Saturday, November 30, 2024

Yesterday was Williamsburg

OK, perhaps Kadizzle is obsessed with the snollygoster. On our Thanksgiving history tour of the Richmond area it is hard not to think about the disaster of the Civil War. Now another disaster is on the horizon. Trump will do his best to destroy the legal basis for our country. Wandering through Williamsburg and sitting in the courthouse the thought was how our legal system was hammered out. Even way back then there was a lot of justice.  Over the years our country had a court system that worked. Trump has just about made a joke of our court system. Trump should be in jail, but the court system failed. 

Next Wednesday Kadizzle will go to court with the famous liar in Payson, Gary Morris. Will the court system be manipulated by the liar? More than likely the answer is yes. When Gary gets to elect the judge we have a problem. When Trump has lickspittles on the Supreme Court we have a problem. 

Life has it's little ups and downs, so do countries.  The United States is on a path to a new low. The halls of Washington are packed with incompetent Trump scoundrels. How is that going to work? 

Friday, November 29, 2024

Williamsburg Today

Another historical tour today. Did Trump ever read a history book? Trump is devoid of any real knowledge. Trump lives, eats, and breathes the con man life. Trump may have read up on Hitler, he has that act down pat. 

One thing history teaches are the old mistakes. Trump is heading us right into a depression, but the idiot is clueless. There are two schools of thought on the Trumpster, one is Trump is a genius, my take is he is an idiot. As the saying goes " Even a blind hog ol root. " If you do enough cheating and bankruptcy a few are bound to succeed. 

At the home we are renting there is a pinball machine. Sylvie, and Fran have been fascinated with it. The first time on the machine Kadizzle scored the second highest score ever. It was pure luck, but Kadizzle portrayed it as him being pinball wizard. This is Trump. Daddy gave the rotten con man some big bucks. Con man gambled and had a couple good hits. Adding dishonesty, and cheating to the mix certainly helped. Trump cheated countless people out of money.  That is not exactly genious. 

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Kadizzle becomes an actor

Sylvie is grandpa's pride and joy. Her latest nickname is "The Giant". The little kid is now taller than Grandpa. Sylvie attends the Denver School for the arts. This means she is an actor in plays and has to memorize lines. Sylvie has an amazing ability to do this, and she makes grandpa play the other part in many scenes. So grandpa has the script and Sylvie does it all by her amazing memory. Grandpa gets to read his part. 

So turkey day moves on. Fran, and Winky are both good cooks and the kitchen is bustling with activity. Erin is assigned to make a pie. Losing weight is hopeless. Grandpa has always been addicted to dressing. 

Breathing is effortless at sea level and the sleeping is very good. Having a huge park across the street is perfect for the runners in the family. Kadizzle only runs when gunmen are chasing him.  

The art of becoming fat and staying fat

Here the family is gathered in Richmond. As on so many of these adventures we eat out and eat well. Someone made an old school into The Blue Atlas. The food was incredible and so were the drinks. Next, finish the food, and then sit by a fire and tell the old stories over and over. By the fire smoke a cigar, and drink a small sipper. Nothing to it, just stay away from the scales. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Trump at Monticello

 Kadizzle visited Monticello yesterday. Kadizzle asked the historian if Trump was ever there. Of course not. Trump is clueless about our history, and how the constitution came about. His followers are in the same boat. Greed is the Republican constitution. Exploiting the slaves was a sad part of Thomas Jefferson's life. Having forced sex was another aspect of Jefferson.  Trump might have imagined he was Jefferson in that regard. On the other hand Jefferson read, and did some good things along with the bad. Jefferson was not a good businessman, but like Trump he thought he was. Trump might have learned something from that. 

Thomas Jefferson stuck by the truth, that could have been a good lesson for Trump. Thomas Jefferson stuck up for what he perceived as right. Trump on the other hand knows he is a con man, a crook, a liar, and a sexual abuser. Thomas Jefferson wrote a lot, it is doubtful Trump had one minute of introspection. Thomas Jefferson liked to read, explore and learn. Imagine Trump reading. Trump just loves lying and stealing. 

Jefferson stood for some principles. Trump stands only for tax cuts for the rich. People visited Jefferson at Monticello and Jefferson learned something. People visit Trump at Mar a lago and scheme to help Trump cheat and steal. 

Trump's hero is Hitler, not Thomas Jefferson. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2024


Somewhere Kadizzle read Richmond, Va. was ranked very high for nice cities. Yesterday Kadizzle thought he must agree. Right across the street from where we are staying is a magnificent park. So our group walked through that park to the Japanese gardens. Which were even more wonderful. 

Richmond is full of wonderful parks and great walks. Later in the day we got the tour of Church Hill with Uncle Ben. Uncle Ben is one of the top experts on the Civil War. For his retirement hobby Ben buys and sells Civil War relics. His house is a museum. Every inch of wall and floor space is filled with interesting relics. Ben know the story of each one. In the adjoining building are more treasures, including many uniforms of the era. If you go to Richmond maybe we can put you in touch. 

