Does it go to education or to sugar subsidies? Government is simply a giant distribution scheme.  It is not a one way street.  Not only does government decide how the money goes out, but it also decides how it comes in.  Republicans realize that when you control government you can have the money come in from the working class and go out to the rich.  So Republicans simply take control of the government.  How do they do that?  The main tools are fear, ignorance, and just plain lying.  Who provides the fear ignorance, and lying?  Donald Trump, Fox News, and a population engaged in sports as theater do the trick.  Republicans know facts and reality are their worst enemy, so why not do away with both?  This explains the invention of " fake news".   Now we have all kinds of truth and facts. If you believe it, it is true, and that is the new standard.

How will this all unfold?  People never pay attention until they are uncomfortable.  If you have enough to eat, a warm place to let your bowels loose, and a flat screen TV you don't care if you are being robbed blind.  As long as people are comfortable no need to get upset about how things are distributed. 

There is a problem.  Even though you are sitting in your living room watching TV and eating a pizza if the water starts coming in under your door you got a problem.  The subtle destruction of the environment cannot be ignored once your house starts to go under water.  Tornados will interrupt Jeapordy.  Then of course there is the fundamental problem of breathing.  Sometimes the air gets so bad it kills people.

Now back to the beginning.  What if you take everything?  As a country we have taken everything.  That could result in the people you took it from coming to get it back.  These people are called immigrants.  Once you rob the world and the world is a miserable place the people you robbed may want to come to your house.

Republican believe in the " Hell with everyone, I got mine".   In all of history this has never worked.  Once a small group of people take it all the revolution begins, and the greedy bastards we call Republican sometimes loose their heads, then it starts all over.

Well back to the depression.  What was the depression all about?  The depression was all about the people on top taking it all.  It got to the point that either they gave some back or lost their heads.  They did give some back, but only enough to start the cycle one more time.

Here we are once more where all the money has tricked to the top and we are approaching the time when the Hoopleheads may wake up.  What will wake up the Hoopleheads?  Time has a way of making us all older.  There is an abundance of people nearing retirement age, but they will not be able to retire, not enough money.  When the people now in their late forties, and early fifties start to realize they just will never be able to retire they will ask the question " How come mom and dad got to retire, but we have to work until we die?  The people will see that the Republicans enabled a few rich people to steal everything.  The take back cycle will start over. 

Who cares?  I got mine, and it looks like I can make it to the finish line, but pity our children, we robbed them blind with the help of The Donald, The Kevin Cramer, and Kelly Armstrong.  Hopefully their heads will be the first to roll if and when the revolution comes.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Religion is a business

Churches are nothing but a mildly disguised business.  The church is similar to a casino.  You put money in and get nothing back but hope. Both churches and casinos prey on delusional people.  Yes you can get to heaven with the right amount of money in the plate, or in the slot machine.  Look at churches and what they do with the money.  In Phoenix you see where the Mormons spent millions upon millions on buildings, same is true with the casinos.  When you want to impress the people you are about to rob always do it in a giant building with all the trimmings. 

An old friend of Kadizzle's went into the insane cathedral in Richardton, North Dakota.  Ray, who called himself and orthodox atheist said " I'll bet a lot of farmers went broke building this place".

This all brings us to the time when Kadizzle asked Pat Robertson to help a family in Pick City, North Dakota.  Kadizzle called up the 800 number and asked for help for a family in need.  The rotten bastards said they cannot just send money out on the word of Kadizzle.  Well they sure as hell don't check when the money comes in.  Pat's gang of thieves never checks to see if the people he is robbing can afford to be robbed, but Pat has to investigate before he helps a family.  In the end the poor guy Kadizzle was trying to help committed suicide and left a two year old baby.    That is American religion in action.  Pat Robertson has 600 million he bilked from old ladies.

Religion is a game where you can steal tax free.  Back in the home town of Wheeling, West Virginia the good old Bishop was stealing millions from the Catholic Church.  Bishop Bilkmore lived in a four million dollar home, had one hundred dollar flower arrangements sent every day, gave some gay priest tens of thousands, and lived well on the 250 million endowment an oil heir left the church.  Go to Las Vegas or Rome and you will see where the money of fools goes.

