Friday, October 11, 2024

We are toast

 The lesson of the depression is the most important history lesson Kadizzle ever had. People will not act until they are cold and hungry. Les put it another way. People have to really have it bad before they will do anything. It is the classic fat guy routine. Eat, eat, eat until the heart attack, then diet. Maybe Kadizzle fits this MO.  Our society is on the verge of making things about as bad as it can get. The mind goes back and forth, but right now the mind things Trump may win. Elon Musk is putting on a full court press for Trump. This is totally insane, but the insane love insanity. Trump has bushels of crazy, and the Hoopleheads love crazy. 

When Trump gets in office normalcy will be torn to shreds. Rampant stupidity will be like fire. Trump will do one stupid thing that will trigger ten other stupid things. Nuclear war may be the end result. Trump's love for dictators may be the grand finally. Trump will sell our country to any dictator that wants it. The mess Trump will make is unimaginable. The economy will collapse. Kadizzle things it will take six months for Trump to plunge the country into total chaos. 

The question is can the country recover? We did recover from the depression, it took a war, it was not easy or fun, but we did. All the people starring at cell phones will be shocked into reality. 


truckbuddy said...

those who do not know our history are doomed to repeat it. A civil War song written to buck up the southern troops performed by Hoyt Axton.

truckbuddy said...

This man has a mind of his own