Monday, November 25, 2024


A magnificent park is across the street from our Thanksgiving location. Wonderful trees and a terrific walking path make up the main theme of the park. Kadizzle always up for meeting people, met Lynwood 68 getting his exercise. We had a great conversation. Somewhere in the conversation Kadizzle mentioned this blog. Lynwood had never read a blog, so good morning Lynwood if you are reading this. 

 Meeting and understanding people is a great privilege too many people deny themselves. Exploring the life of another person is a treat. Living in your own little world is imprisoning yourself. Reach out and say as John Prine does " Hello in there".

Kadizzle in Richmond

Here we are with family for Thanksgiving in Richmond, Virginia. We rented a quasi mansion and it feels like the old south gentleman lifestyle. Creaky old floors, but a nice house on a traditional street. Uncle Ben will give us a tour of his area later today. Uncle Ben is one of the top experts on the Civil War in the country. A relic hunter since childhood Uncle Ben now is a dealer in Civil War artifacts. 

Mind boggling to find our Nephew voted for Trump.  All the old normal people sat around the large dining table and talked politics for hours. Nephew Josh sat and took in the wind of the old geezers.

There are so many reasons Democrats lost. A big reason is Democrats abandoned working people. The rich own the country and working people have been left out. All the rich the Kadizzle family knows have two or three houses, while the working man cannot afford one. Here we sit renting an extra house some rich person has. Republicans have robbed working people and the idiots are turning to the very people who robbed them for help.  

Arthur Little was a small black kid Kadizzle went to high school with. Arthur would go through the halls of the school repeating Emily Dickinson's words " I am nobody, who are you". Arthur gave Kadizzle his first real lesson in poetry.  A black kid reciting poetry that applied to him was a revelation. A phrase Arthur taught Kadizzle was " Farting through silk".  Once you had it made you farted through silk. 

It is Monday morning and Kadizzle is sitting in the home of someone in Richmond, Virginia. We are renting the house, but it is obvious the owner is farting through silk. Many times we have rented farting silk houses to be with our kids. 

As so many struggle, a few fart through silk. It has always been that way. The silk farters are totally unaware that their unrestrained greed is starving people, destroying the planet, and electing Trump. Fart loudly, fart proudly. 


Saturday, November 23, 2024

The Sun Also rises

Who gets the tax cuts you idiots? Yup, steal from the poor give to the rich. They deserve it, after all they inherited it like God wanted. 

Kadizzle is 75 years old and in that 75 years he has never seen the emergence of insanity like the election of Trump. So many delusional people, so many stupid people. Kadizzle talks to a lot of people in every walk of life and what he hears is insanity infesting the minds of so many. Those not taken in by Trump's lies are stunned as is Kadizzle. What happened when educated people, talented professionals, and those with functioning minds fell for the cult mentality?

You want to believe something? What do you do? You find someone or some group that believes what you want to believe. Religion perfected this long ago. Pick a religion that promotes your self delusion. Religion had hundreds of years to perfect it's lies. What about today? If you want to believe political nonsense we now have the internet. Turn it on and find some delusional, lying fool that will assure what you believe is true. Everytime Kadizzle encounters a cult member and has a discussion it is the same thing. The discussion always turns to where do you get your information? Every cult member will say they do not engage in CBS, NBC, ABC, The New York Times, PBS, or any respectable news media. Instead the dinger will tell your their favorite liar. It might just be Fox, but in most cases the dinger has a special person with a podcast or youtube show that deludes them exactly the way they like. The dingers are like children " Daddy tell me a story about witches".  Conspiracy stories, and "Deep state " stories are the ones the dingers love. 

There are two groups of cult members, those with money, and those without. Both groups admire the rich. The poor dingers love the notion that their mess was created by someone else. The poor dingers never made it past high school, and a lot of them did not make it that far. Now the poor dingers are living in a run down trailer, with a chain link fence, and living on social security. Trump knows what to tell these dingers. It is not your fault. The deep state did this to you, the Democrats did this to you, the welfare cheats did this to you. This is music to the ears of an idiot. 

Now what about the cult members with money? If you are delusional and have some change in your pocket you bitch about taxes. A monied dinger cannot comprehend the rich don't pay taxes and that is why the middle class has to. Instead the cult members with money are told it is the immigrants, and welfare cheats eating their pie.  A look at the data would quickly dispel this notion, but cult people don't believe in math and data. 

Friday, November 22, 2024

Gary Morris a lying weasel beyond compare

 A follower of Trump, Gary Morris has adopted the Trump lying and put it on steroids. Kadizzle is going to go to court with the lying weasel. The lying weasel approacked Kadizzle with armed gunmen while Kadizzle was standing on Highway 87 promoting Kamala Harris. Weasel damanded Kadizzle vacate the sidewalk. Kadizzle used the oppertunity to explain to lying weasel what he thought about the lying with a bull horn. It was great to confront lying weasel while his armed gunmen stood there to hear about the weasel. 

In Gary Morris  (Gary Morris is he local head of the Trump cult) fashion he went to court and claimed Kadizzle harassed him. Wow, Kadizzle is a hundred yards away from lying weasel, lying weasel comes up to Kadizzle and claims he has been harassed. 

