Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Let's pretend math doesn't work

Some of us went to college, some didn't.  Some of us took classes in statistics some didn't. What does statistics have to do with anything.  Well gee, golly, you can predict things with statistics.  You can predict who will win the election long before the votes are counted.  You can predict how many pheasants are in a section of land by counting crowing.  So what? Try this you can make correlations. Is it just coincidence that countries with universal health care have healthier babies, longer lives, and better health care in general?  Is it just coincidence that the casino always wins?  Is it just coincidence that we have the highest gun violence of any country and the most lax gun laws?

The simple answer can be had with math and statistics and the answer is clear, but a whole lot of people are clueless how statistics work. A whole lot of people never took a statistics class.  A whole lot of those people chose to believe things that are simply not true and can be proven untrue with statistics.  Insurance companies understand statistics, casinos understand statistics, and the people who rip you off with rebates understand statistics.  Taking money from fools with statistics is the oldest game in town next to prostitution. 

We live in a country where people simply do not understand math.  One percent of the population owns damn near everything.  People have no idea of what one percent is.  If you say ten to the average idiot they can comprehend that number, but once you go over one million things get foggy.  When you talk to a country full of math illiterates and you try to explain how the military budget is eating their lunch, they are dumbfounded.  You just cannot explain big numbers to dolts.  The dolts are convinced the poor are eating our lunch.  The numbers clearly show it is the rich who took the cheese, but emotion is what come into play when dolts look at numbers.

Tax cuts for the rich work to make the poor prosperous. Bull shit, no number shows that, no statistic shows that, but that lie has been sold to the dolts. Remember dolts do not understand numbers. Dolts understand stories at the coffee shop. Dolts feel things, they don't know things. Dolts see bums, and street people, and dolts feel they are the problem. Dolts don't see Donald's kids inheriting millions tax free.  Every dolt buys a lottery ticket for the simple reason every dolt thinks he can win. The dolt saw a guy on TV who won, so that means he can win.  The dolt is broke and has no money for a tattoo because he bought too many lottery tickets. The dolt is sure he will win, it just takes time.  The dolt is sure he can win at black jack, it is just a matter of time. Dolts can manipulate reality.  Dolts have reality manipulated for them.  Republicans cultivate dolts like carrots. Feed the dolts good quality fertilizer and watch their belief grow.

Dolts think terrorist are going to kill them, nope it is far more likely a car or cancer will get you, but who wants to spend money on cancer research or wear a seat belt, or quit the cell phone while you drive? Certainly not the dolts.   Drive down the interstate.  Every truck drive is distracted on his cell phone driving 80,000 lbs of crap.  The truck driver voted for Trump and is sure the terrorist are after him, and he has a gun in the cab to protect him from the bad guys.  Back to statistics.  The cell phone has the greatest chance of getting him killed because he did not notice the railroad crossing ahead, but the dolt doesn't understand statistics.  So next election the dolts will fill their brains with knowledge from the coffee shop and the truck stop. The dolts will listen for hours to KFYR radio in Bismarck spew right wing insanity.  There is no math, and there are plenty of dolts. One is in the White House, and we love him, because he pokes those pointed headed college people in the eye.

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