Chapter Seven, young love. At some point the chemicals are bound to take over, and girls become more than just nuisance sisters. Lord Kadizzle’s first love was Gail Brandfass. Gail was a bit younger and lived diagonally to the Kadizzle household on Poplar Ave. Somehow conversations evolved into passionate sessions of making out in Gail’s basement. This all took place when Dr. Brandfass was out on the town and Gail was baby sitting. The procedure was for Gail to put her little siblings to sleep and then call me and say the coast is clear. His Lordship entered and left by the driveway that descended down into the basement. The joys of the basement were many, and his Lordship was risking his life if Dr B found out. His Lordship could have been the only eunuch in the neighborhood if Dr B found out.
On more than one occasion Dr. B and Mrs. B came home a little too soon and the basement had not been evacuated. Gail being a good planner pretended like she was down the basement doing the last load of laundry when the parents came home. If the parents only knew what had to be cleaned out of that room. In extreme fear poor old Lord Kadizzle was down there in the furnace room waiting to escape out the garage door and up the driveway. Above the driveway was a sun room. If Dr. B happened to be in that sun room and saw Lord Kadizzle emerge from the basement, nuclear war would have seemed pleasant compared to the explosion his lordship would have experienced.
Now the amazing part of the story. Over forty years later Lord Kadizzle is recounting this story to his brother in law Ned in Cottonwood, Arizona. Ned explains that he knows all about the escape procedures. Ned dated almost every one of my six sisters and ended up marrying my youngest sister. It turns out Ned had the same routine when my older sisters were baby sitting Gail and her siblings. Life never quits taking strange twist.
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