For days Kadizzle has been working on this court case. Today Kadizzle is going to make a list of the distortions and lies of the weasel. Rest assured it will take more than one page. A favorite lie of the weasel is to mislabel encounters. Gary Morris has been lying for several years that Kadizzle was arrested for assault twice in North Dakota. Anyone with access to a computer can prove this wrong by searching state and federal records. 

In court Kadizzle asked the judge to question Gary Morris about where he got this information. Gary Morris cited the Washington Post. The Washington Post Article Gary Morris cited clearly stated no one was arrested when Kadizzle encountered Senator Kevin Cramer in 2017, yet Gary Morris under oath told this lie in court. 

In the lifetime of Kadizzle he has encountered some scoundrels, but Gary Morris tops them all. Gary Morris claims that if you ask to speak to him about his lying that is stalking and harassment. 

Trump has mastered the art of misusing the judicial system and Gary Morris has adopted the techniques of Trump. Gary Morris in one of his corrupt court cases claimed Kadizzle interupted a demonstration the Republicans were having. The police investigated and found Kadizzle was 70 miles away in Cottonwood when Gary Morris fabricated that particular lie. In court Gary Morris claimed Kadizzle spit on him. A complete lie. Kadizzle asked the judge to ask Gary where he spit hit him. Gary replied " It was more like a spray". 

Kadizzle was a municipal judge in Hazen, North Dakota for 25 years and in those 25 years hearing cases no one ever lied like Gary Morris. 

What do you do when you are faced with a pathological liar? A pathological liar is someone who compulsively lies without a clear reason, often to the point of causing harm to others or themselves. This is Gary Morris. Does he know he is lying. That is the puzzle. 

My Mother Told Me & Valhalla Calling_ Miracle Of Sound, Peyton Parrish, ...Shared by Truck Buddy

Truck buddy posted this musical video in the comments. Strange, but good. A lot of insight into Truck Buddies' mind.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Celtic Thunder - A Place In The Choir (Live From Kansas City / 2011) Today's musical pick, give it a try

What is wrong?

If your sitting there scratching your testicles wondering what is wrong here it is. After you check the figures Kadizzle will comment. 

 The income distribution in the United States remains highly skewed, reflecting significant disparities:

  1. Top 1% and Top 10%:

    • The top 1% of earners capture 19% of total income.
    • The top 10% of households collectively receive approximately 45% of all income【6†source】【9†source】.
  2. Middle 80% (10th to 90th percentile):

    • Middle-income households (roughly the 50th to 90th percentiles) primarily rely on labor income, which makes up more than 75% of their earnings. Transfer payments (e.g., Social Security) contribute more to middle-income families than to those in the lowest income deciles【9†source】.
  3. Lowest 10%:

    • Households in the bottom 10% account for less than 1% of total income. Their income predominantly comes from transfer payments, with little reliance on labor or capital income【9†source】.
  4. General Median Income:

    • The median household income increased to $80,610 in 2023, showing a 4% growth from the prior year【6†source】【8†source】.

For a detailed interactive visualization of income percentiles and decile breakdowns, tools like the U.S. Census Bureau and the BEA provide in-depth charts and calculators.

OK, slow learners. What happens when 1% get 19% ? Gee that means the pie for everyone else just shrunk big time. Now, give 45% to the top 10%. Gee golly the top 10% ate half the pie. Unless you are brain dead you can see most people are nibbling on very little pie. 

So what? Well when you are busted flat that puts you in the mood to listen to Trump. Trump will tell you it is not the rich that are robbing you, nope it is the deep state, the immigrants, the welfare cheats, and we all know the minorities are a problem. Why would Trump lie to you? Trump's greed, and Elon's greed is unlimited. They just want more. So Republicans it turns out are the problem with their unrestrained greed. 400 families have half the wealth of the United States, the want more. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

The Two Economic Ideologies Dividing USA explained by Heather Cox better watch this or be stupid

Republican Jesus

 Might have said " Would the old Jesus protect me from the new Jesus".  At the casino the other night Kadizzle sat next to an old fart. Old fart A was lecturing Old fart B about religion. Old fart A spends thousands gambling, and loses. That money could do so much to help the poor. Old fart A drinks, smokes, gambles, and seems like a strange one to promote Jesus. However, since God, Jesus, picked Trump anything is possible. After old fart A was done lecturing old fart B about the lord Kadizzle asked old fart A " I, take it you are religious, what religion are you?"  Old fart replied " Christian". " That covers a lot of ground Kadizzle said. Then Kadizzle asked old fart A. " What did you think about Trump being elected president?".  Old fart A says " Trump is a born again Christian, and that is what we need".  Kadizzles head spins for several minutes and Kadizzle realizes what religion has done to our country. 

Kadizzle gave up on religion at the age of five when he was locked in a room at Sunday school. Religion has caused more hate, discontent, murder, wars, and waste of resources than anything on Earth. Religion has been misused by rats like Trump, TV preachers, and others to prey on the poor. How can people buy into that nonsense?