Now think about this, if you invested in the stock market instead of gods thieves on Earth how would it have turned out?  Every month if you invested what you put in the church what would you have?

More than likely you would have a considerable sum.  You could use this money to truly help people, not build megalithic churches.  What could be more wasteful than a huge building used once a week for a few hours.  Why not build a pyramid?

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Stroupini's Shed

Old Stroupini decided to move into town.  On his new lot at his in town house is a shed.  Stroupini wants to reside the shed with lumber reclaimed from his bank.  Kadizzle has been the assistant carpenter on the project. We have two sides done and the cedar siding looks pretty nice. To old duffers putting along slowly, but so far it has turned out well.  With a sunny day in front of us we may make some good progress today.

The one percent is doing just fine.  Yesterday we had to go to the lake to get some lumber.  Up on the lake the one percent is striking gold.  Multi million dollar homes are springing up.  Meanwhile the slummers are working for 7 bucks an hour.  Of course the poor got themselves in the fix.  Just like Jesus got himself in a fix for opening up his mouth and asking people to share.  Now we have the new messiah Donald Trump.  The Donald will bring guns to everyone along with some nice tax breaks for the rich.  Can Donald raise Epstein from the dead?  If the Donald could then Epstein could tell everyone it was the Clintons that killed him.

Imagine the insanity of The Donald claiming the Clintons murdered the child sex ring service leader.  The Red Hats will buy any insanity the Donald puts out. 

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Taking a brick for a ride

Well old Kadizzle took the city official for a tour of the slum warriors yesterday in Hazen.  Did not get much reaction.  When are you going to do something? " Well we need to work on it".  Let's see it has been six years and he old junked truck still sits in the driveway up the street.  " Well the police are busy with other stuff".  Yup the town of Hazen is crawling with drug dealers and gangs.   Yup that sure looks like a yard full of junk.  Hmmm well you know we are working on it. 

Good old Kevin Cramer the worst lickspittle ever to breathe air answered my letter.  Kadizzle asked the honorable suck up what he was going to do to raise the cap on social security so the rich would have to pay in.  Back comes a computer generated letter that sings the praises of Trump and never mentions the subject Kadizzle asked about. 

Just ignore the complainers seems to be what works in this country.  Kadizzle and the Mrs. Kadizzle just saw a short segment about how Trump won man of the year in Michigan.  There is no such award, and no record Trump ever won it, but who cares the Hoopleheads will believe anything the liar in chief says.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Jihad

Sadly Hazen is afflicted with blind public servants.  The city commissioners cannot see the cars parked on the sidewalk or the junk piling up in yards.  This morning Kadizzle is going to take one of the city commissioners on a tour of Hazen and let him use his cane to find the junk.  One stop on the junk tour will be over by the little old ladies house.  The little old lady has a yard neatly kept and takes pride in the area. A slum warrior moved into the house in front of her and peppered the yard with junk.  Little old lady confronted the city commissioners about the junk infestation. The simple minded commissioners suggested she build a fence so she does not have to see the collection. 

Yesterday Kadizzle was riding his ebike past some a slum warrior nest.  The slummers dog must have smelled Kadizzle. Kadizzle smells like a bacon cheeseburger to a dog.  The dog ran out and bit Kadizzle on the shoe.  No harm done, but Kadizzle thought the dog would be a real danger to little children riding by.   Fortunately Kadizzle had a hand saw with him.  Stroupini had given Kadizzle the saw.   With the saw as a sword Kadizzle fought off the dog.  Kadizzle asked the police to come by and do something about the dog.  The policeman mentioned that the slummers had been told they could not have chickens under their front porch.  A slum infestation is something that gradually takes over and our commissioners don't seem to notice.

So at 9:30 Kadizzle will saddle up the wagon and take the blind commissioner on tour.  One thing Stevie Wonder will get to see is the school bus that has been parked on the city boulevard for 25 years, and some of the other yard art.

Stroupini who always has a brilliant mind for dealing with the city commission suggested to Kadizzle that Kadizzle publish a Hazen calendar with monthly pictures of the rat nest.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

How's that slavery workin for you?

