As the commander just said " You just could not leave that last piece of pizza alone". Well the rat fell for the bait and ate the last piece. At 2:15 A.M. the acid stomach explosion hit, and Lord Kadizzle had fire belly. After several drinks of water that did not quench the fire Lord Kadizzled decided to get up an watch TV since he could not sleep. The thieves crawl out from under the rocks on late night TV. You have the crooked preachers begging for money, the get rich quick guys, the medical mirical guys, and my favorite the male enhancement bunch. These people must know you are sleepy or stupid if you are up at that hour watching television. I now realize it is so easy to become a millionaire, I don't know why more people don't spend the nineteen nintey five and just get it over. If you would just get up and go to the county court house you could buy a new home for only $591, but most people don't know this because they are asleep. Now, if you are two lazy to buy houses and resell them for a fortune then you can get the PPP. What is the PPP? It is the prosperity prayer plan, but you must send money NOW the black preacher screamed. God must have payments due if he needs the money now. Well I bought the male enhancement stuff and took it. The guy kept saying it will enlarge "a certain part of the male body". It wasn't what I thought, according to The Commander my gut is bigger than ever. Now, I have to stay up tonight and buy one of those magic excise machines that you just plug in and shock the fat off your body. This rat has learned a lesson about cheap store bought pizza.
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