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Dear Unknown

A commenter on this blog lacks the courage to identify so Kadizzle will call him Unknown. Trump is a con man and a convicted felon. Even without the courts this is obvious. Matt Gaetz has shown us what he is. If Matt Gaetz is a saint, why not release the records? Was Al Capone a gangster? Everyone know what Al Capone was. However, he went to jail for tax evasion, not the rest of his criminality. As the old saying goes " You don't have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows".  Most normal human beings can spot a liar, a con man, and a sexual abuser without the aid of a court. Being a rapist himself Trump is not one to rely on for appointing decent people. Decent people Unknown have the courage to put a name with their comments. Clues to the worth of a person are many. Trump is a worthless lying con man. You do not need a microscope to figure that out. 

Chaos will be so much fun

This is not the planet Kadizzle was born on. The old planet Earth seemed to have a little bit of logic, and it was somewhat understandable. Yesterday was typical. Kadizzle talked to his friend the neurosurgeon. Doctor with a big smile said how he was looking forward to the mess Donald Trump will create. Imagine looking forward to the Civil War or the holocaust.  

This seems so much like a crowd at a hanging, or gathering to watch a building demolished with explosives. Trump is rubbing his hands as he picks the worst imaginable people to destroy the country. The late night comedians all had fun talking about how Trump made RFK eat McDonalds crap food. Trump loves to make his followers look like idiots. When Trump stands on a stage and talks about Arnold Palmer's penis his crowd just stands there. Normal people would walk out saying to themselves " Trump is bug fucking crazy". Nope, they love being cut down and demeaned. Trump famously said " I love the uneducated".

Pick up the New York Times today and read how Putin and Russia are gleefully waiting for Trump to destroy the United States. What have we come to? Nothing can shake the cult from the fog of insanity surrounding Trump. 

Locally Kadizzle has been in court fighting the little lying rat Gary Morris. Mind boggling is the courts readily acceptance of the pathological liar. Kadizzle provided a detective agency affidavit to the Payson Justice Court proving Gary Morris has lied on multiple occasions. No problem, Gary can lie at will. The court pointed out that Kadizzle must prove Gary has lied three times in the past year. All the other lying and deceit has been forgiven. 

Now a little taste of the court system. Gary Morris approached Kadizzle on the Beeline highway with two or three gunmen beside him carrying holstered weapons. This would seem to an ordinary person harassment. Gary Morris told Kadizzle he had to leave the public sidewalk. The judge said the gunmen were there under their own vallation, and Gary Morris had no control over them. This seemed insane. It was very much like the time Trump sent his gunmen to the Capital. They went on their own, Trump had nothing to do with it. 

The court system in our country is toast. The supreme court has proven what Republicans can do to justice. Now if you don't get it just think about Trump appointing Matt Gatz attorney general. Gatz had sex with a 17 year old girl and was observed by witnesses. As stated before nothing will shake the mind of a cult member into consciousness. 

Monday, November 18, 2024

Planet Trump

The clowns are polishing the clown car for the inauguration. The chaos has already started to simmer. Destruction, and revenge are the specials on the menu. A great experiment is about to be ignited. Mix stupidity, loyalty, and the cult mentality. What do you get? A dictator for sure with a rich buddy. So life as we know it will change. The kid who gives the teacher the finger is our new leader. Two spoiled rich brats will get whatever their rich daddies could have given them and more. Admiration will be mandatory. The virtues of being a lickspittle will be promoted. The art of ass kissing will be a new course in every business school. Looting, cheating, crony capitalism is on the way. How about a dish of conflict of interest? Let the mess begin. We got an energy zar, what about a garbage zar?

Hitler would be jealous of the red hat king. How long until we invade Mexico and Canada? Trump sleeps with the Hitler playbook by his side. Fortunately Trump was never big on reading. The planet is melting and Trump wants to add fuel to the fire. Proud to be stupid is the new Republican motto. 


Sunday, November 17, 2024

Father forgive us for what we must do. You forgive us well forgive you.

 Here we go another day. John Prine is singing. John got kicked off of Noah's arch.

All my friends are dead or insane. The white meat is on the run. No one can crank out the words like John Prine. If you are not a fan, you got a problem. 

The white meat is on the run, and guess who is chasing the white meat? Yup, the master rat, Donald Trump. Trump is appointing the most rotten crazy people he can dredge from the cult. Going to be a long Monday, John Prine says. Sitting by a clock that has come unwound. 

Come on baby give me a kiss that will last all week. Gona be a long Monday. John Prine says give my knees to the needy. There will be plenty of needy as the Trumpster wrecks the economy shoveling gifts to the rich. 

If you have driven around our county you might notice it is crumbling. The rich thieves have stolen it all. Elon is dancing with Trump as they get set to do the final pillage. Elon has been put in charge of destruction. Tear apart the system that made the country the leader. 

Wait until the Trumpster gives his dictator buddies gifts. Putin will get Ukraine for Christmas. 

The planet is melting and the Trumpster says pour me another drink and drill baby drill. 