If only everyone would read the New York Times.  Today there is an article that explains how American capitalism is based on the plantation model.  Slavery never went away, it just morphed into wage slavery.  It is the same game.  A few people take all the goodies, and everyone else works until they die.  Quality of life means nothing in this country.  Read how closely slave owners monitored production, then look at how UPS monitors it's slaves.

Your typical redneck has no conception of how the economy works.  All the productivity gains since 1978 have gone to the top one percent.  Who cares?  As long as you have a good fairly new pickup truck, a nice fishing boat, some gas, and a six pack the world just does not get any better, until you try to retire, or you get hurt.  The roads fall apart, teachers starve, and cancer kills us, but the truck runs great.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Still Amazed

The Kadizzled brain is still spinning from encountering a Trumpster at the bank last year.  Just the thought that such idiots are in responsible positions is a scary proposition.  This morning Kadizzle read Paul Krugman.  Do idiots every pick up some real news or real commentary?   It is just hard to come to grips with the shear number of dolts wandering about.  What does Trump have to do to alienate the dolts?  So many people who once were his buddies have said he is  " Off the rails".    When you are at a magic show and the guy next to you insist the lady was sawed in half, you know you have a problem.

Monday, August 12, 2019


Kadizzle just went in the local bank for some insurance business.  Kadizzle thought he saw a ND legislator working there.  Kadizzle is so pissed about Republicans support for gun violence he decided to have a talk with what he thought was his ND rep.   It turned out the fellow was no longer in the legislature.  However, we had a little talk about gun violence.  After the ex rep told Kadizzle he was for concealed carry, and would vote for Trump again the fellow asked Kadizzle if Kadizzle thought he was a redneck.  Kadizzle answered yes.  The scary thing is this guy is like so many walking around in the fog.  If only he had been one of the current dolts in the legislature.

Gloomy days are piling up

So much rain in North Dakota is unusual, especially in August.  Never has the grass been this green so late in the year. Kadizzle poured the fertilizer to the yard and we are raising hay.

The Trump dolts are amazing.  Anyone with a sense of smell knows the Donald is a predator.  The Donald and his gang have so many indications they were abusing young girls.  Yet in spite of this you still have the simple minded with the Red Hats glued to their heads. 

The level of sanity is incomprehensible.  Blame it on the Clintons.  The Clintons can control the weather.  Greedy Republicans are innocent.

You know stupidity is rampant in North Dakota when KFYR radio can sell magic pillows to the Hoopleheads.  The Hoopleheads go to church and Jesus tells them to pray for tax breaks.  Kadizzle may strike it rich selling tin foil hats on KFYR radio.

What do you do on a rainy day?  One endless job is trying to put the workshop in the basement in order.  What do you throw out and what do you keep?  Someday I may need that, even though I haven't for twenty years. 

The Kadizzles have been trying to sell the homestead for over a year.  The real estate market in Hazen is worse than bad.  The coal industry is dying a slow death.  Of course no one wants to admit the game is over.  There is no plan for the future in North Dakota. Republicans want to go backwards.  The good old days when the your could hunt Indians and own a few slaves.  Those were the days when white was right.  Trump can get us back there.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Walking Among Zombies

The planet is melting, the rich are fornicating with children, and the zombies just don't notice.  As a plane flies into a mountain everyone on the plane is comfortable, warm, and enjoying their book.  This is America.   I am not in pain, I have plenty to eat, so why do you talk to me about tomorrow? Nothing changes, on it goes.  The last time the country actually had enough cold hungry people to awaken was the depression.  People noticed the rich stole the cheese.  Slowly the rich got the cheese back, but until we are cold, hungry, and our cable TV is taken away we just don't care.

The wall is out there it is just a matter of time until we hit it.  The gauge will go to empty as those following behind us move into the future.

