People used to say that if you turned the United States on end everything that is loose would roll to California. As The Commander and Lord Kadizzle spend their first night in Quartzite, maybe that phrase should be changed. If the United States were a funnel everything that was lose would roll out the bottom and land in Quartzite.
Quartzite has the quality of an ongoing carnival. Every concievalbe thing is for sale. Every babble, all the expired groceries, and anything Wall Mart left in the dumpster is on sale for half price. If you need something for an RV someone is selling it. If it was ever invented for an Rv it is for sale.
The main event will start Saturday. That will be the day the Big Tent opens. The Big Tent is for the special pocket cleaning. The tent is about two blocks long and full of vendors.
There are three basic classes of camping. You can get the whole hookup routine for thirty bucks a night. If you dry camp close to the main event it is 7 bucks for dry camping. For 3 bucks a night you can stay on BLM land that is within a mile or two. If you are ultra cheap the desert is endless for free. To be close to our jobs the Earth Module is in a 7 dollar place.
No TV signal seems to want to penetrate into this vast sea of RV's. So there will be a lot of internet time. When this show goes full steam there could be between 150 and 200,000 people here buying crap no one really needs. The ultimate thing you will never need is a rock. However, every rock God ever invented is here by the truck load. There are some very interesting things made from minerals, and rock, and there are some very interesting rocks to look at. Stay tuned for tomorrows report after we have sent the peddal powered rovers out to find the best price on expired groceries.
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