Old Kadizzle is 75 and will maybe get to see Armageddon. John Prine says " That is why last night and this morning always look the same to me".  The dolts always are ready to be fooled. The dolts love a good circus even if Trump and Hitler are the ring masters. As children get blown to pieces in the middle east we watch football. 

Friday, November 15, 2024

Planet Trump

 Kadizzle is now living on a strange planet. Up is down, truth is a lie, and half the population is insane. Planet Trump is bent on self destruction. The preferred method is to fry ourselves with global warming. Jesus Trump wants to drill baby drill. Methane is much worse than CO2 for cooking the planet so the Trumpster wants as much as possible. 

Trump bitched about criminals coming across the border, but the new Al Capone has his own set of criminals lined up to run the country. The black plague was a lot of fun, and RFK is prepping for a rerun. 

Planet Trump is nuclear, nuclear insanity. In the past the military protected us from Trump, now it will be his axe.  The delusional love the attack on the deep state. Trump is now the state. How Trump will attack himself should be amusing. 

Trump is filling the clown car with gas. 

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Working on Solar Panel

The electric bill came and it was for 22 dollars. Not bad, but still not a winner with our new solar system. The solar system reduced out cost by $50.83. Not bad, but a problem. The solar system is costing about $100.00 per month. So in theory the sun paid for about half the lease of the solar system. Hmm, seems like we actually saved about three dollars. Wait, got that all wrong. We paid the electric company $22 and the solar company $100. So that means we paid a total of $122 for electricity. Without the solar we would have paid $72 in theory. That means we actually paid $50 more. Maybe the solar was not a brilliant idea. However, the system has only operated a short time. Now Kadizzle can see his failure. Purchasing the system may have been a better deal. A purchase would have meant the cost of the system would have been reduced every month. Going to have to do some head scratching and figure this out. A major problem in the game is the electric company sells us electricity at a higher rate than they buy it from us. The doctor down he street with solar just put in another battery so he does not have to buy from the the power company. Kadizzle is thinking about  battery for the same reason. Problem is a battery will be $7500, this might enable us to be independent or it could be one more mistake. Calculations need to be made.  

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Nazi Germany all over

 For his entire life Kadizzle wondered how Nazi Germany came about. Now Kadizzle gets to see exactly how it played out. Adolf Trump is setting up the Third Reich. Trump is making sure the worst possible people are appointed to carry out his destruction. Lickspittles are essential to the Trump presidency. 

Puzzle number two. Kadizzle stopped a truck to warn the driver not to run over a snake. The bullsnake was crossing the road. Bullsnakes are good snakes that control mice and rattlesnakes. It happened that the drive of the truck was a neurosurgeon. In no time we got into a political discussion. The doctor was a Trump fan. Wow, how can a person with an education like that believe in Trump. That was the mystery that plagued Kadizzle. 

The key to being in the Trump camp is to dismiss reality. Every Trump dinger Kadizzle interviews believes the real news is untrustworthy. To be a good Nazi in Trump's army you have to carefully select what information goes into your brain and how it gets there. Kadizzle pointed out to the doctor the insanity of Trump and the Arnold Palmer penis story. Ah, that was just a joke he doctor said. Always a way to excuse Trump's insanity. 

Second revelation. Republicans worry a lot about sex. Doctor said the main issue was transgender people in women's locker rooms.  In a era of nuclear war that is the biggest problem? The Earth is melting and sex is the main problem?

Monday, November 11, 2024

Gary Morris the little lying rat

 Who would the Republican Party in Gila Country chose for a leader. Of course it would be someone willing to lie with every breath. Gary Morris will lie in court, on paper, on the radio, and hold a Bible and lie on that. 

Holding campaign signs on highway 87. Gary Morris approached Kadizzle and told him he had to leave. Gary Morris thought he had a restraining order against Kadizzle, but he was mistaken, it had expired. The little rat went to the police to cause trouble for Kadizzle and the told Gay, too bad your last pack of lies expired. 

Kadizzle met his friend the police seargent today who told him the tale. Kadizzle thought for sure Gary would be stirring up some trouble for him. 

Gary approached Kadizzle, it was not the other way around. However, it was too much fun. Republicans armed with guns accompanied Gary Morris as he walked from the Republican rat nest up the street to Kadizzle. When the pack of rats arrived to harass Kadizzle the fun began. Kadizzle had a bull horn and was able to explain with expletives to Gary's little army what a lying little bastard Gary is. Kadizzle has wanted to confront Gary about his lying to his person, but this was a dream come true. Here the little worthless mini Trump was and Kadizzle could blast the truth at him and his minions with a bull horn. Does it get any better?

Ned went on to Jesus

We knew it was coming, and it did. Brother in law Ned died yesterday. My poor sister has been fighting cancer with Ned for several years. Ned had motorcycle oil running in his veins. He spent many days sitting in his little shop restoring motorcycles. Way back Ned raced and rode with my brother Tom. 