It is a gloomy day here in the Dakotas.  So why not some downbeat news.  The Kadizzles went to the big house last night.  The master put on a feed for the slaves. The slaves were all very grateful. It is the master who gives us jobs, and we owe him a lot.  We were back in the homeland minding our own business  when the master's gang showed up and promised us a better life picking cotton and planting rice.  After we raise the crops it sure is nice of the old master to give us some to eat.  Of course the master gives us a little better houses than the huts we used to have, but still not sure this was a good trade.  Apparently God wanted it this way.  The master lets us go to church and assures us his God meant us to do all the work and for him to have all the goodies.  The master said if we were good and worked hard some day we could have our own slaves and a nice mansion.  It sounds like the deal the Mormons offered us.  If we give them ten percent when we die we can be God of our own planet.  I want to be a Mormon, picking cotton is getting old.

Thursday, August 08, 2019

Down the river

Debbie, Al, and Winky may go from the dam down to Stanton today on the Missouri.  Debbie and Al may go on a standing paddle board.  Could be some wet cold people before the day is over.

Trump has brought the country to it's knees with his total abdication of sanity.  Kadizzle is absolutely amazed when he meets anyone who still stands by the racist in chief.  The dolts are like weeds they just keep growing. 

Hearing the pathetic spinners trying to justify the idiocy of Trump is a difficult mission. Kadizzle may turn on KFYR radio to get the tractor version of Trump is Jesus.  Walking among the Trump supporters is just plain scary.  These people resemble normal people, but you know if you opened their heads you would find mold and rot.  Don't pick up a real newspaper because it will be frightening.  The world is melting and so is the IQ of America.

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Kadizzle wins 10 million

Last month Kadizzle won 4 million dollars while he was at the top of the ladder painting the house.  It was a real nuisance.  Yesterday Kadizzle won the Publisher Clearing House 10 million dollar prize.  Again it was a nuisance.  Kadizzle just doesn't need anymore millions.  Only Republicans need more, more, more.  Well, John Tyler the representative from Publisher Clearing house explained to Kadizzle how he would collect his ten million.  First John told Kadizzle to write down the secret number, and his badge number.  John wanted to know if Kadizzle was home.  John even asked Kadizzle his age and former occupation. Kadizzle told John he formerly worked for the FBI.   John wanted to know what color Mercedes Kadizzle wanted and what interior.  Kadizzle chose leather, and a black paint.  Of course Kadizzle had to pay some cost to cover the taxes for the IRS.  John asked Kadizzle how far the bank was from his house.  Kadizzle told him it was less than a mile.  John wanted to know if Kadizzle was dressed to go to the bank.  Kadizzle already told John he had a credit card and a debit card.

The day was sunny and after all John had interrupted Kadizzle on a nice ebike ride around Harmony Lake. It was time to tell poor old John his whole thing was a scam.  Kadizzle told John he was an FBI agent and electronically tracking him.  John said " fuck you".  This did not seem like a nice thing for a Publisher Clearing House employee to say.  Kadizzle told John he had been on the line long enough to track him.  John told Kadizzle " You will never catch me" and then John started angrily saying to Kadizzle " Fuck your bum, fuck your bum".   Apparently John was British or Irish.  Forgot to say John used some sort of computer device to disguise his voice.  Well there goes another ten million that would have come in handy. 

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Maybe the tide is turning

Kadizzle has a sense people may be coming out of the fog.  That is the Trump fog.  Just cannot put the finger on it, but seem to notice people who were or are of the Republican bent are beginning to become conscious about just how hopeless and immoral Trump is.  Kadizzle has known a couple of people who were mum about the Trump nonsense who are now tapping around the edges of admitting we have a problem.

Paul Krugman who writes for the New York Times has a good article today.  Krugman has exactly the view Kadizzle does about Trump.  If Kadizzle had to chose two go to people Krugman and Bill Maher would be the ones.  On a North Dakota level we have Tony Bender. 

We can only hope. 

In a sense Kadizzle had the mother of all victories last night.  The Hazen City Commission finally passed a new ordinance dealing with the deplorables.   It will be a false victory because just like the old ordinance they will not have the courage to actually implement it.  This has been a six year battle.

Yesterday Kadizzle had a talk with a little old lady who lives nearby.  She is a firecracker.  Some deplorables bought the house in front of her house and immediately made the yard into a hoarder yard.  She called the mayor and gave him the chew.  I think she may have pushed the mayor over the top.  There is something magic about angry little old ladies.  You cannot yell at them, you cannot beat them, and they seem too much like grandma to ignore.  When a little old lady tells you something you feel like you better do it and listen.  Maybe if a little old lady would confront Trump and tell him what an A - hole he is it would work.  Would Trump tell a little old lady to go back to the nursing home?  Would he make up a nick name for her?  It would all blow up in his face. 

