Friday, October 11, 2024

Rampant Mental illness at the library.

 In every town the library is where the mentally ill gather to celebrate other worlds. Naturally Kadizzle went there. At the bar last night Kadizzle told John there were three mental cases at the library when he arrived. John asked " Did that include you?". No, that made four. 

Mike F. and Kadizzle were going to sit in front of the library with political signs. The mental fireworks started as soon as we were getting the signs out of the car. Mental cases A and B were over by B's beat up Junker motor home arguing loudly. Kadizzle thought mental case A might be the some nut case that was driven out of Democratic headquarters by the police last Saturday. It was. When mental case A saw our signs he immediately came over on his bike and started a verbal assault. Out of the blue a mental woman also started verbally assaulting us. 

We got our signs and sat in our chairs with the signs. Mental case A came over and made an extreme verbal attack on us. Dave from the library came out and told A he had to leave. Several times Dave warned A that if he did not leave the police would be called. Mental case A persisted and Dave phoned the police.

Mental case A made a good decision and pedaled off on his bike. Now, the funny part. Two police cars showed up, but as the drove down the road, they drove right by A going the other way. Then the confusion started. Somehow the police thought the problem was at the dog park next to the library. Mental case B was now over there. B engaged the police in a crazy way and the police thought B was the nut case they were seeking. Kadizzle could see the problem and explained to the police they had the wrong mental case. Kadizzle showed them a picture of B.  

The whole situation calmed down and life returned to normal. Where crazy lady went who knows. The other day another mental case was explaining to Kadizzle she moved to Payson, because there were 1,000 spirits living here. Apparently a lot of those spirits are mentally ill and hang out at the library. 

Now, last, but not least. One would think people going into a library would have a certain level of intelligence, not so. The very people in the Trump cult apparently can read things that verify Trump is OK and doesn't lie. One Trump woman entering the library claimed she was educated. No she was indoctrinated.  


truckbuddy said...

yeah well,

truckbuddy said...

doncha just wish democrat rally's could be like this?

truckbuddy said...

"Nothing comes to mind" - Kamala Harris

truckbuddy said...

Oh, you guys are angry, I'm sorry.