Kadizzle had six sisters, and Ned was determined to marry one of them. Strangely he ended up with Patty the last child in the family. They had two sons and a great run. Both like dogs, and they always had those damned yapping dogs. Ned had dated some of the older sisters. Long ago and far away Ned and a friend came rumbling up the road to the farm we used for a vacation place. Who in the hell is that Kadizzle wondered. Next the loud truck pulled right into the grass on the front yard. That guy has a lot of balls Kadizzle remembers thinking. Out popped Ned and his friend. It took awhile to figure out who they were. Kadizzle was there with Winky and Patty. Soon Ned and Patty hit it off, and the next thing you knew they were married living in Florida. 

Ned was a good guy, and very sarcastic. Ned did not have a lot of tolerance for stupid people, and lord knows they are abundant. Patty and Ned ended up in Cottonwood. Patty has a nice travel van and hopefully she will come see us when things settle down. Of the nine children in our family five are left. The two oldest Tom and Melissa are still putting along in their eighties. Colin, Louise, Amy, and Kathaleen went on to the big house. Such is life

With Patty's problems Kadizzle has had to drive back and forth to Cottonwood from Payson. The trip goes faster listening to John Prine. If you have not heard John Prine, you better get with it. John Prine is a master of words and song. 

Sunday, November 10, 2024

OK, what about life

Strangers don't scare Kadizzle. However, Winky has trepidation. Yesterday Kadizzle drove down main street. It was obvious a trail hiker was walking down the street. Since we work on the Arizona Trail Kadizzle likes to encounter and spot trail hikers. The Arizona Trail goes from Mexico to Utah. Kadizzle offered the trail hiker a ride to town. The Trail hiker goes by the name Angel. He came to the Donuts meeting, had a donut, and charged his electronics while the meeting went on. 

Kadizzle offered to let Angel come home with him, take a shower, wash his clothes and sleep in the back yard. Kadizzle comes from a family of nine children and strangers are part of life. As a child Kadizzle was. used to waking up Saturday morning and finding someone he did not know sleeping on the couch. Our home was a refuge for everyone. On the other hand Winky gets nervous having and unknown in the house. Angel had problems with his air mattress so Kadizzle told him to just sleep on the pull out couch. Winky does not like the idea of having and axe murderer in the house, but it has worked out fine. 

Saturday, November 09, 2024

Morning has bronken

The twilight zone keeps coming to mind. When Adolf Trump had his victory Kadizzle realized he was on a different planet. The humans on this planet have been affected by chemicals and radiation. How else do you explain the lack of reality. So what does one do? We are floating on an unknown river. Resisting the current is hopeless. One major unknown is the possibility of a dam or a waterfall. Another possibility is the river will rise with a flood, or drop to be unavigatable. Rivers carve their own course. 

It is just wait and see. Certainly in Germany as Hitler went nuts sane people just wondered how the end would come. The phrase " How's that working for you?" keeps coming to mind. There is no doubt Trump will rape the working class and shove money to his buddies. It will all be wrapped in the nicest paper. Lying and thievery will be looked on as an art. Trump's ego will swell to the size of the sun. 

Imagine Trump's speeches, full of lies, bluster, and insanity. What will the state of the union address be like. Who's penis will be the main topic?  We may luck out. Trump may spend all his time golfing and only come to Washington to steal golf balls. 

Think of the merchandizing. What will Trump sell? White House tours will be ten thousand dollars. A trip in Air Force Once will be a million. The rat has been given a license to plunder and sell the country. Elon Musk has already purchased the military at a discount. 

Kadizzle is 75, if he lives he will see a clown show like none other. Hitler had tanks, and soldiers, and concentration camps. Trump will have nuclear bombs and the new secret police. Free speech is toast. 

All the little clowns in the little towns will go nuts. Right here in Payson the mentally ill Tea Party will be drinking the tea of insanity with a double shot of idiocy. Destroying education will be easy. When the economy crashes who will suffer the most. Of course it will be the guys under the Trump hats. 

Friday, November 08, 2024

Dearest Unknown

People have been commenting on this blog and failing to use a name. Kadizzle cannot tell who is whom when several people use the unknown feature. So make up a name and it will help. There seems to be some reasonable unknowns and some insane ones. It will help to tell them apart if they would kindly use even a fictitious name. Kadizzle knows Truckbuddy. Truckbuddy makes some bizzare post, but that is fine. 

Adolph Trump

Here we go. Let's set the house on fire. Where should we start. No, lets burn down the school first. Maybe we can let the cattle eat in the garden. We can save some money by firing the garbage man. All the food we canned for winter we can open and eat tonight. Since we no longer have to pay taxes money will be plentiful and things will be fine. We can make the Chinese pay us for selling us things. That will give us even more money. Hope the gardener pulls all the weeds before we send him to Trump camp. If we can make Putin pay for us giving him Ukraine that will be some money to buy beer. Let's put most of the government on golf leave. No more pesky people, we can have them arrested and jailed with our own judges. All this progress needs to be commemorated. A statue of Arnold Palmer's penis similar to the Washington monument would be great at Mar a Lago.  