My good friend Dina Butcher started the Bad Ass Grandma program and it worked.  Grandmas have power and we just need to activate the Grandma power in the country.

Sunday, August 04, 2019

Sunday Morning

Winkie and Kadizzle are up watching the recorded version of Bill Maher.  No one hits it on the head better.  Maher is toxic to Republicans and can fillet them better than anyone.  If you want the highest quality most funny political information he is your guy.

New York Times has an article about the permafrost melting.  The world is melting and people just keep singing zippity do da. 

Well our new multi million dollar bathroom is complete and Kadizzle may go wash the body of sins. There is an idea in the head to take the electric bike and go to the lake today.  To make it up there and back on one battery will take some serious peddling.  Removing the chicken fat from this lumbering lard filled body is a necessity.  Stay tuned.

Saturday, August 03, 2019

Range war may break out

Monday the City Commission will address a new ordinance that will have the deplorables enraged.  A local junk collector chose the name deplorables for their group, not Kadizzle, but it is fitting.  The deplorables feel it is their right to collect as much junk in their yards as they wish.  The deplorable on our street has three junked pickup trucks, four boats, a fifth wheel, a junked car and miscellaneous other crap.  Zoning laws mean nothing to the deplorables.   The father of one of the deplorables calls their junk inventory.  The deplorables are hoarders.   Their mental illness takes place in their yards.

For over five years Kadizzle has been at war with the deplorables.  The City Commission in Hazen is a gutless bunch that don't want to offend good old Joe the deplorable.  One deplorable has had an old school bus full of junk on the city boulevard for ten years. 

Monday there more than likely will be a room full of deplorables at city hall explaining how it is their right to own junked cars and keep them in their yard.  There must be an amendment in the constitution that protects the junk dealers, just like it does the gun dealers.

More than likely the City Commission will cave to the deplorables.   Every deplorable has a junker that " I am going to fix up".  It never gets fixed up, it is there when the deplorable dies.

Hazen has a process for violating zoning laws.  Old Joe the deplorable comes to the city commission.  Old Joe wants to violate an ordinance.  The city commissioners know everyone loves old Joe so they make an exception.  Next Good old Willy comes in and wants to violate.  Willy says " You let Joe do it, how about me".  OK and the next thing you know there is pandemonium.  Now you can drive around Hazen and see buildings that look like hell in the wrong place, junked cars, no sidewalks, and on it goes.  Well the range war starts Monday come on down.

Friday, August 02, 2019

Praise be unto Jeeesus, it rained

The rain did what Kadizzle could not, watered the yard.  Years ago Kadizzle installed his own Rube Goldberg lawn sprinkler system.  Mrs. Kadizzle hated it, but it did deliver six thousand gallons an hour to the yard.  The system fell into disuse and Kaddizle tried to revive it, but apparently some wildlife moved into the pipes.

With the setback Kadizzle set out to install the used pump Rodger gave him.  Kadizzle began to pour money into the new mess.  A little at a time the water got closer to the yard from the creek.  As things started to look good Kadizzle turned on the pump and realized the power cord could not handle the needed electricity.  The only solution was more money for a bigger cord.  Well the hell with it.  Today Kadizzle will sadly junk the whole project. 

Kadizzle puts little time into his diatribes that get sent to the Bismarck Tribune.  However, Tony Bender often had the same theme and does a much better job.  Like Kadizzle Bender noticed what a terrible sad case our new representative Kelly Armstrong is.   Bender wrote a good article about Armstong's attack on Mueller during the hearings. 

Living in North Dakota has the feeling of living in Nazi Germany.  When you live here you know there are Hoopleheads all around you who would vote for Satan if it got them a tax break.  The phony Christianity that permeates the state only makes it worse.  We love children until they are born.  Here we sit in a state with a pile of money and we will not spend it unless it keeps Republicans in office.