What in the hell is a Humphfel? The Commander, and Kadizzle have taken to calling the large 40ft RV's Humphfels. Some how it fits. These big lumbering giants that are the American dream look like elephants with wheels going to the watering hole. It all started way back in the late sixties with Winnabago. Every old fart wanted to retire get a Humphfel and live the dream. The origional Humphfel drivers always wore jumpsuits. You knew you hit the good life when you could come out of your Humphfel in a silver jump suit. The beauty of the jump suit was it had an elastic band around the waist. The old fart who worked all his life with his belly constrained by a belt was in heaven.
In the spot where the Earth Module is parked we have had several wagon trains of Humphels come in and form a circle. In their secure mode the people put a campfire in the middle and have a great time. Yesterday it was like all the Bison migrated. We came back from work and the place was empty. Now the Humphfes are slowly migrating back.
Humphfels are noisy beast, they consume a lot of diesel fuel and electricity, so even when they are not moving the Humphfels sit there and sweat stinky fumes. A Humphfel owner takes pride in suffering no inconvenience. TV's are a must, they may even have one one the outside. You must never be too far from a TV in the United States if you are prosperous.
Humphfels like to mark their tribes. In the old days they would put up some sort of flag, but this year the new thing is for a tribe of Humphfels to have a strip of LED that change color on a long pole. This marks their territory and gives them great pride. The Commander and Kadizzle can sell you a programmable strip with the pole for 200 dollars.
Nowadays all the Humphfels have slide outs. That means when they stop they get bigger. You know how a cow kind of looks bigger when it is on the ground. Humphfels try to show their size as part of their mating ritual.
When the typical Humphfel nest there are two rituals. First there will be a huge fight between the male and female occupant about parking the thing. As Willy backs up he will shout at Martha and you will swear a divorce is only minutes away. After they get set up, put the awning out and the carpet, and have a drink they will settle down for awhile. The second ritual will be Willy polishing the Humphfel. If you did not know better you would think that was the reason they bought it so they could polish it. Humphfel owners love to polish.
One thing you would think is that a Humphfel would be a brave beast, but the reality is they are very timid. The nest in groups, and seldom get off the pavement. Often they travel in groups for protection. They do migrate south in the winter and slowly move back north in the summer.
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