Abolishing truth will make everything great. The debt will disappear, we will be the bigglyist, the greatest, and the bestest just by saying so. Prospertity will reign supreme. Americans can take back the fruit picking jobs once the immigrants are gone, construction companies will thrive building border walls. Gun sales will boom. With everyone armed fewer policemen will be needed. Drill baby drill. We can open up federal lands and drill baby drill. Electricity will be so cheap when we remove all those silly scrubbers and filters. Think of the money saved by eliminating the court system. Shooting bums, criminals and Democrats on sight will be very cost effective. Once the deep state is eliminated China can no longer abuse us. We can all get the truth from Fox News.  

Forgot to mention pesky women. With women in their place no more dishes for Kadizzle. Lots of babies to keep those women occupied. Thinking will no longer be necessary. The churches will tell us what to think, and post the rules everywhere. All we have to do is pick a religion we like and thinking as we know it is over. Being mindless is bliss. We can all get tattoos, drive goofy trucks that make a lot of noise and fly "Don't tread on me" flags. This new world will be great. Giving the finger to anyone you disagree with will become the new greeting. Trump will show us how to just beat up anyone that gives us poor service. All the people who do the service jobs will be smiling and singing with no tax on tips, or overtime.  The new world will be spectacular. Why did we wait so long to free ourselves from the burden of the Marxist socialist communist Democrats?

Wednesday, November 06, 2024

The United States no longer exist

It is over. The American experience is done. Idiocy has won, the Russians conquered our country by supporting one insane individual. It did not take a bomb, or one shot fired. Fox News was more toxic than all the radiation in every nuclear bomb. The power of lying was all it took. Let the chaos begin. 

In my life I never knew what it felt like to have a home destroyed by a tornado. I never knew what a terminal illness felt like mentally. Now, that feeling of certain death is upon me. A madman will lead the country singing over a cliff. The level of insanity cannot be captured by words. 

To know you are in a country exactly like pre war Germany is hard for the mind to grasp. The possibility of a good outcome is non existent. A man told idiots in the plainest language he intended to destroy life as we know it. The idiots said " Let's give it a try".  

History is meaningless to the uneducated. The pattern of tyrants has been clear throughout time. Seeing a country voluntarily giving up freedom is a sickening thing I never thought I would live through. 

Trump has promised to destroy our country. We have given a drunk the keys to our car and asked him to take us on a mountain road. The bloated rich could not get enough and now their unrestrained greed will have Trump at the wheel. 

Trump will set out to destroy health care, the climate, and the economy. Trump will succeed. Trump's unrestrained ego could easily trigger a nuclear war. The entire scenario was something my mind never considered until I sit here today. 

The most mind boggling thing is we put the gun to our head, and Trump will delight in pulling the trigger. No good outcome is imaginable. The slow painful disintegration will let every American experience the cancer of unrestrained greed. 

Tuesday, November 05, 2024

Ry Cooder - Jesus On The Mainline call him up and tell him what you want. Harris for president. Hope Jesus answers.

Brave Republican gunman points his penis compensator at Kadizzle

 A large lump of Republican non humanity drove by Democratic headquarters and shouted obscenities at my friend Jeff. I followed lumpy as he drove away and managed to pull my truck beside the Hooplehead. As he tried to drive away from Jeff he gave the one finger symbol for the Republican IQ. Sitting beside Lumpmore at the traffic light I got out of my truck and motioned the idiot to come out and discuss his shortcomings. The lump ass pulled a gun from somewhere in his vehicle and pointed it at me as he waved it around. The light turned green and he brave gunman sped away. This is the Republican mind in action. Last Saturday another brave Republican gunman approached Kadizzled on Highway 87. That brave gunman never took his penis compensator from the holster. Why do Republicans need guns. Kadizzle has never met a normal person carrying a gun. It is always right wing dingers. 

In Denver Kadizzle had a conversation with a gunman about why he needed to carry a gun. He was the uncle to my granddaughter. He asked me why I objected to gun insanity. I told him I wanted to protect my wonderful Sylvie from gun nuts at school. Gunman said it was important for him to exercise his gun rights. Apparently his gun rights are more important than Sylvie's right to life. 

Kadizzle has questioned several law enforcement people and asked them how often they ever took their gun out of the holster. The typical answer is once in 25 years. Now think about it. If anyone would be likely to need a gun, it would be a lawman. However, in actuality most lawmen never use their gun. Exactly the wrong people have guns in our country. It is the little scared men, with low IQ's. Just the wrong people to be armed. 

Brave gunman who pointed his compensator at Kadizzle forgot one thing about his threat. To shoot Kadizzle gunman would have had to have blown the windshield out of his car. The gun game does not work in real life like it does in the movies. When the Republicans hold their little show of force in front of their nest guns are always part of the show.  You will never see that childish stuff among Democrats. If a gun dinger showed up at any Democratic event he would be asked to leave. 

Denomination Blues OK folks listen to this then read the post below with Pastor Joe

Where is Truckbuddy?

The full sized tractor trailer unit with a white truck is no longer behind he Speedway gas station. Truckbuddy is not pedaling his electric bike down main street. Where did he go? You can't park a full sized truck made into an RV just anywhere. Hiding something that size is no easy task. 

It is migration time. When the humming birds leave the bums usually follow. Bums like warm weather. In North Dakota bums simply did not exist. In Payson there is usually a good crop of bum walkers. The bum walkers stroll around, ride around on their bikes, or just stand still and beg. 

Kadizzle encountered a bum walker near the grocery store. The bum was about to start his day of begging. Kadizzle told the bum he would give him ten dollars to hold a Harris sign. Nope, how about twenty? OK the bum said, then Bummore realized he was a Trump dolt and refused. How desperate could Bummore be?

A lot of the bums are burnt out on drugs or alcohol. Kadizzle tried to start a security service called Bum Security. The idea was to pay bums to keep an eye on things. The Republicans steal political signs every night. Why not have Bum Security hang out near the signs. One thing you can count on with bums is there is nothing you can count on. Most of the time the bum doesn't know where he is going or when he will get there, or why he is going there. Bums just wander and ponder. 

Bums do need to eat and a place to sleep. Pastor Joe figured out how to make money from drug addicts, and alcoholics. Tell them you will cure them. What is the cure? Well Pastor Joe puts the bumly fellows in a white van. Then when Mildred calls and says she needs he yard cleaned up Pastor Joe drives the bum wagon over and has the bums clean the yard. The bums don't get paid, but pastor Joe gets a nice donation. This is Pastor Joes new spin on slavery. With slaves you just have to house and feed them then sell the cotton at a profit. When you get Jesus in on the game you have a winning combination. Want to add sauce to the scam? Pastor Joe figured that out. Open a thrift store, and label it U Turn for Christ. Put a big Trump sign on the store. Now, have the bums collect junk, put it in the store, and have the bums run the store. Of course the sweetener is Jesus. The big TV preachers all know if you are going to do a scam your best partner is Jesus. Of course Trump enlisted Jesus to help sell his Chinese Bibles. You can go to your church, you can go to your school, if you don't have Jesus your an educated fool. 

Sunday, November 03, 2024

Keep it simple stupid

Hoopleheads don't like complexity. Trump's main supporters did not go to college. Without idiots Trump would not stand a chance. simplifying  things works for the simple. Complexity scares the simple minded. Look how they write, look at what they watch. It is always cartoons and simple sentences. Conspiracy theories are fun for simple  minded people. A simpleton thinks they have discovered something when an illogical person gives them some goofy theory. Idiots crave stupidity. RFK is Trump's answer to health care. Elon Musk is his answer to everything else. You have a problem, just pretend it is not there. That is the Republican response to climate change. It works perfectly for the simple minded. Want more money for everyone, just eliminate taxes. Again a simple solution for simple people. 

History has shown that simple solutions often lead to major disasters. Smoke some tobacco, a simple way to calm down a simple person. In a complex way that tobacco kills the simple person who smokes it, but the simpleton just says " no problem".  On it goes. Remember when the idiots opposed seat belts. The idiots oppose vaccines. The idiots have no clue about how polio was cured. Science is poison to dolts. Cats kill one hundred times the number of birds wind mills do. Can the dolts figure this out? Hell no, so Trump tells them windmills kill birds. Hoopleheads, dolts, and dingers are the basis of the Republican party. Trump sells the dolts gold tennis shoes, Chinese Bibles, and $100,000 watches. Trump has made a fortune exploiting Hoopleheads. Trump even tells the simple minded to their face, he loves them. 

Deadwood - Hooplehead bashing Season 1 The people voting for Trump

Leonard Cohen - Anthem (Live in London) Inspiration to fight the Hoopleheads

Our country has never been in such peril. Trump has vowed to destroy the country. Russia could have no better friend than Donald Trump. If the election goes south, if the Hoopleheads get their dream for a mentally ill dictator chaos will rain supreme. Fight until the last moment. 

Saturday, November 02, 2024


You failed. You are sitting in a run down trailer surrounded by a chain link fence. Your big thrill is going to the casino to give away the social security check. You got a problem, you don't want to admit you were the cause of your failure. Problem solved, Donald Trump will give you the excuse you yearn for. You did not fail because you were lazy and ignorant. You did not fail because you did not try hard enough. Nope, you failed because of Democrats, the government, immigrants, and the list goes on. Oh, thank you Donald for saving me from myself. I know I am not the problem, thank you Donald. Lie to me some more, I love lies they make me feel good. 

Friday, November 01, 2024

Are we about to embark on a journey of idiocy unparalleled in my lifetime?

Not since Hitler has the world faced a rat like Donald Trump. Trump has tapped into hate, stupidity, and delusion. Trump has abused the ignorant for his own gain. Trump does not posses an once of morality, respectability, or decency. Pity the fool that votes for Trump. Put on a red idiot hat and let the world know you are a dolt. Kadizzle does not have any respect for a person incapable of seeing Trump for what he is. 

Trump will shovel money to those who already have too much. Trump will lie, cheat, and steal with the blessing of his followers. The dark cloud over our country will rain hate, and destruction. 

Could Kadizzle be wrong? Maybe Trump will be a harmless dolt, maybe good people will restrain him. Mike Pence finally turned on the rat. Will it happen? Very unlikely. What brought Hitler down, fire, destruction and he loss of millions of lives. That is fine with Trump.